extreme dog days

Chapter 1324 Playing Baseball

Chapter 1324 Playing Baseball

"I'm going to tear you apart! Woohoo"

The ice fox stomped on the ground and released its innate supernatural powers, as if placed in the power of ice, under the action of the power of ice, its whole body was frozen.

Right now, it's a Frozen Spirit Fox.

The frozen spirit fox has no defense, and can only be broken by using absolute power.If you can't break its ice seal, you can't hurt it.


Ling Yun was surprised for a while, he didn't expect Binghu to have such a move.


The Frozen Spirit Fox rushed over. Although it is now in a frozen form, its flexibility has not been affected at all.

"back off"

Ling Yun stretched out his hand to push Qin Yuyan away, and once again burst out with extreme strength and swung his sword to slash at him.


The Huanyun Divine Sword slashed at the Frozen Linghu, and immediately heard the sound of gold and stone cracking waves. Qin Yuyan, who retreated to the side, could only block her ears.

"So hard. Unreal limit, extremely."

With strength alone, coupled with the Magic Cloud Excalibur, Ling Yun couldn't break through the ice seal of the frozen spirit fox, so he could only use the sword to try.The holy sword came out, directly cutting the frozen spirit fox.


The Frozen Spirit Fox was successfully repelled, but it was not injured, and soon rushed over again.

"Unreal limit, extreme"

Ling Yun didn't dare to be negligent, so he could only use the sword state again to knock him out.


"It's really harder than the god stone."

Three times in a row, when Ling Yun burst out all his strength in an instant, he failed to break through the defense of the Frozen Spirit Fox with the Illusory Sword Realm, at most he hit broken ice.

It really surprised and gave him a headache.

He uses this kind of power to display the sword state, even if he is a strong man with the first-level spirit of the divine way, even in the later stage, he will not be able to bear it, and he will either die or be injured.

"Ayun, be careful!"

Qin Yuyan clenched her fists tightly and looked very nervous.She knew that Ling Yun's biggest advantage was speed, but facing this impenetrable frozen spirit fox, he obviously couldn't play any role.

As for his explosive power, although he could exert ten times, or even a hundred times more than his own strength, it was obviously still unable to deal with the frozen spirit fox in front of him.


Ling Yun tried to use the Yin-Yang soul pupil to attack, but it didn't work.

"Damn it, this Frozen Spirit Fox actually has the ability to use unorthodox methods. I beat him to it. It's against the sky! If it was allowed to grow during the Shinto era, wouldn't it be possible to ignore everything?"

Ling Yun was secretly surprised.Fortunately, this frozen spirit fox has been sealed here, if it escapes outside, it will be a big catastrophe.Just relying on its defense, once entering the divine way, even people who are one level higher than it may not be able to get it.

"By the way, this guy is not a sword soul, so it should be sealed here by the Holy Land of Yujian. Since it is sealed, then it exists in the seal. Yuyan, I will stop it, you can find out if there is something special here. "

Ling Yun guessed, then shouted at Qin Yuyan.

Qin Yuyan is very smart, she knows everything.Moreover, she carried out explorations, and soon found the place that the Frozen Spirit Fox valued, and went straight to that place.

"If you want to leave, your opponent is me. Extreme."

Ling Yun's speed finally came into play.Stop the Frozen Linghu at his speed and don't disturb Qin Yuyan's exploration of the ice kiln, it's just like playing.

Coupled with the Illusory Sword Realm, if the Frozen Spirit Fox forcibly breaks in, it can only be beaten away like a baseball.

"Hey, human, damn human, you forced me. The sky is cold, and thousands of miles are frozen."

The direction Qin Yuyan was heading was exactly where the seal was, and that was the lifeblood of the Frozen Spirit Fox.Back then, because it was too powerful, even the first Holy Master couldn't destroy it. He could only seal it and wait for the reincarnation of the frozen spirit fox.

Because that is Dannei of the Frozen Spirit Fox.

As long as it is reincarnated, Dannei will be weakened, and naturally it can be destroyed.

The Frozen Spirit Fox was defeated by Ling Yun earlier and was seriously injured, and he also relied on that inner alchemy to recover.At the same time, it knew that it would be difficult for it to defeat Ling Yun, so it didn't dare to go out, because it was worried that Ling Yun would find it here.

Staying here is naturally also to protect Neidan.

The sky is freezing cold, thousands of miles are frozen!This is the taboo secret technique of the Frozen Spirit Fox, a trick that kills one thousand enemies and damages oneself eight hundred.If it uses this trick, it will not be able to continue to display the frozen state in a short time.

It also takes a long time to recover.

"damn it!"

Ling Yun was really taken aback.The entire ice kiln will be frozen.If all of them were frozen, he and Qin Yuyan would not escape bad luck.

"Ancient power!"

In the current situation, he couldn't think of a better way except to resist.

The mysterious turtle soul was summoned, and the frozen power acted on the black turtle soul, and the shell of the black turtle soul was frosted in less than ten breaths.

It felt like it was about to be frozen.



Ling Yun burst out with all his strength, but he still couldn't hold on, and the shell of the mysterious turtle began to freeze.If the mysterious turtle soul was frozen, then Ling Yun would have nothing to do.

At this moment, Ling Yun's "Congenital Secret Record" officially broke into a new level, the limit broke through the limit, impacted the mysterious turtle spirit, and made the mysterious turtle spirit work.

The black turtle roared, and the ancient power exploded.It feels like a seal of infinity is running on the shell of the mysterious turtle spirit, and the ice seal is disintegrated in a blink of an eye.


(End of this chapter)

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