extreme dog days

Chapter 1325 This is a Pit

Chapter 1325 This is a pit

The secret technique of the frozen spirit fox was broken.The crisis of thousands of miles of ice will naturally stop.

"Great opportunity! Limit unreal: the ultimate fantasy"

Ling Yun seized this rare opportunity.Unleash his strongest swordsmanship.The phantom flew out, and a burst of energy passed through the body of the frozen spirit fox.


The Frozen Spirit Fox let out a scream, and then its body exploded, turning into shards of ice and scattered all over the ground.

"Pfft, cough cough, dead?"

Ling Yun let out a breath, supported the ice ground with his hands, and said after taking a breath.He felt as if he had killed the Frozen Spirit Fox, but he also felt that it was not dead.

On the other side, Qin Yuyan has successfully found the inner alchemy of the frozen spirit fox. The inner alchemy is as big as a leather ball, like a diamond, and indestructible.

Qin Yuyan had tried several times, but she couldn't break it.

"This is!"

Ling Yun originally wanted to heal his injuries, but he sensed that the aura of the frozen spirit fox seemed to be growing stronger, so he didn't dare to neglect, and rushed over immediately.

Is this the first time he has seen such a big inner alchemy?

"Look, it was still transparent just now, but now there seems to be a spirit fox inside."

Through the inner alchemy, Qin Yuyan faintly saw a growing frozen spirit fox.

"So, this big bead should be the magic core of that ice fox."

Ling Yun said.He didn't know that the energy source of the strange beast was not called the magic core, but the 'inner alchemy'.

"Well, it should be right. Look over there."

Qin Yuyan pointed to the inner alchemy of the frozen spirit fox and said.There is a sword in there.It was that sword that kept suppressing Neidan, and at the same time suppressed the energy of the ice area.

"It seems that only by breaking it can the exit be opened."

Ling Yun understood, and punched the inner alchemy heavily, trying to smash it with the power of his body.Although at this time his vitality has been depleted, and his soul power is only [-]%.

But it doesn't affect his physical strength.

It's a pity that his punch on the inner alchemy successfully caused a huge earthquake in the ice kiln, but he failed to break the inner alchemy.

"Fist to the sky"

Another punch, this punch almost caused the ice kiln to collapse.

"Boy Ling, don't be fooled. According to your method, even if you bury yourself alive, you may not be able to break this thing."

You Zifeng hastily reminded.With Ling Yun's strength, if it comes again a few times, it is estimated that the ice kiln will really collapse.

"Then what can you do?"

Ling Yun asked immediately.

"No. But the old man reminds you, if you can't think of a way to crush this magic core, the fox spirit will probably be reborn. Its breath has become stronger and stronger."

What good solution can youzifeng do.

"Ayun, use your Illusory Cloud Excalibur to try."

Qin Yuyan didn't have a magical weapon in her hands, but she had used all the methods that she could use just now.The only thing I haven't tried is to use the magic weapon to break it.

Ling Yun understood Qin Yuyan's thoughts, and immediately sacrificed the Huanyun Divine Sword, and at the same time used the sword state to slash at the inner alchemy, but it still didn't help.

"This is too strong to be urged! No! I can't break through this magic core with my strength, so why did the Holy Land of Swordsman send disciples here to deal with this ice fox?"

Ling Yun suddenly fell into deep thought.He is very natural, and the people sent here by Yujian Holy Land in the past are not as good as him.But even he couldn't break the inner alchemy, so why would those weaker than him do it.

Why do those powerhouses in Yujian Holy Land think they can do it.

"Ayun, what did you think of?"

Qin Yuyan asked.

"Will we be tricked?"

Ling Yun guessed, then looked at Qin Yuyan's hand.


Qin Yuyan sensed that Ling Yun was looking at her hand, so she stretched out her hand, and after frowning, she placed her palm on the inner alchemy.Sure enough, the sword seal in her palm could break through the inner alchemy.



The sword seal attacked the inner alchemy, and when the inner alchemy broke, the roar of the frozen spirit fox came out.

"Human, I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled!"

Broken inside, the Frozen Spirit Fox is really doomed.Without the inner alchemy, naturally there is no possibility of rebirth, and it is useless if it is unwilling.And when the inner alchemy was broken, the magic weapon originally used to suppress the inner alchemy naturally appeared.

At the same time, the ice kiln also began to collapse!

"No, this place is going to collapse."

Ling Yun stretched out his arms to hug Qin Yuyan, and Qin Yuyan naturally took away the Excalibur.When they left the ice kiln, the whole ice kiln collapsed, but there was a door that could leave the ice area.

"It seems that this time we were really tricked by that bad old man."

Ling Yun said after recovering.

"That old guy is so bad that he tricked us into coming here to help them get rid of this spirit fox in the Holy Land of Sword Control."

Qin Yuyan thought so too.The inner alchemy of the spirit fox could not be broken by their strength, and the sword seal in her palm could break through the inner alchemy. Doesn't this just mean that the first holy master gave her the sword seal, saying that he wanted to give her a fortune, It's all a lie.

The purpose is to let her come here to deal with the frozen spirit fox.

She didn't even think about whether she could beat the Frozen Spirit Fox!

If Ling Yun hadn't rushed over, she probably would have died here.

"Hehe, fortunately, there is finally a consolation prize!"

After Ling Yun smiled wryly, he looked at the divine sword in Qin Yuyan's hand.This is a magic weapon!One of the top ten swords that were famous all over the world in ancient times.He even said it was a consolation prize.

This is really no one.

(End of this chapter)

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