extreme dog days

Chapter 1335: The Gift of the First Holy Master

Chapter 1335: The Gift of the First Holy Master

"What, you have practiced the nine soul-killing moves of the deity to the seventh in more than two months. Are you teasing the deity?"



Qin Yuyan didn't talk nonsense, and directly showed her Dragon Soul Sword Realm.Seeing it, the first generation of the Holy Master was suddenly dumbfounded.In just over two months, he refined his soul-killing nine moves to the seventh. This talent and comprehension can only be described as terrifying.

There were quite a few people who practiced the Nine Forms of Extinguishing Souls in the Sword Control Holy Land before, but there were very few people who were able to practice the Seventh Forms in the end.And none of them took more than a hundred years.

After all, this was created by the lifelong painstaking efforts of the first Holy Master.

In addition, Qin Yuyan's seventh move also surprised the first Holy Master.Not only did she practice the seventh form in about two months, but she also integrated her own sword formula, turning the soul-destroying sword realm into the dragon soul sword realm.

In addition to Qin Yuyan's natural understanding, her luck is indispensable.

"Old man, it's okay. I don't have a clue about the eighth pose. It feels too difficult. Am I embarrassing?"

Qin Yuyan asked.

"Go to your uncle, what a ghost! You are simply a pervert. Little girl, is your spirit in the shape of a dragon?"

The first generation of Holy Master couldn't help but want to curse people.This is considered embarrassing, and it is estimated that the geniuses in the former Sword Control Holy Land will not be able to see people.


"Okay, okay. The old man's nine soul-killing techniques are finally a successor. Haha!"

The first Holy Master knew that Qin Yuyan's soul was in the shape of a dragon, so he naturally knew that besides understanding, she also had luck.The two go together.

Qin Yuyan's talent and savvy can definitely give an evaluation infinitely close to that of a monster.There are people like this who are the inheritors of the Nine Styles of Miehun, and they will not be dismissed at all, the prestige of this sword formula.

Originally, the first generation of the Holy Master called himself Zun, but after recognizing Qin Yuyan as the successor, he called himself an old man.

"Old man, don't say these things are useless. Should you tell me what I should do now, how can I deal with this place, how can I get out of here, and how can I save you?"

Qin Yuyan asked several questions in succession.

This is a must ask.In the ice area, there is no sword soul in the wind area, so you have to ask if you want to, but here it is!It's a fool not to ask.And the sword soul of the first generation of holy masters also said that troubles in the minefield are not easy to deal with.

"Little girl, you have a lot of questions, but they all hit the point. It is impossible for you to save this old man, and I don't need you to save me. To tell you the truth, if this sword soul of this old man is not killed Locked here, you may be able to help the old man get rid of that evil animal when you come in. It is too late now, it is good that you can save your life. Even if there is only a soul body left here for that guy, he still has the sixth level of the divine way Qi Soul Realm. The current strength is at least equivalent to the third-order strength of the Shinto. The thunder retreat once in a hundred thousand years is coming, and it should not be three days. You can't stop him from leaving here. The most important thing for you right now is to save your life , refine into the nine soul-killing moves, and perhaps be able to compete with it in the future."

The first generation of Holy Master said.

With his eyesight enough to see through Qin Yuyan's cultivation level, even if she has practiced the soul-destroying sword formula to the seventh form, plus his gift, there is no indication that she can kill the soul of Shen Wuchen here.

He is still worried that if Shen Wuchen knows that Qin Yuyan is his descendant, she will be in danger.Whether he can leave the minefield alive is still a big question?

"Okay! I have no problem with this, but after all, it seems that you haven't told me how to get out of here."

That's the point.

To her, it was great news that she could leave the minefield without eliminating the troubles here.The soul of Shen Wuchen is so powerful that even the sword soul of the first generation of Holy Master was calculated by him. If he insists on fighting with him here, whether he can get out alive is really a big problem!

"In the center of the minefield, just open the Thunder Seal of Heaven and Earth. Girl, now I will give you all the power of the sword soul, and at the same time pass on the weapons I used back then to you."


The soul of the sword of the first generation of saints summoned, and the weapon used in life, the Miehun sword, appeared in front of Qin Yuyan out of thin air.

"This is for me."

Qin Yuyan sensed that the Miehun Sword seemed to have a kind of intimacy with her, which was produced by its closeness to her sword state.In other words, the Extinguishing Soul Sword belongs to the divine sword of the main attack system.

Moreover, this sword is the former saber of the first Holy Master, so it is naturally perfect for her successor.

"That's right. Stretch out your hand. With your talent and comprehension, as long as you can get the old man's inheritance of the sword soul, you should be able to comprehend the eighth form of the nine soul-killing moves in a short time."

The sword soul of the first holy master was disintegrated, and he gave everything about the sword soul to Qin Yuyan.In addition to the power of the sword soul, of course the sword soul's understanding of the way of the sword is indispensable.

But the most important thing is about the Nine Styles of Soul Slayer.

With the gift of the sword soul of the first generation of holy masters, it is not necessary for Qin Yuyan to reach the sky in one step on the way of swordsmanship.

At the same time, Qin Yuyan obtained the power of the sword soul of the first generation of holy masters, and her cultivation naturally improved by leaps and bounds, but she finally stopped at the ninth level of the Supreme Realm.After all, there is no divine way in the fighting world.

And to cultivate Qi Soul, you can only rely on yourself. The external power needs to be digested and fused for a period of time before it can be used by Qi Soul.

"Supreme Ninth Floor, Doujie really has no divine way!"

The sword soul of the first holy master gave Qin Yuyan its power and became extremely weak, as if it might dissipate at any time.If his power wasn't limited by the seal of the Doujie, at least he could help Qin Yuyan reach the first level of Shinto.

(End of this chapter)

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