extreme dog days

Chapter 1336 Shocking Thunder

Chapter 1336 Shocking Thunder

Qin Yuyan was finally restricted and unable to step into the divine way, so more than [-]% of the power of the sword soul of the first generation of holy masters was lost and could not be absorbed by Qin Yuyan.It was too wasteful for Qin Yuyan.

If it can be divided into two or three times and passed to her, then she can at least break through to the late stage of the first level of Shinto, or even the second level.But this is impossible.

This is the soul of the sword, power can only be imparted once and cannot be divided into stages.

The sword soul of the first holy lord gave the power to Qin Yuyan, then he would naturally disappear into the world and never exist again.It's just that for him, it is also a kind of consolation that he can find a successor like Qin Yuyan in the era when the Holy Land of Yujian disappeared.

Qin Yuyan gained strength, and at the same time gained the experience of the nine soul-killing moves. She naturally sat cross-legged to comprehend its mysteries, and strived to make herself stronger.

Even if you can't comprehend the eighth form, at least you can fully understand the seventh form.

On the other side, Ling Yun is also hurrying up to practice, but he has already been tortured to pieces by the power of thunder. This is not comparable to a pig's head, it directly changed his color.

Black, charred black.

"Ah! Fist hitting the sky and the earth."

Ling Yun gradually changed from carrying the sky thunder to resisting the sky thunder.People who didn't know thought he was going through some catastrophe.Carrying the thunder is just being abused, and there are not many opportunities to absorb the power of thunder.

After all, the power of thunder that Heaven's Punishment Soldiers summoned for him was half of the power in this minefield.Just carry it, even if there are Heaven's Punishment Divine Soldier on the side to help him absorb a certain degree of sky thunder.

It is also difficult for him to have the opportunity to absorb it, let alone realize the mystery of the physical body from the thunder.

But anti-thunder, that would be much better.At least the power of thunder brought him much less threat, allowing him to breathe a sigh of relief, so as to accumulate and understand the relationship between the physical body and thunder.

Peeped into the mysteries of the physical body from it, and gradually grasped what he wanted to cultivate the Thunderbolt Golden Body.


"Boy, here we come. The strongest thunder of the day, I won it for you. Whether you can break through in one fell swoop is up to you. But I have something to say first, this is the strongest thunder. You can't bear it either. Either you will die or you will be injured. Take care of yourself."

Heaven's Punishment Divine Soldier said.

The strongest thunder appears only once a day in the minefield, and even the most divine masters have to shy away from seeing this strongest thunder, because they can't bear it with their bodies alone.

"Go to me. It's that thunder, Tianlei, you don't want to be so reckless. My physical body has not yet broken through. Besides, even if I break through, whether I can withstand this thunder is still a question mark. "

After seeing the sky, Ling Yun's expression suddenly changed.He had seen this thunder before, it was the astonishing thunder that raged for thousands of miles when he just entered the minefield.

He has no confidence that he can resist it.

"That's your business. If you want to succeed, go crazy first, open your eyes and rush forward."

Heaven's Punishment Divine Soldier said lightly.

"fuck me"

Ling Yun cursed loudly.Carry it, it is impossible to carry it.At the same time, for the sake of cultivation, he can't avoid it.This is only once a day, and the location where it landed at the same time is also difficult to figure out.

But usually Shocking Thunder doesn't land in the same position within a year.It obviously took a lot of effort for the Divine Punishment Soldiers to help him summon this thunder.

If it hadn't successfully entered the ranks of the second-tier magic weapon, it probably wouldn't have this ability.


As Ling Yun moved his physical body, the muscles all over his body swelled instantly, and his veins bulged.There is now a trace of thunder power flowing on the golden body protection.

This shows that Ling Yun has already touched the threshold of Thunder's golden body.

Whether it can be successful or not depends on this.

hum, hum

Thirty breaths later, the shocking thunderbolt landed, and the powerful pressure made Ling Yun feel a little hard to breathe.At the moment when the shocking thunder fell, Ling Yun also smelled a breath of death.

It's a pity that he has no way out, life and death are at stake.Whether to eat meat or be eaten depends on his fate.


With the addition of thunder, Ling Yun let out a heart-piercing scream.The power of thunder penetrated deep into his internal organs. If he couldn't break through, he might die without even a scum.

At this time, the meridians and blood of the whole body are occupied by thunder.

"Ah! No, I cannot die. But, I can't bear it."

Ling Yun's consciousness was attacked by thunder and gradually became confused.Once he fell into a deep sleep, he would surely die.

"Brother Ling! You are a person who breaks through the limit. You broke through the limit once. This time you will definitely be able to break through your own limit."

You Zifeng shouted anxiously.

If Ling Yun were to die, both he and the Divine Soldier of Heaven's Punishment would have to stay in this minefield forever, and it would be difficult to make a comeback.


When Ling Yun heard the word limit, he subconsciously performed the exercises of "Innate Secret Record", and unconsciously opened the limit soul eye. Through the limit soul eye, he saw the essence of the world-shocking thunder.

From its essence, combined with his own understanding of Thunder and the physical body, he seems to have realized something.The fists that were originally clenched in defense turned into attacks.

click, click

The power of thunder has broken through the defenses of the internal organs, this is the last defense, once it enters the dantian, he will become a cripple even if he does not die.

"Roar! Shocking thunder, ah!"

Ling Yun understood the relationship between the physical body and the thunder, and successfully introduced the power of the thunder into the bones, achieving the state of the unity of flesh and bone.To circulate the power of thunder among the flesh and bones, and to be guided by the meridians, this is exactly the way of cultivating the Thunder Golden Body.

 I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance!



(End of this chapter)

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