extreme dog days

Chapter 1349 The Non-Existing Way of the Sword

Chapter 1349 The Non-Existing Way of the Sword

After a pause, You Zifeng continued:

"The mysterious disappearance of the Holy Land of Sword Control back then not only became a mystery in the Doujie, but the heaven and earth also attached great importance to it. As far as I know, many people from the land entered the Doujie back then to search for the mystery of the disappearance of the Holy Land of Yujian. I'm afraid No one would have imagined that all the people in the Holy Land of Yujian would die here. They seem to be guarding something."

"What exactly is this beam of light? Why do people in the Holy Land of Swords guard it, and what is its function? If we can figure it out, then all problems will naturally be solved. But there is a feeling that this beam of light should be !"

Ling Yun frowned, then fell silent.

"what is"

You Zifeng asked first.

"Tao, the legendary Tao. And it's the way of the sword."

Ling Yun stretched out his hand to touch the beam of light just now, and he felt an incomparably vast sword power from the beam of light, which was the sword power they had sensed from the very beginning.

This sword power can only be sensed by sword cultivators.Only a powerful swordsman can show it.

"The way of the sword! This is the way of the sword"

Qin Yuyan cried out in surprise.They are all people who have mastered the sword state, but compared with the sword state, the sword state is not at the same level at all.

"Uh, if it's really the way of swordsmanship, it would be terrifying. Futian Three Realms, although it is called the way of the gods above the supreme, it is actually just a name for a wishful thinking. No one has really mastered the way. Powerful, the reason is that there is a sword way hidden in the Holy Land of Yujian."

You Zifeng was also extremely shocked.

The existence of kendo is not only a myth, but also a legend.

"Ayun, can we take away this kendo?"

Qin Yuyan suddenly said something without thinking.Kendo, this is absolutely powerful.

"It can't be done, let alone us. No one in the Three Realms has taken this sword way."

Ling Yun shook his head and said.

If this kendo could be refined, then there wouldn't be so many people from the Holy Land of Swords guarding it desperately.Direct refining into the body, invincible in the world, and the vertical and horizontal three worlds are probably just a matter of gestures.

"Uh, that!"

"Don't think too much, maybe I already have the answer in my heart. Let's go! This sword way, no matter who it is, don't move it, even if you have the ability to take it away, you can't move it."

Ling Yun shook his head and said.

"You mean, this kendo is suppressing something terrible."


Ling Yun nodded.The existence of the Sword Dao suppresses the Illusion of Heaven and Earth. If there is a loss in this Dao of Sword, the Illusion of Heaven and Earth will reappear. Bo Yi's is not just the Doujie, but the Futian Three Realms.

"Let's go"

Kendo, that's not something they can touch.It is an honor to see them in this life.As for why this kendo is here, I am afraid that the people in the Holy Land of Sword Control would also want to ask this question.

However, Ling Yun can somewhat guess the existence and function of this kendo.

The location of the sword path has always been hidden, and it belongs to an independent space, which is in contact with the minefield.There are only two ways to enter this space.

The first one is naturally a minefield.The second is the token of the Holy Lord of all ages, which is the key to open this space.Going out is not affected in any way.

"Ah Yun! These people seem to have died not long ago."

As soon as she left the space, Qin Yuyan saw several corpses, and the death conditions were extremely terrifying and strange.It felt like he was burned to death by an unknown flame, and there was still a demonic flame on the corpse.

"Shen Wuchen should have done it. I've seen him use it before."

Ling Yun said in a deep voice.

Shen Wuchen is very familiar with this forbidden area, and also knows the existence of swordsmanship.Back then, he wanted to destroy this kendo in delusion.But now with his strength, he might not be able to recover.

"That is!"

While speaking, Ling Yun saw a light and shadow passing by, and when he looked carefully, that light and shadow was performing a set of extremely weird sword tactics.And behind it is a huge strange rock.There are sword manuals engraved on the stone.

"Could this be the Supreme Sword Art that the old man said?"

Qin Yuyan said excitedly.The biggest advantage of becoming a core disciple of the Sword Control Holy Land is that you can enter the forbidden area to learn the Supreme Sword Art.Of course, no one has realized the former Holy Land of Yujian.

"The Supreme Sword Art. The sky is broken, the earth is lacking, the disability is a sword, and the deficiency is a heart..."

Ling Yun didn't pay attention to the sword moves performed by Guangying, but focused on the sword tactics, but the strange thing was that after he memorized the sword tactics, he looked at Guangying again, and found that he had completely forgotten the sword tactics.

But when he memorized the sword formula again, he forgot the light and shadow moves.

It seems that C can only choose one of them.

The sword style displayed by light and shadow, the sword style of the supreme sword art.But the words written on the strange stone are the heart of the sword art.It is useless to choose only one of these two.

Ling Yun is like this, and Qin Yuyan is certainly no exception.This is also the case for all the Supreme Sword Art that entered here to understand what it did before.

Ling Yun thought about it, and sat cross-legged to comprehend the Supreme Sword Art, but he couldn't comprehend anything based on his comprehension alone.This Supreme Sword Art is not so easy to comprehend.

Ye Yangsheng, Zhou Shaofeng and others also tried it before.It's just that by participating in the Supreme Sword Art, I have improved my understanding of swordsmanship to a higher level, and I haven't realized the fur of the Supreme Sword Art at all.

Finally stayed for two or three days and chose to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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