extreme dog days

Chapter 1350 Supreme Sword Art

Chapter 1350 Supreme Sword Art

Qin Yuyan also sat cross-legged like Ling Yun, meditating on the supreme sword art.Her comprehension is no worse than anyone else, and it can be said that she can compete with Ling Yun. At the same time, she also has the comprehension of swordsmanship by the first generation of holy masters. Such an advantage surpasses many disciples in the former Sword Control Holy Land, but it is a pity that she also has nothing.

Not to mention her, Shen Wuchen back then, and Yan Ruyu was the same.

The Supreme Sword Art has been hailed as a mystery that has been unsolved for millions of years by the Holy Land of the Sword, and it is not for nothing.But in Ling Yun's body, there was barely a breakthrough, because Ling Yun possessed the Enlightenment Map.

This is something that Futian's top Shinto powerhouses in the Three Realms fought to the death, and in the end, no one was spared.Through the diagram of enlightenment, Ling Yun successfully comprehended the threshold of the Supreme Sword Art.

It's just that this supreme sword art cannot be cultivated by ordinary people, because it is in harmony with the Tao, and its power is even more terrifying.

"It's actually related to the holy sword. What's going on?"

Ling Yun's heart was shocked.The ancient supreme sword formula left in the ancient holy land of controlling swords in Xizhou mainland is actually related to the magic sword he obtained from the magic gate in Dongzhou mainland.

Of course, the Supreme Sword Art has nothing to do with the Magic Art of Light and Darkness.

For a day, Ling Yun was completely immersed in the realm of comprehending the Supreme Sword Art. Qin Yuyan saw that Ling Yun seemed to have entered a state of epiphany, and knew that he would gain something, so naturally he would not disturb him, and sat quietly. Help him protect the law.

At this moment, there are only Ling Yun and Qin Yuyan in the forbidden area. Most of the people who have core tokens have left the forbidden area. There were still a few people who stayed here, but because of the appearance of Shen Wuchen, none of them survived.

And outside the forbidden area, it is now a mess.It has been a while since Yujian Holy Land opened. Anyone who knows about such a large ancient ruins will rush here desperately.

Not only people from the Beizi area, but so far there have been forces from the other three major areas. The strong have entered here, and the most come from the Xizi area.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the chaos in the Holy Land of Yujian is a mess.Although in this Holy Land of Yujian, apart from the forbidden area, there is nothing good left in other places.

But this Holy Land of Sword Control itself is a rare thing.Because the energy held here is not the same Yuanli as outside, but Yuanqi.

At the same time, the Sanfeng Trial Hall, the Holy Land of Sword Control, is also something that people want to occupy.In order to obtain the right to use the Trial Hall of Three Peaks, there is no suspense that the Supreme Realm will fight.

But in the end, it has been several days, but it has not been decided yet.However, in order to compete for the right to use the three peaks, no less than ten Supreme Realm people have died.

As for the Daluo Realm, there are eighty if not one hundred, not to mention the Heavenly Realm.It is difficult to estimate how terrifying it is when the sects and families of the major forces fight directly.

As for those below the heavenly level, they simply have no qualifications and abilities to participate in the battle.There are also very few people below the sky level who enter the Holy Land of Yujian.

Originally, he thought he could control the prosperous Fengyun League, but because of Ji Shuibo, three Supreme Realm members were killed by Ling Yun, and three others were seriously injured. Because of Zhou Shaofeng, Zhou Shaoyun completely lost the confidence to control the overall situation.

On the No. [-] Disciple Peak of Renfeng, in an extremely gorgeous house, Zhou Shaoyun paced back and forth, then turned to look at Zhou Shaofeng who was sitting on the Taishi chair and said:

"Third brother, what should we do now? Now the six giants in the Xizi area, in addition to Ye Yangsheng before, and now people from Yuandaomen, Guipuzhuang, and Liuhemen are participating. Although these three major forces are not as good as ours However, this time they spent a lot of money and sent at least five supreme beings. In addition, there are Tianhang Temple in Xuanzi area and Qianshazong in Dongzi area. As far as I know, Qianshazong and Ling The ghost gate has always been in contact, and some people even say that Qianshazong actually belongs to the sub-helm of the spirit ghost gate. I am afraid that it will be as difficult as reaching the sky for us to occupy a place in this holy place of sword control."

The current situation in the Holy Land of Yujian is not conducive to their Fengyun League at all.Zhou Shaofeng's original plan to trap and kill Ling Yun and Ye Yangsheng here also came to nothing.

The problem facing them now is how to keep their position in the Holy Land of Yujian.As long as Yujian Holy Land occupies a place.It was of great help to the development of their Fengyun League.

"What are you afraid of? Don't forget that this is the Beizi area. In this Beizi area, our Fengyun League has the final say. Even if Qianshazong is backed by the Spirit Ghost Gate, if their hands are too long, then There will be more than enough heart, but not enough strength. So what if you cut it off. Are we still afraid that he will fail. But what I am most worried about is that there will be the shadow of Lao Qi among them, and there will be some troubles."

Zhou Shaofeng said coldly.The old seventh in his mouth is naturally one of the Qilinzi.He is also a man of the hour, not inferior to the two of them in the slightest, and occupies a place above the Xizhou Continent.

After being silent for a while, Zhou Shaofeng continued.

"I have already sent someone to inform Tianjuzong and Qingxuanmen. Calculate the time, they should arrive here soon. In any case, the land of Renfeng must be taken."

Sanfeng, the Holy Land of Sword Control, is extremely precious.The existence of these three peaks has enabled them to cultivate many sword cultivators.This is also the goal of all the forces entering the Holy Land of Yujian at this time, and the strong are fighting for it.

(End of this chapter)

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