extreme dog days

Chapter 1390

Chapter 1390

"I said that I can trust Second Master Li. Sou Shan, there is no need for this. When this matter comes to an end, I will give the Li family an explanation. Brother Ye, let's go."

Ling Yun understands the truth of this.Ye Yangsheng was too reckless in this matter, and ran to the Li family's territory to make trouble without sufficient evidence. If the matter is found out and it turns out that the Li family did not do it, then he owes them an explanation.

If you search the mountain, it's okay to find it, but if you can't find it, then the problem will be even bigger. In the end, you will lose face and don't say it, and you need to explain it to others, which is also very serious.

After all, wronging others casually is a taboo in the world.

"Ling Yun"

Ye Yangsheng obviously didn't want to give up. Li Chuyin's whereabouts are unknown now, and her life and death are uncertain. The important thing is that she is a daughter, so what to do if she suffers.

"Even if you are asked to search the mountain, can you guarantee that you will find it? Even if this matter is really Tiandian: The Li family's work, then even if you level the No. [-] peak, I promise, you will not be able to find anything .That Li Xuanzhong is not simple."

Ling Yun said in a deep voice, pushing Ye Yangsheng away.After hearing Ling Yun's words, Ye Yangsheng also became much calmer, and after thinking about it for a while, he left Peak No. [-] with Ling Yun.

Ling Yun had already said earlier that he would give the Li family an explanation after the matter was settled, so the Li family naturally had no reason not to let them leave.

"Second Master, do you just let them go?"

Li He asked in a deep voice.

"If you want to stop it, you may not be able to stop it. He is very strong, at least he is not inferior to me."

Li Xuan said in a deep voice.On top of this matter, if Ling Yun and Ye Yangsheng failed to give them an explanation from the Heavenly Palace: The Li Family, then it could be regarded as a feud with their Heavenly Palace: The Li Family.

Because they lost the face of their heavenly palace: the Li family.Above this matter, Tiandian: The Li family will never give up.

Of course, if Ling Yun and the others were prevented from leaving at this time, let alone whether they could be stopped.Once they make a move, it seems that they have lost their temper.

At the same time, it wasn't what they did at this time, so it was natural that someone was plotting against them.Once it is shot, it will be in the arms of others.If he didn't make a move right now, Ling Yun owed them an explanation.

If he makes a move, the so-called confession will no longer exist, and even if there is, it will be negligible.

Secondly, Li Xuanzhong didn't think they could stop Ling Yun.

"Hiss, even the second master said so, then this person is really scary."

Li He couldn't help but gasped.

"It's really scary. As the saying goes, don't be afraid of the strength of the reckless man, but be afraid of the wisdom of the reckless man. It is definitely not a wise move to be an enemy."

Li Xuan nodded his head, thoughtful.

"Second Master, you said this matter, who did it, and who deliberately blamed our Tiandian: Li Family"

Li He frowned and asked.

"Didn't you already guess it? Kong Kong's skillful hand is not in vain. It's just that this old thing is so courageous. Dare to play on the head of our Tiandian: the Li family."

Li Xuanzhong laughed jokingly.

"Second master, why didn't you let me say it just now?"

Then the Supreme Master of the Li family who wanted to speak asked.

"Why do you want to say it? The trouble has already happened. Could it be that our Li family is afraid of them?"

There is always no good fruit for recklessness in this world.If Ye Yangsheng hadn't come to make a big fuss, then the Li family might have told them who they suspected.

But the matter has come to this point, if people still tell them this matter, it will appear that they are easy to bully.


After Ye Yangsheng came down the mountain, holding his breath in his heart, he punched the big tree with his fist. He didn't use any soul power, but relied on the power of instinct, just to vent the anger in his heart.

"Let's go, I'll accompany you back to Peak No. [-]."

Ling Yun stepped forward and patted his shoulder and said.

peak five

After Qin Yuyan received the news, she also came to the fifth peak at this time.

"Ah Yun, what does the Li family say?"

Seeing Ling Yun, Qin Yuyan immediately stepped forward and asked.

"They said no"

Ling Yun responded.

"Is it credible?"

"I personally think that they don't need to lie. Because Tiandian: The Li family won't be afraid of us. Secondly, they don't see the need to arrest Miss Li."

Ling Yun said solemnly.

The Li family had no motive at all to attack Li Chuyin.Because this is superfluous, it is not wise to use Li Chuyin to threaten them.

Or maybe they want to blame others.who?In the area of ​​Tianfeng, there is only Guipuzhuang!But at present they are already playing with Ghost Servant Zhuang, so Tiandian: There is no need for the Li family to be this bad guy.

This move can only tell others that they Tiandian: The Li family is afraid of the Sword God Pavilion.This is a shameful question!Let me ask the famous Tiandian in Xizhou Continent: The Li family, how could they do it.

"Obviously that token is their Heavenly Palace: owned by the Li family. Like that kind of identity token, it has always been that people live and lose people. If it wasn't them, who else could it be. Ghost servant village?"

Ye Yangsheng said angrily.

"It's hard to say. It is also possible that the forces that are not within the range of this Tianfeng are not necessarily."

Peak Lord Fuyun said in a deep voice.

"You mean Fengyun League."

Ling Yun looked at her and said.

"That's right. Besides, Hatsune has been making public appearances for Tianxian Fuyun Peak, and there are not a few people who want to get her ideas."

Li Chuyin is a great beauty, and she usually travels around for the sake of Tianxian Fuyun Peak. Those who have met her don't want to bow down under her pomegranate skirt.At present, there are already dozens of casual cultivators willing to join Yuelong Villa within the area of ​​Tianfeng, and more than half of them are here for Li Chuyin.

(End of this chapter)

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