extreme dog days

Chapter 1391 Li Nong

Chapter 1391 Li Nong

Although Li Chuyin was inferior to Qin Yuyan and Fuyun Peak Master, she seemed to be more close to the people, so she was far more powerful than Qin Yuyan and Fuyun Peak Master.

"No, knowing the relationship between Miss Li and Brother Ye, daring to attack her is definitely not what ordinary people do. I want to see Sect Master Li."

Ling Yun said.If it is according to what Peak Master Fuyun said, then the scope of suspicion will be wider.Doesn't this mean that anyone who admires Li Chuyin is suspected?

"I've seen Young Master Ling."

"Sect Master Li, you are welcome, how is your injury?"

Ling Yun looked at Li Nong and asked with a smile.This Li Nong was indeed injured, and it looked very serious.But it made Ling Yun a little curious.

"There's nothing serious about it. It's just Miss Li. Master Ye, I don't know Tiandian: Is there any explanation from the Li family? Is Miss Li in their hands?"

Li Nong asked with a worried look on his face.


Ye Yangsheng looked very helpless.If he is sure that he can defeat Li Xuanzhong, I'm afraid that Tianfeng, No. [-] will already be bleeding like a river.

"Sect Master Li seems to be very concerned about Miss Li's safety."

Seeing Li Nong's expression was a little weird, Ling Yun said something out of the blue.

"Ah! I, I have always looked up to Ms. Li. What's more, she went out with me this time. I really can't absolve myself of the blame!"

A trace of panic flashed in Li Nong's eyes, and he lowered his head and said.

"Sect Master Li, you are not to blame for this matter. There is no need to blame yourself."

Peak Lord Fuyun comforted him.

"Thank you, Master Feng, for your understanding."

"Sect Master Li, your injury is not serious, go down and recuperate first!"

Ling Yun said with a smile.

"Yes, I will say goodbye."

Li Nong responded, and then withdrew.

"Ayun, did you find something?"

Qin Yuyan saw that Ling Yun seemed to be deliberately making things difficult for Li Nong, so she asked.

"Nothing! Just asking casually."

Ling Yun had doubts about Li Nong, but he had no evidence, so even if he said it, it would be meaningless.And Ye Yangsheng is here, this guy has become very impulsive because of Li Chuyin's accident.

It would be bad if we startled the snake.

"Master Ling, who do you think is most likely to capture Hatsune?"

Peak Lord Fuyun asked in a low voice, his voice was like a fly, and he was afraid that Ye Yangsheng would hear him.

"At present, it seems that the biggest suspicion is Tiandian: Li family. But in fact, the person who is most likely to do this is Guipuzhuang or Fengyunmeng. The former should be to provoke us and Tiandian: Li family. If there is no grievance, then Miss Li will not be in any danger. The latter!"

Ling Yun didn't think that this matter was caused by Tiandian: Li's family.Because Tiandian: If the Li family wanted to intervene, they shouldn't act like this. Even if they really wanted to do it, their target should be Qin Yuyan.

Therefore, the biggest suspicion in his mind is Ghost Servant Zhuang and Fengyunmeng.The latter, Ling Yun didn't dare to say it, because it would make Ye Yangsheng look bad.

"If Fengyun League did it, what danger will Hatsune have?"

Ye Yangsheng couldn't help asking.

"I screwed up. Guess! Brother Ye, don't say I didn't warn you. Don't act rashly at the end. The authorities are obsessed, and don't get out of control when the time comes."

Ling Yun gave Ye Yangsheng a look he felt.At the same time, I did not forget to remind him, and then I left Peak No. [-].He can understand Ye Yangsheng's mood.

He also didn't expect this guy to calm down, because if it were him, he wouldn't be able to calm down either, so he could only hope that Peak Master Fuyun could persuade him.

"Xichao, stare at Li Nong, don't let him find out."

After Ling Yun came out, he said to Xi Chao who followed him to Peak No. [-].Because of his son's death, Ling Yun owed him an explanation, so Xi Chao is now the number one celebrity around Ling Yun.

"Don't worry, son."

Xi Chao responded respectfully.Although Li Nong's strength is not very good, he is still in the Supreme Realm. It is not easy for ordinary people to follow him.

Therefore, Xi Chao could only go out in person.

Although Li Nong did not join Yuelong Villa or Tianxian Fuyun Peak, he was invited by Li Chuyin to join their camp, so Li Nong and the Baiguozong disciples he brought also lived in Peak No. [-].

After nightfall, Li Nong quietly left Peak No. [-] and went to the woods at the foot of Tianfeng Mountain.So far, no one lives in the main peak of Tianfeng, and there are very few houses in the main peak.

But there happened to be a small bamboo house in this forest.This is the residence of a Tianfeng elder from the Sword Control Holy Land.Seeing him acting suspiciously, Xi Chao immediately sent someone to inform Ling Yun, while he himself followed him into the woods.

Li Chuyin was imprisoned in this bamboo layer, and it was precisely because Li Nong betrayed her that she was easily captured.

"Li Nong, it's you. Why?"

Li Chuyin was poisoned by Mishensan at that time, she knew that someone close to her must have betrayed her, otherwise she would not have been easily poisoned.But she didn't expect that the person who betrayed her would be Li Nong, an old friend.

"Hehe, because I have always liked you, if not, how could I get you. Hehe, so beautiful!"

Li Nong is one of Li Chuyin's most loyal suitors, and has long had evil thoughts about her.It's just that I never had this opportunity before, and I didn't dare to offend her easily.

After all, Li Chuyin's identity is there, and her strength is also above his.

(End of this chapter)

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