extreme dog days

Chapter 1392 Shameless

Chapter 1392 Shameless

The people from Guipuzhuang found Li Nong and asked him to imprison Li Chuyin, and Li Chuyin will be his man in the future.With the ghost servant Zhuang behind him to support Li Nong, he naturally became unscrupulous.

"Go away! Asshole!"

If Li Chuyin's cultivation had not been sealed, he would have jumped up and incited him to death.

"Haha, what's wrong with me being an asshole. Then Ye Yangsheng is no longer an asshole? He can touch you, why can't I. He already has Peak Master Fuyun, but he still wants to provoke you. Wouldn't he be an even more asshole. You have not married for hundreds of years, and at the same time, cooperating with you Jiuxiao Pavilion has given you most of the benefits. This time, with just one word from you, I will bring Baizongguo's foundation of more than a thousand years Take refuge in Ye Yangsheng. Don't you understand my intentions?"

Li Nong called.His loyal suitor is very dedicated.Since the cooperation between Baiguozong and Jiuxiao Pavilion, he has almost always supplied spiritual fruits to Jiuxiao Pavilion at cost price.

The profit in this is not small.

"Li Nong, you said that you took refuge in Yuelong Villa for me. But what are you doing now? If Yang Sheng knew about this, he would definitely tear you to pieces."

Li Chuyin gritted his teeth and said.Although she knew that Li Nong was very kind to her, she declined him more than once or twice.This has nothing to do with Ye Yangsheng at all.If Li Chuyin was really interested in him, she would have married him long ago, why wait until now.

All this is Li Nong's wishful thinking.

"Haha! Those who know the current affairs are heroes. Ye Yangsheng formed an alliance with Ling Yun, and they have already offended Yuandaomen, and now they want to offend Ghost Servant Zhuang and Tiandian: The Li family is looking for death. It's not easy to mess with. Not only will Lingyun's Sword God Pavilion be unbearable, but Yuelong Mountain Villa will not be able to afford it, and it will even implicate you Tianxian Fuyun Peak. I am helping you, and I am saving you. Hatsune, I can't wait, let me love you well."

hiss! !

Li Nong didn't think that Lingyun and the others could beat Yuandaomen, Ghost Servant Village and Tiandian: Li's family.So after the people from Guipuzhuang found him, they were easily persuaded.

Ling Yun's delusional attempt to seize the sovereignty of Tianfeng, most people are not optimistic about this matter.

At the same time, the people from Guipuzhuang promised Li Nong that as long as the matter is done.Li Chuyin was one of his people, and after driving Ling Yun and Ye Yangsheng out of the Holy Land of Yujian, he was allowed to stay in the Tianfeng with the Baiguozong, and at the same time gave him the fifth peak.

This is tantamount to collecting money and sex, how can he not be indifferent!

"Let go of me, you don't want to die!"


"If you resist again, don't blame me. Today I will get you no matter what."

Li Nong is already obsessed and trying to do whatever he wants.Li Chuyin struggled desperately, and greeted him with a slap in the face.

"Woo! I'm going to kill you."

When did Li Chuyin suffer such humiliation, and at this moment she wanted to die with Li Nong, but unfortunately her cultivation base, energy and soul were all sealed, and she simply couldn't do what she wanted.


Xi Chao heard Li Chuyin's exclamation from inside the bamboo house, and didn't care about waiting for Ling Yun to arrive, so he kicked open the door of the bamboo house and rushed in.

"Bastard, let go of Miss Li!"

"Xi Chao. You, how did you find this place?"

The arrival of the evening tide is like pouring a bucket of cold water on Li Nong, immediately let him rein in the precipice!If this matter gets out, he probably won't live until tomorrow.

"If you want people not to know, you have to do nothing. I can't imagine that you are usually such a dirty villain behind your back. Damn it!"

Xi Chao shouted sharply.

Although he was not a good person before, this kind of thing was the most heinous thing he did.

"Master Xi, listen to me. I have no choice but to follow Ling Yun and Ye Yangsheng. It is a dead end. He who knows the current affairs is a hero. If you stand on the same line as me, I can Li Chuyin let you.

In order to save his life, Li Nong turned his mind, trying to persuade Xichao to join him.As for whether he is willing to give up his dream goddess to Xi Chao, that is a matter for the future.


Li Chuyin slowed down and said through gritted teeth.Now she is like a lamb to be slaughtered, she doesn't know whether she should trust Xi Chao.

"Miss Li is one of the top ten beauties in the Beizi area. To put it bluntly, she is second only to the master of Fuyun Peak. It is indeed very tempting. It is a pity that I, Xichao, despise you. Take your life!"

Xi Chao smiled, and after walking a few steps closer, he suddenly attacked Li Nong.His strength is much stronger than Li Nong's, but in order to prevent Li Chuyin from being hurt, he can only take advantage of his unpreparedness.

Xi Chao attacked like a fierce tiger, one move after another.The spirit danced, forcing Li Nong to retreat again and again, and finally he was punched by him, and he retreated more than ten steps.

"Miss Li was shocked."

After Xichao repelled Li Nong, he immediately helped Li Chuyin untie the rope.If he could rescue Li Chuyin before Ling Yun arrived, he would have contributed a lot.

Even Ye Yangsheng has to owe him a favor and be grateful to him.


Seeing a figure approaching, Li Chuyin immediately reminded Xichao.

"What, poof!"

After hearing Li Chuyin's reminder, Xichao subconsciously turned around.A man in black robe reached out and patted him.He immediately waved his hands.But the opponent's palm strength is very strange.

After taking over the palm, he vomited blood immediately, his spirit was injured instantly, and he took two steps back.

(End of this chapter)

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