extreme dog days

Chapter 1393

Chapter 1393

"Ghost Seventh Master, quickly, kill him quickly."

After Li Nong saw the man in black, his eyes lit up and he immediately called out.

"Trash, it's more than failure. You can't even look down on a woman! If I hadn't arrived in time, once something big happened. Even if you didn't die in his hands, I would make it impossible for you to live or die. "

The person who came was Ghost Nuqi.He has been hiding nearby to prevent Li Nong from doing bad things, or someone inadvertently breaking into the woods.

"Miss Li, this person is very powerful, I am not his opponent!"

Xi Chao's energy and soul were injured, and he was sweating profusely at this time, and his voice felt a little out of breath.

"My cultivation base, energy and soul are all sealed."

Li Chuyin found that Xichao seemed very uncomfortable.At the same time, he also knew that the man in black robe standing in front of them was very powerful, and he was by no means invincible to Xi Chao.If her cultivation base and soul were not sealed, she might still be able to fight the opponent.

"Fight! Ah! Miss Li, let's go..."


Xichao forcibly circulated her energy and soul, and after breaking through the bamboo wall with her soul power, she pulled Miss Li and escaped from the bamboo house.

"Want to go! Haha!"

Gui Nuqi laughed.Now that Xi Chao has been severely injured, even if he was alone, it would be difficult for him to escape from his hands, let alone Li Chuyin who was sealed with his cultivation spirit.

"Miss Li, you go first, I'll stop them."

Xi Chao pushed Li Chuyin out, and then rushed towards Ghost Nuqi with his sword sacrifice.

"court death"

After only five moves, Xi Chao was beaten out by Gui Nu Qi and vomited blood again.

"Go and catch that woman, don't let him run away."



Xi Chao became ruthless, burning his soul energy, increasing his strength and stopping Li Nong.Play with them both.

"Xi Chao, you are crazy, you actually burn your soul energy. Aren't you afraid of falling to the Supreme Realm?"

Soul Qi, this is the energy of Qi Soul.Once the cultivation base is lost, it will naturally regress.However, burning soul energy can more than double the strength, and at the same time, the reaction and speed will also be improved.

"Haha, even if I die here today, I will kill you shameless bastard!"

Xi Chao knew that Ling Yun would arrive soon.So he has to hold on.

"Pfft! Ghost Seventh Master, save me!"

Under Xi Chao's desperate efforts, he exchanged wounds for wounds, and pierced Li Nong's left shoulder with a sword, only narrowly missing his heart.Li Nong was not Xi Chao's opponent.

In addition, Xi Chao burned his soul energy again, and he was desperate, so he was even more invincible.


Guinuqi condensed his energy and soul, used his soul skills and swung his palms to hit Xiang Xichao.Once again, Xi Chao rushed forward with all his might, but Ghost Nuqi was startled, and retreated.

"who are you?"

After Xi Chao frightened Gui Nuqi back, he asked.

"People who are about to die, there is no need to ask so many questions. You won't last long after being hit by my red sand poisonous palm. Haha"

Gui Nuqi said with a sneer.There is no need for him to fight to the death with Xi Chao.Because Xi Tide was hit by his Red Sand Poison Palm, while his soul was injured, the power of the Red Sand Poison Palm was also left in his body.

The more he circulated his soul, the faster the poisonous gas would explode.

"Red Sand Poison Palm! You are the disciple of Beisha old monster."

Xi Chao was taken aback.The Beisha old monster he is talking about is an evil cultivator in the Beizi area for thousands of years. His strength is extremely terrifying, and at the same time, he is ruthless and does many evils.

If he was here, Xi Chao probably wouldn't be able to catch even a single move from the opponent.

"A bit knowledgeable, you even know the name of my master. But you will not escape death after all."

The people in Guinuzhuang are not spiritual practitioners, and this Guinuqi is just his code name.

"Oh, there's nothing terrible about death. If I die, you have to be buried with me, and the young master will definitely avenge me."

It's not that Xi Chao is not afraid of death, but that he knows he has no way out.Even if he knelt down and begged for mercy at this time, the other party might not let him go.Since he died anyway, it would be better to be vigorous.

And he believed in Ling Yun's character, if he died here, Ling Yun would definitely avenge him.

"Are you talking about the Northern District Sword God? He is indeed very courageous, but if you both stay here! How would he know who did it?"

Gui Nuqi said with a sneer.He doesn't need to question Ling Yun's strength.Since he can defeat Ouyang Pavilion of Yuandaomen, he is naturally capable of killing him.

But as long as Xi Chao and Li Chuyin are both dead, then who will know that this is what he did.

"You are wrong! Before coming, I have informed Mr. Ling that he will come soon."

From Gui Nuqi's tone, he could tell that this guy was afraid of Ling Yun.Therefore, Xi Chao thought of bringing out Ling Yun to scare him, if he could retreat in spite of the difficulties, it would be the best of course.

But he didn't expect it to be counterproductive.

"What? I'm afraid you won't be able to wait for him to come!"

Gui Nuqi was taken aback.Since he knew that Ling Yun might come at any time, he couldn't procrastinate any longer. He only needed to get rid of Xi Chao as soon as possible and leave here.

"I'm already here. Supreme Sword Qi!"


Gui Nuqi rushed towards Xi Chao, but before Xi Chao could make a move, Ling Yun's voice came over, followed by a large amount of sword energy rushing from all directions, directly cutting off all the sources of Gui Nu Qi's power, thus shattering it There were ten thousand pieces of corpses, only the head fell to the ground.

Gui Nuqi didn't even react.

"Wow! This is..."

Li Chuyin stared straight at Ling Yun.Ghost Nuqi is also a strong man in the Supreme Realm, and under Ling Yun's sword energy, he doesn't even have the ability to resist.

(End of this chapter)

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