extreme dog days

Chapter 1414 Meeting like strangers

Chapter 1414 Meeting like strangers

"It's you, you will come here."

A woman pushed open Lei Cang's door.Isn't she Rong Shiyin?When Lei Cang saw her, he was obviously surprised.

"Lei Cang, hurry up. Chi Qianduo already knows that you are here. Now he has sent someone to arrest you."

After seeing Lei Cang, Rong Shiyin said anxiously.

She learned that Chi Qianduo had sent someone out to capture Lei Cang, so she quietly came over to inform Lei Cang.

"Mrs. Chi, isn't your acting a bit too much? Now we have nothing to do with each other. You will be your Mrs. Chi, and I will go my way. You go!"

Does Lei Cang really have no feelings for Rong Shiyin?That is impossible!He still loves her in his heart.But she broke his heart.

"Thunder warehouse"

Madam Chi's words were like a sharp knife piercing her heart.If Zhou Shaofeng hadn't pushed her around, maybe she would have followed Zhou Shaofeng wholeheartedly.

But Zhou Shaofeng let her down, let her see clearly who is the one who really loves her in this world, and who is her reliance in the world.It's a pity that the person in front of her, she owed him too much.

"I know you hate me. But, you live is my belief in living. Lei Cang, can you live well. If you want to die, I will accompany you!"

Rong Shiyin said with tears in her eyes.The man who once loved her deeply is now a stranger when he sees her, and he doesn't even look at her directly.She knew she was wrong, but it was too late.

Because of her, Lei Cang fell directly from the high altar to hell.What kind of feeling is this, Rong Shiyin sees it in his eyes and understands it in his heart.She didn't beg Lei Cang to forgive her.

Just hope he can live.

"Mrs. Chi, your tears are useless to me now. I think it should be more useful to Master Chi. Please go out, I'm resting."

Lei Cang pointed to the door and said.He didn't even dare to look at Rong Shiyin, because he was afraid that after seeing her tears, his heart would soften.

"You promise me to leave here, or I won't leave."

Rong Shiyin wanted to stay and protect Lei Cang.This is the only thing she can do for him.Now Lei Cang has finally escaped from the Tianlei Gate, if he is captured again, he will never see the light of day!

Previously, Renfeng No. [-] was on the side of Tianlei Gate.Rong Shiyin knows that she has no ability to help Lei Cang escape, but she can do it here.Now the peaks are mixed with dragons and snakes.As long as you find a place to hide it, it is generally difficult for others to find it, and it is also difficult to find it.

"Little Two"

"Here comes the guest officer."

"Get this woman out"

Lei Cang called the waiter, who came forward and threw Rong Shiyin out of the room.But Rong Shiyin did not leave, but chose to live next door to Lei Cang, planning to stay and protect Lei Cang.She has already said that if Lei Cang wants to die, then she will accompany him to die.

Chi Qianduo is now the head of the Tianlei sect, and at the same time a military strategist of the Fengyun League, he is highly valued by Shen Wuchen. If he appears directly in the territory of Difeng, he will naturally attract attention.

So he just sent someone to come.

"Fei Shao, our people saw the door owner's wife also entered this inn."

A Tianlei sect came to Du Fei and said.Is this Du Fei the one who bullied Lei Cang at Renfeng before?He is Du Fei, the son of the current Great Elder, because Chi Qianduo is currently childless.Therefore, he was adopted as a adopted son.Therefore, although his cultivation base is only at the heavenly level, he is currently the number one young master in the Tianlei Sect. This time, in order to please Chi Qian, he took the initiative to ask Ying to bring someone to Difeng to capture the Lei Cang.

"Master Fei, it seems that the door owner's wife has no more affection for that trash of Lei Cang. She appeared here most likely to inform Lei Cang."

Another disciple said.

This time when Du Fei came out, he brought many people with him.In addition to the four dogs who have been following him all the time, there are also four Da Luojing, who were sent by his father to protect him and assist him in completing the task.

"Uh! Hehe! Rong Shiyin is one of the top ten beauties in the Beizi area, and even my father treats her like a curtain. This time she came here without telling her adoptive father. If I do something to her, she probably won't." Dare to speak out."

Du Fei has long wanted to play with Rong Shiyin's idea.But because she was from Leishan before and now from Chi Qianduo, he only dared to think and didn't dare to act recklessly.

But right now, it is a rare opportunity.

"Du Fei"

"Rong Shiyin, I didn't expect to see you here. It's really surprising."

After Du Fei entered the inn, he happened to meet Rong Shiyin in the corridor.

"go away"

"Hey, what if I don't go. You are going to deliver food to Lei Cang! Jie Jie, do you want to send yourself in as his food?"

Du Fei was very dishonest, jokingly said,

"Shameless, get out!"

Rong Shiyin swept away Du Fei's hand, took a step back and shouted.

"Haha, I'm shameless, why don't you say that you are down (sword)! We are a match made in heaven! Haha"

"What do you want to do, run away. Court death."

Du Fei had no bottom line, but Rong Shiyin was taken aback.The plate in his hand immediately fell to the ground.She wanted to hit Du Fei, but although she had reached the Great Luo Realm, her strength was not very good.

After a few moves, he was restrained by the four Da Luo Jing behind Du Fei.Lei Cang, who was originally in the room and didn't hear anything outside the window, opened his eyes when he heard Rong Shiyin's exclamation, with a struggling expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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