extreme dog days

Chapter 1415 Heroes Save America

Chapter 1415 Heroes Save America

"Seal her cultivation, let her go."

Du Fei said proudly for a while.

"Du Fei, what do you want to do. Ah!"

"Go in, you guys are guarding outside. Also, don't let that trash of Lei Cang get away."

Du Fei said to the four Da Luojing and his followers.

"Master Fei, don't forget about us."

One of the followers said to Du Fei with a smile.

"Don't worry, you are indispensable. Haha"

After Du Fei said a word, he couldn't wait to walk into Rong Shiyin's room.When he walked in, Lei Cang finally couldn't hold back and opened the door.Although his strength has only recovered [-]%.

But dealing with those people brought by Du Fei is just like playing.

"Lei Cang. Come!"

Du Fei just wanted to do whatever he wanted, but he didn't want the door to be kicked open by Lei Cang.

"Don't call, they can't answer you."

When Lei Cang entered, the four Da Luojing and Cun Fei outside had already been dealt with.

"What, you, aren't you abolished? You! You lied to everyone."

Du Fei understood, his face turned pale with fright, and he trembled all over

"It's true that I'm a useless person. But it's more than enough to kill you."

Lei Cang looked at Rong Shiyin who was pale and trembling, and then said coldly to Du Fei.

"No, don't kill me, Lord Leimen. I was wrong, forgive me, I'm a bastard, I'm not human, please let me go!"

Du Fei peed in fright.He is only at the sky level, so what if he is in the later stage.The four big Luojing guards outside were obviously dead, so how could he defeat Lei Cang?

Seeing the murderous aura emanating from Lei Cang, he immediately pissed in fear and knelt on the ground begging for mercy.

"Repent in the next life, and you will have no chance in this life."


If it weren't for Du Fei's idea of ​​playing with Rong Shiyin, Lei Cang probably wouldn't bother killing him.But he made the worst mistake.If Chi Qianduo knew about this.

It is estimated that Chi Qianduo will not let him go.

"Lei Lang. I knew you wouldn't leave me alone. Huh!"

After Lei Cang unlocked Rong Shiyin's cultivation, he turned around and wanted to leave, but Rong Shiyin hugged him from behind.

"Madam Chi, you misunderstood. I just wanted to kill them. It has nothing to do with you. You go! This is not where you came from. Go back, go back and be your wife."

Lei Cang gritted his teeth and said.

"No, I don't want to. Lei Lang, don't drive me away. Woohoo"

Rong Shiyin hugged him tightly and said.

"Some things, if you miss it, you will never get it back."

Lei Cang made up his mind, pushed Rong Shiyin away and walked out of the room, leaving her crying alone.After Lei Cang left the room, the person who went to the inn gave an explanation, then left the inn and went to other places.

He was not afraid that Chi Qianduo would send someone to look for him, but to avoid Rong Shiyin.

Because she is not hard-hearted, because he still can't forget her in his heart.But there are some mistakes, once made, it is unforgivable.This is the principle and the bottom line.

After Chi Qianduo and Du Sen received that Du Fei and others had been killed, Chi Qianduo couldn't sit still anymore, and personally led people to the peak in secret.He got the news that Lei Cang was still near Disciple Peak No. [-] of the Earth Peak.

Lei Cang was not waiting for them, but was waiting for news from the middleman.But when he learned that Chi Qianduo and the others were coming to find him, in order to prevent too much commotion, he went around into the woods.

"Why is it missing? He obviously entered here. Find it for me"

Du Sen saw Lei Cang enter the woods, but they couldn't see him after they entered.

"Dusen, Wang Shan. Are you looking for me?"

Lei Cang walked out by himself.

"Lei Cang, let me ask you, who killed my son."

The first thing Guisen said when he saw Lei Cang was to ask who the murderer of his son was.The inn took Lei Cang's money and only told Tianleimen about Du Fei and others, but did not tell them who killed them.


Lei Cang said very frankly.


Gui Sen didn't know that Lei Cang's spirit had recovered, nor did he know that Lei Cang's limbs had recovered as before, even better than before.In his eyes, Lei Cang is just nonsense.

Even if he has made some breakthroughs in the past three months, it is already very good to reach the Soul Origin Realm.With his cultivation at the Soul Origin Realm, no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't kill his son.And what about the four big Luojing?

"Uh, I didn't expect that the majestic Tianlei Sect Master back then would actually play tricks."

Wang Gui said.

He thought that Lei Cang had used some kind of conspiracy to kill Du Fei and the others.This explanation is also very reasonable.

"Lei Cang, you killed my son, and I want you to pay in blood. Cut off his limbs."

Du Sen said to several Tianleimen disciples around him.All of these people are Da Luojing.They were all like Gui Sen and the others, thinking that Lei Cang was still the trash who lived in their Tianlei Gate before.

Therefore, only two Da Luo Jing walked out.

Lei Cang didn't even use his sword, he directly used the Five Thunders and Tiangang Jue, the unique skill of the Tianlei Sect, and sent the two seriously injured Da Luo Jing away with his palms.Hit his five thunder sky gang formula.

In a short time, the two of them couldn't even stand up.

"Five Thunders and Tiangang Jue. Lei Cang, you, your cultivation has recovered."

Dusen screamed.The Wulei Tiangang Jue is different from other exercises, and can only be practiced if the cultivation base reaches the heaven level or above.And Lei Cang's palm seriously injured the Great Luo Realm, which meant that his cultivation had at least reached the Great Luo Realm or above.

(End of this chapter)

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