extreme dog days

Chapter 1416

Chapter 1416

Three months ago, Lei Cang was only at the Soul Core Realm, and it was impossible to raise his cultivation to above the Daluo Realm in such a short period of time, so it can be seen that his cultivation is a recovery.

"What do you think?"

Lei Cang said in a low voice.

"Lei Cang, you can really bear it. Haha!"

Chi Qianduo's voice came out, and then he appeared near Lei Cang with a Supreme Realm.Originally, he didn't want to show up, after all, this is a mountain.

It's not the boundary of Fengyun Peak.

Secondly, he used to follow Lei Cang anyway.If people know that he is now dealing with Lei Cang instead, it will not be good for his reputation outside.

"Chi Qianduo, you finally took the initiative to reveal the fox's tail."

Lei Cang frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice.His current strength has only recovered [-]%, if it is only Du Sen and Wang Gui, he will not have much pressure.

But with the addition of Chi Qianduo, and the Supreme Venerable who has just joined the Tianlei Sect by his side, he really doesn't have much confidence.

"Haha, Lei Cang, you've won the prize. The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. Bring that (sword) man up."

Chi Qianduo already knew that Rong Shiyin had gone to Difeng to report to Lei Cang.Originally, when Rong Shiyin learned that Du Sen and the others were coming to hunt down Lei Cang, she rushed over.On the way, Chi Qianduo stopped him.


"Chi Qianduo, do you think it's interesting to bring your wife out to threaten me?"

When Lei Cang saw the slap marks on Rong Shiyin's face and the blood on his mouth, his heart ached.But thinking about it, now that Rong Shiyin is Chi Qianduo's person, what does it have to do with him.

"I think it's very interesting. Isn't it right. (Sword) man, you dare to come here secretly. Do you think that I, like Lei Cang and Lei Shan, will take pity on your stinky skin? If you are rewarded to you as a disciple, then But it's very interesting."

Chi Qianduo reached out and grabbed Rong Shiyin's neck and said.He is not a kind person, and unlike Lei Cang and Lei Shan, he has a compassionate heart.

"Chi Qianduo, you bastard, you must die."

Rong Shiyin's face changed drastically, and then he cursed angrily.

"Haha, is that so? Lei Cang, what do you think!"

Chi Qianduo put his arms around Rong Shiyin, then looked at Lei Cang.

"This is a matter between your husband and wife, so it has nothing to do with me. If you want to show off your affection, if you are willing to show it, of course I would like to watch it."

Lei Cang clenched his fists tightly and said words that violated his conscience.He didn't know if it was a bitter show played by Rong Shiyin and Chi Qianduo in front of him.After all, Chi Qianduo was a veritable old fox.

"Then just watch..."

Chi Qianduo was a ruthless character, he just said something and pushed Rong Shiyin to Du Sen's side. That guy had long wanted to play with Rong Shiyin, so he was naturally unscrupulous now.

"Ah! Let me go..."

Rong Shiyin didn't ask Lei Cang for help, because she knew that Chi Qianduo just wanted to use her to deal with Lei Cang.

After all, Lei Cang couldn't help but was blocked by the Supreme Realm behind Chi Qianduo.The strength of that person's cultivation was no worse than that of Lei Cang who had recovered [-]% of his strength at this time.

When the two faced each other, Lei Cang was so shocked that he vomited blood, and the opponent was naturally also pushed back ten steps by him.

"Lei Lang, leave me alone, hurry up and go."

Rong Shiyin shouted anxiously.

"Haha, it's so touching! Lei Cang, as long as you obediently hand over the Wulei Tiangang Jue and the sword manual, she will return it to you. I will do what I say."

Chi Qianduo said with a smile.He knew that Lei Cang had no more love for Rong Shiyin.Moreover, Lei Cang is soft but not hard, if he wants him to hand over the Wulei Tiangang Jue and the sword manual, he has to use Rong Shiyin to win Lei Cang's sympathy.

In fact, Chi Qianduo knew about Rong Shiyin leaving Tianleimen quietly.All this is within his grasp.The only thing that surprised him was that Lei Cang's cultivation had recovered.

"Okay, I promise you."

Lei Cang thought for a while, agreed, cut his own palm, and used blood to refine the Five Thunders and Tiangang Jue.

"It turns out that you have been cultivating the Wulei Tiangang Jue into your body. No wonder Leishan sent people to search the former site of the Tianlei Gate, but they couldn't find it. Haha. Lei Cang, you hid it really deep."

Seeing the Wulei Tiangang Jue, Chi Qianduo finally understood why Lei Shan had tried everything he could to get the Wulei Tiangang Jue.This Five Thunder Heavenly Gang Art is engraved on a heaven and earth spiritual object, so it can be directly refined into the body.

It is in charge of the masters of Tianlei Sect in the past.

"Lei Lang, I didn't expect that I would give up the Wulei Tiangang Jue for my sake. Hehe. Chi Qianduo! I won't let you succeed."

Rong Shiyin did not expect that Lei Cang had endured so much suffering and suffered so much in order to keep the five-thunder sky gang formula.But for the sake of her, the person who once wronged him, she is still willing to use the Wulei Tiangang Jue in exchange.

Taking advantage of Du Sen's inattention, Rong Shiyin broke free from his grasp and rushed directly to Chi Qianduo, preventing Chi Qianduo from taking the Wulei Tiangang Jue from Lei Cang's hand.

"Well, courting death."

Chi Qianduo reacted subconsciously, and slapped Rong Shiyin's chest with his palm, shattering her heart, but Rong Shiyin snatched the Wulei Tiangang Jue that should have been obtained by him.



Lei Cang was taken aback and caught Rong Shiyin.

"Lei Lang, I'm sorry. I dare not beg your forgiveness in this life. If there is another life, I would like to be a slave and a handmaiden forever."

Rong Shiyin reached out and stroked Lei Cang's face, and said with tears.Her heart was broken, even if Ling Yun was here, he couldn't save her.

(End of this chapter)

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