extreme dog days

Chapter 1467 Reputation between people

Chapter 1467 Reputation between people

The previous matter was not Wansanyi's idea.Without Wan Dalong's support, Wan Sanyi alone, even if he is the person in charge of Wanjiazhuang's business, would not be such a big master.

"You guys are too greedy. It's not enough to know people's hearts, but you don't know that people are people after all. Can elephants swallow them? People's hearts are separated from the belly, but knowing people's faces but not their hearts. Don't take others lightly!"

Ling Yun looked at Wan Dalong, and said in the tone he would treat a junior.


Hearing that Ling Yun was educating him, this Wan Da Long Qi didn't show up anywhere.Because he feels like being treated like a three-year-old child.


Wan Yuntong glared at him, and Wan Dalong, who was about to get angry, shrank back immediately.

"Wan Lao, please sit down. You are welcome!"

Ling Yun turned to Wan Yuntong and said.

"Young man, courageous and courageous. It seems that this old man has met a little fox. Interesting, haha!"

Seeing Ling Yun's extremely calm performance made Wan Yuntong feel a little uncertain.

"Isn't Wanlao also a fox, and an old fox at the same time. Youdao is ginger or Laola, and I will forget about Wanlao to take care of him in the future."

Ling Yun personally helped Wan Yuntong pour a glass of wine, then raised the glass and said.

"Oh, haha. Mr. Lin, you are so sure that the old man will definitely stand by your side."

Smart people often don't need to tell the interests of both parties when talking and laughing, Ling Yun is the final word.But Wan Yuntong is a well-known old fox, so naturally he has to be included.

"Mr. Wan, I think you haven't figured out the situation. Now you are begging me for cooperation, not I am begging you. You don't need me to explain what the hell Wanjiazhuang is now. Although the camel is skinny It's bigger than a horse, but don't even think about it, how can a camel compare with a dragon. Let alone a camel that is about to starve to death."

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, but even in the peak period of Wanjiazhuang, it is still not as good as Wuxian Chamber of Commerce.Therefore, compared with Wanjiazhuang, the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce is a high-ranking dragon.


Wan Yuntong immediately concluded his speech, but he couldn't even say what he had planned.Because he never thought that the other party would not give him any face at all.

There is no way for an old fox to meet a skilled hunter.

"Even if I don't cooperate with Wanjiazhuang, this Xiyu handicap is already in my pocket. But speaking of it, I would like to thank you Wanjiazhuang, if Wanjiazhuang didn't release a large amount of materials at a low price Come out, I really have some headaches!"

Ling Yun laughed and said.Now more than half of the materials in the southwest area are under Ling Yun's control.He exchanged the Yuanling Yuanzhu that belonged to him and could earn it for materials.

Even Li Shuo did not expect that Ling Yun would have such skill.Therefore, he is very optimistic about Ling Yun, and has a very high opinion of Ling Yun in his heart.

"You are right. Wanjiazhuang is indeed incomparably compared with your Wuxian Chamber of Commerce. But your Wuxian Chamber of Commerce seems to be not at peace. If the old man is not wrong, Mr. Lin should belong to the Lu family. But Ke Bei It's from your lord Gongsun Wuya. Tell me, if Wanjiazhuang cooperates with Ke Bei, will you be able to sit still in this southwest area?"

Wan Yuntong's face was obviously a little heavy.Originally, he could point out the country like an expert, but now he can only threaten Ling Yun like a rascal.

The gap!

"Wan Lao, don't make such jokes with me. I treat you like an old fox, don't make me doubt my IQ, okay? Gongsun Wuya is a master who cannibalizes people but doesn't spit out bones. You Wanjia Hasn’t Zhuang already experienced it? Don’t say whether they are willing to cooperate with you, even if they are willing, I’m afraid you don’t dare. Don’t forget, most of the things that you Wanjiazhuang mortgaged before are in the in their hands."

Ling Yun said with a smile.


After Wan Yuntong heard this, he immediately stood up.

"It's impossible. We clearly divided the mortgage to those creditors. How could it fall into the hands of Ke Bei?"

Wan Dalong also yelled.Wanjiazhuang opened the treasury and took out spiritual objects as collateral. In addition to paying off the debt, it also exchanged Yuan Lingzhu for the operation of Wanjiazhuang.

In order to have a chance in the future, these spiritual objects can be redeemed, or even snatched back.Wanjiazhuang is looking for rich but not powerful owners to buy these things.

If these things fell to Gongsun Wuya, it would be difficult for them to get them back later.This belongs to the meat bun smashing the dog and never returning.

"Do you know why I don't go to Wanjiazhuang?"

Ling Yun smiled and looked at Wan Yuntong and asked.


Wan Yuntong gasped and looked at Wan Dalong.

Ling Yun's words contained a lot of information.There are spies arranged by Gongsun Wuya in Wanjiazhuang.If Lingyun had gone to Wanjiazhuang earlier, then Ke Bei would have gotten the news immediately.

"Wan Lao, the credibility between people has always been only once, because no one is foolish enough to be fooled once, and will be fooled again. Cooperation, if you can't trust each other, then it doesn't matter whether you cooperate or not. Previously It was you Wanjiazhuang who broke the promise first, so if you want to cooperate now, naturally you are begging me. I was in a good mood just now, and I agreed. But now I am in a bad mood! It is hard to say."

Ling Yun is not as simple as a little fox.Damn, he is obviously a hunter, and he only rules the old fox!

"Hmm! Haha, Mr. Lin's words are wrong. Can you represent the Lu family with full authority?"

Wan Yuntong was stunned for three breaths, then came to his senses, smiled and looked at Ling Yun and Li Shuo.

(End of this chapter)

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