extreme dog days

Chapter 1468 Miss Lu's Fiance

Chapter 1468 Miss Lu's Fiance

The character played by Ling Yun is surnamed Lin, not Lu, so Wan Yuntong doesn't think Lin Yun can represent the Lu family.But Li Shuo was different, he was the son-in-law of the Lu family, with a detached status.

But in the Lu family who can talk.

Wan Yuntong's question was on point, and he directly beat Ling Yun's army in a game of chess.

"Mr. Lin can certainly represent the Lu family with full authority."

Li Shuo was ahead of Ling Yun, and answered Wan Yuntong with a smile.


Wan Yuntong was very curious, he wanted to ask Ling Yun why?

"He is our young lady's fiancé. I believe Mr. Wan knows the identity of our young lady, right?"

If Li Shuo didn't say anything, it would be astonishing when he opened his mouth. Even Ling Yun couldn't react.He is not presumptuous, but has other plans.

"What? Hey! No wonder! Mr. Lin is really lucky."

Wan Yuntong was stunned for a moment, and then said with a little embarrassment.

"I'm so honored, it's something other people can't envy."

Ling Yun almost didn't react, he glanced at Li Shuo.This Li Shuo looked very calm, as if what he said just now was not a lie, but a real thing.

Uncle Lu, may I ask: Have you asked me yet?Why didn't I, the client, know anything about it?

Ling Yun yelled in his heart!


When he said he was fat, Ling Yun immediately gasped for breath, which made Wan Yuntong's old face almost unstoppable.

"Wan Lao, you already know my identity, where is your bargaining chip?"

Previously, he wanted to cooperate with Wanjiazhuang, but they wanted to save face and insisted on fixing some of them.Now it's his turn.Wanjiazhuang is now seriously injured.

In Gongsun Wuya's eyes, it was already a sheep waiting to be slaughtered, so even if Gongsun Wuya was willing to cooperate with them, they did not dare to agree.Now there is only one road in front of Wanjiazhuang.

One is to swallow that breath, and from then on, it will gradually decline in the open and secret struggle with Yuelong Villa, and finally disappear in the long history of Xizhou mainland.

The second is to work together with them.But now the problem is coming, if you want to cooperate, you must have a bargaining chip, otherwise it will not be equal.Unequal cooperation, but there are priorities.

Right now, the Lu family of Wuxian Chamber of Commerce is far stronger than Wanjiazhuang, so nature is the main one.Wanjiazhuang has no chips to speak of, so they can only be second.

"Huh! Mr. Lin, does he know about the destruction of the Yuandaomen?"

Wan Yuntong took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to touch his chin, and then asked.

"Yuandaomen was destroyed overnight, and this matter caused a lot of trouble. How could I not know about it?"

Ling Yun smiled and said, before he finished speaking, Li Shuo interrupted him.

"Could it be that Mr. Wan knows the whereabouts of Yuan Enemy?"

"Haha. That's right. Our Wanjiazhuang was connected with Yuandaomen before, so we have a little understanding of Yuandaomen. Mr. Lin, the treasure house left by Yuandaomen is not a small fortune. Although for the Lu family It’s nothing to say, but Mr. Lin probably won’t look down on him!”

Wan Yuntong said with a smile.

"You have to give me the treasure house of Yuandaomen."

Ling Yun had some surprises.Now it's interesting, he really wants to know what kind of tricks this old fox is trying to play.

"That's right. Although the treasure house of Yuandaomen is rich, it can only sit and eat if it doesn't flow. The old man wants to use the treasure house of Yuandaomen in exchange for Mr. Lin holding [-]% of the city of the Chamber of Commerce."

Yuandaomen stood in the Xizi area for as long as Wanjiazhuang.At the same time, Yuandaomen is also a domineering force, and has always been plundering.

Except for the master of Yuandao Sect and the previous three elders, no one else knows how big its treasure house is.

But for Wanjiazhuang, even if they get the treasure house of Yuandaomen, it will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.After the previous events, the Chamber of Commerce in Wanjiazhuang is now deserted.

Even if they want to supply a certain chamber of commerce, in addition to the price being lower than other suppliers, they have to make a deposit, otherwise they will not be at ease.

This is obviously someone behind the scenes.Therefore, if you want Wanjiazhuang to regain its vitality and regain its glory in a short period of time, you need help.And in the current Xizi area, the biggest help to them is the chamber of commerce city established by Ling Yun.

Therefore, he wanted to use Yuandaomen's treasure house in exchange for 60.00% of the shares in the Chamber of Commerce City held by Ling Yun.Ling Yun can now own [-]% of the shares in the Chamber of Commerce City.

The ten percent in his hand is six percent of the Chamber of Commerce.Less is a little less, but at least it is soup.At the same time, as long as you have shares in the chamber of commerce city.

Their Wanjiazhuang can also regard themselves as the master of the chamber of commerce city, let their chamber of commerce settle in the city of chamber of commerce, and make profits from it.

"Mr. Lin, this old man's request should not be too much, right?"

Seeing Ling Yun hesitated, Wan Yuntong asked.

"Wan Lao is so generous. I take the liberty to ask. Do you know where the treasure house of Yuandaomen is?"

What Ling Yun was thinking was not Wan Yuntong wanting [-]% of the Chamber of Commerce city in his hands, but another plan.For him, the city of the Chamber of Commerce is only used to check and balance Gongsun Wuya, and [-]% in his hands is still acceptable.

Even if it was given to Wanjiazhuang, in the end Wanjiazhuang joined forces with Gongsun Wuya, he would still be the boss of the Chamber of Commerce City.

(End of this chapter)

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