extreme dog days

Chapter 1480 Wan Yuntong perishes

Chapter 1480 Wan Yuntong perishes

"Hehe. You don't need to repay. You should almost know who I am, but you dare not say it. But I can tell you, it's me."

Ling Yun said with a smile.

"I don't care. It's my honor to have those ancient magic bones chosen by Your Excellency. If you ask directly, I will give them to you without hesitation."

Wan Yuntong shuddered, then said.

"What an old fox!"

Ling Yun said with a smile.

"Ah You…"

Hearing that Ling Yun called him the old fox, Wan Yuntong was startled immediately.The first thing that comes to mind is Manager Lin Yun of the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce.Because this was Ling Yun's evaluation of him earlier.

"Did you guess it?"

While speaking, Ling Yun had already walked in front of Wan Yuntong, and Wan Yuntong fell to the ground in fright, trembling.

"No, don't kill me."

Wan Yuntong is very smart, he knows that Ling Yun deliberately let him guess his identity, that is to kill him.

"Wan Yuntong, I heard that Wanjiazhuang was dug up, and I don't know how many people died under your hands. They begged you for mercy, but why did you spare them? It is said that Yuandaomen is rampant, but in fact, you were more powerful than them back then. More ruthless."

What Wanjiazhuang did in the past is too numerous to record, and it has done all kinds of bad things, but after Wanjiazhuang became strong, no one dared to mention it.

"Hehe, can this be my fault? Isn't the world where the strong prey on the strong?"

When Wan Yuntong heard Ling Yun mention the evil things Wanjiazhuang did back then, he laughed.In the Wuzhou Continent of the Doujie, no one can uphold justice. Naturally, the world is dominated by the weak and the strong.

If it weren't for his strength, how could Wanjiazhuang be where it is today.

"I don't like the world where the weak prey on the strong. But because you like it, I can only let you know how sad it is to be born in such a world."


Ling Yun's blue veins bulged, and instantly gathered the power of thunder, and punched Wan Yuntong.


Wan Yuntong let out a scream, and then his body exploded due to the force of thunder, leaving only his head.Ling Yun needs to keep his head, so that people can know that Wan Yuntong died at the hands of a man wearing a thunder mask.

In this way, the people of Shenmen can further believe that the previous beheading of their Shenmen clan elders has something to do with Yuandaomen.At the same time, let them know that there are forces in the world staring at them, so that they can be afraid and restrained.

In addition, Wan Yuntong's head remained.As long as the people in Dali know that Wan Yuntong died, those people who had feuds with Wanjiazhuang will help Ling Yun and the others deal with Wan Fei, Wan Dalong and the others.

This can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.

It has also been said that after Wan Yuntong is killed, Ling Yun doesn't need to make another move.

"That old thief Wan Yuntong is dead, haha. That's great, dad, have you seen in the spirit of the sky, the person who killed you back then is dead now without a whole body."

"The old Zhuangzi of Wanjiazhuang was killed."

"Uh, is this news accurate?"

"You don't believe it? I saw his head being taken away by the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce."

"Great. Wan Yuntong is dead. Then I can seek revenge on that precious son of his. Come with me..."

"Let's go, let's go to Wanjiazhuang to pay back the blood debt of the past."

"Uh, boss, aren't we going to grab the Demon Devouring Knife?"

"What are you grabbing? Isn't it true that there are so many people fighting now, even if the original enemy stands in front of us, we can't beat him, so why not take advantage of this opportunity to destroy Wanjiazhuang. In this way, we You don’t have to leave your hometown anymore.”

"What, Wan Yuntong is dead. Hiss. Unexpectedly, it was Yuandaomen first, and now it is Wanjiazhuang's turn."

"That's right. It's a pity that another giant in our Xizi area will be removed from the name. Is there a rhythm of chaos in the world?"

"What a pity. Whether it is Yuandaomen or Wanjiazhuang, they are not good things. Otherwise, just one Wan Yuntong will fall, and Wanjiazhuang will definitely not be destroyed."

"That's true. If you are right, you will get more help than if you are wrong. Wan Yuntong is alive, and some people will naturally give him some face and avoid him three points. But he is dead, hehe..."


Wan Yuntong fell, and most of them took the opportunity to beat the dog in the water.Most of the rest are watching from the other side.Maybe there are some people who have received Wan Yuntong's favor, but it's too late.

Once Wan Yuntong died, if they didn't take action to deal with Wanjiazhuang, it would be regarded as the utmost benevolence.

The next day

"Master Ling, Wan Yuntong is dead, do you know?"

After Li Shuo got the news, he frowned, and purposely came to Ling Yun's side to ask.He suspected that Wan Yuntong might have been killed by Ling Yun, because he remembered that Ling Yun suddenly disappeared for three hours yesterday, and he happened to be looking for him at that time, but he couldn't find him.

"Oh, who killed it. The original enemy?"

Ling Yun opened his eyes, looked at Li Shuo with a smile and asked back.

"Uh! No. The Yuan Enemy's whereabouts are unknown now. According to the news from the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce, Wan Yuntong was killed by someone wearing a thunder mask."

Ling Yun left the power of thunder on purpose at that time, so after the people from the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce found Wan Yuntong's head and reported the matter to Gongsun Wuya, they would naturally guess that Wan Yuntong died under the head of the thunderbolt. hand with mask.

"Oh! Is that the one who ransacked the forbidden courtyard of Wanjiazhuang?"

Ling Yun pretended to be surprised, and looked at Li Shuo to confirm.

(End of this chapter)

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