extreme dog days

Chapter 1481 Infighting in Wanjiazhuang

Chapter 1481 Infighting in Wanjiazhuang

The fact that Ling Yun is the person wearing the thunder mask cannot be revealed yet.So it was impossible for him to tell Li Shuo that if the news leaked out, the problem would be serious.

"Hmm! Is it him? If it's him, then he's really good at pretending! He's a watertight guy. How strong is he? Even though I can beat Wan Yuntong, I can't kill him. .”

Li Shuo nodded, thinking in his heart.Although Ling Yun performed very well, he couldn't see any flaws.But he still suspected that this matter had something to do with Ling Yun.

But thinking that Ling Yun might be the person wearing the thunder mask, he couldn't help but shudder.Li Shuo's strength was still higher than Wan Yuntong's, but he thought he could only defeat him, not kill him.

"What happened to the people in Wanjiazhuang?"

After Ling Yun was silent for a while, he opened his mouth to ask.

"Do you need to ask? Wanjiazhuang has offended many people before. Now that Wan Yuntong is dead, of course someone wants to make trouble. And Gongsun Wuya also sent people to assist Wan Yunkai in dealing with Wanjiazhuang. Man, this Wanjiazhuang is probably doomed."

Li Shuo said.

When Wan Yunkai heard the news of Wan Yuntong's death, he couldn't wait to seize the position of owner of the Wan family.Except for two or three people who surrendered to Wan Yunkai because of their old love, the other Supreme Venerables all died unexpectedly.

Even Li Dalong died tragically at the hands of Wan Yunkai.He killed Wan Dalong, which can be regarded as revenge for his son.

As for Wan Fei, he was severely injured by Shoushen Qingfeng and fled.

"It seems that Gongsun Wuya wants to support Wan Yunkai, so as to coerce Yuelong Villa into the game. Heh!"

Gongsun Wuya wanted to support Wan Yunkai and make him the owner of Wanjiazhuang, so as to replace the previous Wanjiazhuang. This would also prevent Yuelong Villa from being dug up.

To put it bluntly, this was aimed at Ling Yun, because he wanted to pull Ling Yun into the water completely, making it impossible for Ling Yun to retreat.

The news of Lingyun's cooperation with Shenmen has already spread. After all, Shenmen has set up no less than ten large formations in the Beizi area, which is the best proof.But as long as Yuelong Villa doesn't make a statement.

Then the attitude of the major forces in the world towards Ling Yun is to wait and see.

Gongsun Wuya's move was nothing more than to make Ling Yun a target of public criticism.Let Lingyun have no way out, and thus be at the mercy of Shenmen.

"Master Ling means that Gongsun Wuya wants to swallow up the land of Wanjiazhuang and secretly deal with Yuelong Villa."

Li Shuo understood.Wanjiazhuang has been fighting openly and secretly with Yuelong Villa.As long as Gongsun Wuya supports Wan Yunkai, he will naturally be able to control Wanjiazhuang in a legitimate way.

In this way, Ling Yun's calculation will come to nothing.At the same time, Wanjiazhuang secretly controlled by Gongsun Wuya will pose a greater threat to Yuelong Villa than Wanjiazhuang previously controlled by Wan Yuntong.

"Hehe! Let's go, let's settle the score with Gongsun Fuya!"

Ling Yun said with a smile.


Li Shuo was stunned for a moment.There is a kind of thinking that can't keep up with Lingyun.But Ling Yun wants to settle accounts with Gongsun Wuya, of course he is willing to accompany him.

At Wangpo, thirty miles away from the Alchemy Villa, Wan Fei was injured and hid in the ruined temple there to heal his injuries.

"Master Fei, the owner is dead."

Wan Yongcheng, one of the supreme figures in Wanjiazhuang, found Wan Fei.

"What, who killed the owner."

Wan Fei's face changed drastically, Wan Yuntong died, and now even the owner of the village, Wan Dalong, died here, so Wanjiazhuang might be doomed.

"Yes Yes!"

Wan Yongcheng lowered his head, as if he dared not speak.


Wan Fei shouted.

"It's the second master Wan Yunkai."

"It's him! No wonder people from the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce will attack us. Cough"

Wan Fei was hit by Shoushen Qingfeng's palm earlier, hurting his lungs, coughing up blood when he got angry.

"Master Fei. What shall we do now..."

Wan Yongcheng asked.

"What about the others?"

Before their Wanjiazhuang, there were eleven Supreme Realm and three hundred Daluo Realm, but now there are only two of them left.

"Except for Wan Yongkun and the others who surrendered to Wan Yunkai, everyone else died. Only I escaped by chance"

Wan Yongcheng lowered his head and said.At this time, Wan Yunkai brought people here, and Wan Yongcheng's whereabouts were discovered.

"Hiss, it's not good. Let's go!"

Sensing that someone was approaching the ruined temple, Wan Fei immediately got up and said to Wan Yongcheng.

"Haha, Wan Fei, you want to go there."

Wan Yuntong is dead, and Wan Yunkai has the support of Gongsun Wuya at this time, so he is naturally determined to win Wanjiazhuang.At present, even Wan Dalong is dead, so the only person who can compete with him is Wan Fei.

As long as Wan Fei dies, no one in Wanjiazhuang will dare to stand up against him.

"Wan Yunkai! This bastard."

Seeing the head thrown by Wan Yunkai, Wan Fei couldn't help cursing.This head belongs to Wan Dalong.

"Haha, brother Wan Fei, you are desperate, why obey me and enjoy Wanjiazhuang with me. You will still be Wanjiazhuang Fei Lord. Your descendants will also enjoy endless prosperity and wealth. "

Wan Yunkai said.Before that, his relationship with Wan Fei was pretty good.If Wan Fei can be persuaded to support him, then he will have another right-hand man by his side.

"Hmph, my fate is the old man. Wan Yunkai, the most I can do is promise you to leave the Xizi area and never be your enemy."

Wan Fei has always been loyal to Wan Yuntong. Although Wan Yunkai was not the one who killed Wan Yuntong, he had already betrayed Wan Yuntong before, so it was impossible for Wan Fei to submit to him.

(End of this chapter)

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