extreme dog days

Chapter 1482 Warning God's Gate

Chapter 1482 Warning God's Gate

Wan Fei was about the same strength as Wan Yunkai.Although the relationship was good in the past, in fact, it was impossible for anyone to convince anyone.If he chooses to surrender to Wan Yunkai, he might be killed by him that day, and he doesn't even know what's going on?

"That's not up to you."

Shoushen Qingfeng came out and said.

"It's you!"

Wan Fei was startled, and quickly took two steps back.This god-guarding Qingfeng is not something he can offend. Although he was injured by a sneak attack before, he can guarantee that even if he confronts him head-on, he cannot be his opponent.

What's more, he was still injured at this time.

"Wan Fei, I will give you one last chance. Kneel down and surrender to me. Otherwise, both you and your two grandsons will have to go down to accompany you. Oh yes! Wan San will die too. If I don't If you guess wrong, Wan San is not that guy Wan Yuntong's biological son, but your son."

Wan Yunkai said with a sneer.He wants to subdue Wan Fei, of course he has his chips.

The relationship between Wan Fei and Wan San is not even known to Wan San himself.But Wan Fei was very clear.Wan Yunkai is also one of the insiders, but he never revealed it before.

Because he knew that even if he had told Wan Yuntong about this at the beginning, Wan Yuntong would just let it go in order to make Wan Fei die for him.On the contrary, this matter will make him and Wan Fei turn against each other.

But at this time, he can threaten Wan Fei with Wan San's life, making him obey him obediently.

"You, how do you know."

Wan Fei stared at Wan Yunkai with wide eyes.Back then, Wan Yuntong retreated and asked him and Wan Yunkai to manage Wanjiazhuang.One night, someone suddenly broke into Wanjiazhuang and almost killed Wan Yuntong's second wife.

It was he who rushed to save the second lady, and the two of them broke up before they knew it.

"If you don't want people to know, you have to do nothing. But I have to say, your vision is really good. Haha"

Wan Yun laughed and said.

"What a show."


"Unexpectedly, when Wanlao died, Wanjiazhuang became infighting. Moreover, such a scandal broke out. If Wanlao heard about it, would he be so angry that he would come back to life?"

Ling Yun and Li Shuo appeared, applauded and said.

"Lin Yun"

"Lin Yun"


Shoushen Qingfeng, Wan Yunkai and others frowned when they saw Ling Yun's sudden arrival.

"Mr. Lin, this is a matter of our Wanjiazhuang, please don't interfere."

After Wan Yunkai realized it, he said hastily.He had Gongsun Wuya backing him, but if Ling Yun supported Wan Fei, it would be very bad for him.

"I'm really not interested in your Wanjiazhuang nonsense."

Ling Yun said with a smile.

"Then what are you doing here?"

Shoushen Qingfeng asked subconsciously on behalf of Wan Yun.

"I came to find you."

With an incomprehensible smile on Ling Yun's face, he walked step by step towards Shoushen Qingfeng.

"Look for me...what are you looking for me for?"

Shoushen Qingfeng has suffered losses in Ling Yun's hands, and has also seen Ling Yun's strength.Although Ling Yun didn't show any murderous intent at this time, his step by step approaching Shoushen Qingfeng brought him an invisible pressure, which made him want to retreat.

"Break your legs, and then ask you to bring some words to Gongsun Wuya."

Ling Yun said very calmly.

"What! You, you want to break my leg, why, I didn't offend you."

Hearing Ling Yun's intentions, Shoushen Qingfeng was startled and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"You didn't offend me, but you are the most loyal dog around Gongsun Wuya. It's his fault that he plays tricks on me."

Ling Yun stopped ten feet away from the Shoushen Qingfeng, and said with a smile.

"Ling Yun, your lord has already given you...uh! Ancient power, ah!"

Shoushen Qingfeng was halfway through speaking, but Ling Yun had already made a move, and the sword energy burst out instantly, and the people standing beside them were all startled, and quickly retreated.

Shoushen Qingfeng hastily circulated his spirit and unleashed ancient power, intending to fight Ling Yun, but as soon as his spirit appeared, he was forcibly suppressed by Ling Yun's sword energy, and then a powerful sword energy passed directly through him Blood gushed out of his knee immediately.

The knee was crippled, and Shoushen Qingfeng immediately knelt down and screamed.

"Go back and tell you Gongsun Wuya, don't treat me like air. Otherwise, I will make him restless."

Breaking Shoushen Qingfeng's leg was Ling Yun's warning to Gongsun Wuya, and it was also a warning to Shenmen, otherwise he would not have chosen to attack Shoushen Qingfeng.

"Ah. Damn it!"

Shoushen Qingfeng gritted his teeth, his knee was directly abolished, even if healed, there will be some inconvenience in moving in the future.It will have some impact on how much he can exert his strength.

But facing him at this moment, he only dared to lower his head and roar angrily, he didn't even dare to look Ling Yun straight in the eye.He also learned about Ling Yun's arrogance, if he provoked him again, maybe the other leg would also be lost.

"Your name is Wan Yunkai"

When Ling Yun left, he turned and looked at Wan Yunkai.

"Yes Yes"

Wan Yunkai was stared at by Ling Yun, feeling like he was about to lose his soul, he shuddered, swallowed and responded.

"After following Gongsun Wuya, it's best not to mess with me. Otherwise, I don't mind killing you."

Ling Yun wasn't trying to scare Wan Yunkai, he didn't want to make a big fuss about something openly in the Xizi area, but if it was aimed at Gongsun Wuya, he could be unscrupulous.

Because the relationship between Gongsun Wuya and Shenmen is closer than him, if he deals with Gongsun Wuya, others will only applaud, at most they will say that they are dog-eat-dog.

(End of this chapter)

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