extreme dog days

Chapter 1499 The Lu family asks for help

Chapter 1499 The Lu family asks for help

Ling Yun had some doubts in his heart.But [-]% is almost enough for him.After all, once the super formation is completed, Shenmen cannot control it.At least he can at least eliminate the threat of formations in the Beizi area.

If he can be half sure, then this super formation can be used as his trump card against Shenmen.

The problem is that Ling Yun's mother is long gone, and it's hard to say whether she will leave behind the control method of that super large formation.As for Ling Yun's desire to reach the ranks of a god-level array mage, I'm afraid it will be very difficult.

So after he put on the thunder mask, every time he went to the Xizi area, he would look for the formation of Shenmen to attack.In addition to deliberately destroying the formation of Shenmen, he can also break the formation of Shenmen, so as to continuously improve his formation skills.

ten days later

"Sir, Li Shuo asks to see you."

"Li Shuo, what is he doing? Could it be that something happened to the city of the Chamber of Commerce, please come here."

Ling Yun was greatly surprised to hear that Li Shuo had come to find him at Tianfeng, the holy land of the sword.Li Shuo has been in charge of helping him manage the chamber of commerce city?If there was nothing important, he probably wouldn't have left the West Area.

"Meet Mr. Ling"

"President Li, why are you here? Did something happen to the City of the Chamber of Commerce?"

Ling Yun seemed a little anxious.Once the chamber of commerce city is in operation, it can control half of the chamber of commerce in the west area.However, the city of the Chamber of Commerce does not completely belong to him yet.

Forty percent of them belonged to Gongsun Wuya.

If something happens to the chamber of commerce, it means that Gongsun Wuya has made another move. How can he not be in a hurry.That guy has always wanted to occupy the city of the Chamber of Commerce?

"Young master, there is no need to worry. There is nothing wrong with the chamber of commerce city. It has already started operation, and dozens of chambers of commerce have joined the city of chamber of commerce. Not surprisingly, the city of chamber of commerce will achieve the desired effect within three years."

Li Shuo said with a smile.

Gongsun Wuya is also a part of the Chamber of Commerce City.He wanted to get the Chamber of Commerce City, but currently he would only target Ling Yun, not the City of the Chamber of Commerce.

The chamber of commerce city has just been established, and what it needs most is stable development and building prestige and reputation.If something goes wrong during this period, it will greatly damage the effect of the chamber of commerce city.

"Then what is your purpose?"

Ling Yun frowned, then smiled and asked Li Shuo.Li Shuo represented the Lu family. He came here to look for him, not for the Chamber of Commerce City, so it must be related to the Lu family.

It was expected that the Lu family would send someone to look for him.His side has been peaceful for a year, but he knows that Wuxian Chamber of Commerce will not be peaceful.

Once Gongsun Wuya knew about his alliance with the Lu family.Naturally, Gongsun Wuya would not be content.As long as he is restless, the Lu family will certainly not be able to sit still.

"Our young lady would like to invite Mr. Lu to the Xuanzi area, and the Lu family will be our guest."

The Lu family is now facing Gongsun Wuya's pressing force every step of the way. If they don't fight back, the consequences will be disastrous.Lu Wanrou made a new decision, so she asked Li Shuo to invite Ling Yun to Lu's house directly.

Of course, a year has passed since the incident in the West Area.Now even if Ling Yun swaggered to the Xuanzi area, no one would step out to target him.

At least until the game between him and Shenmen has no result.

"Did something happen to the Lu family! I don't have much time!"

Ling Yun asked straight to the point, he didn't want to go around the bush.

"No major incidents have happened in the Lu family. But the biggest problem has always been in Tianhang Temple."

Li Shuo said in a deep voice.Tianhang Temple is the Lu family's biggest trump card.If the Lu family loses the trump card of Tianhang Temple, then the Lu family will lose any threat to Gongsun Wuya.

At that time, Gongsun Wuya could press the Lu family to death with just a finger movement.

"Tianhang Temple?"

Ling Yun knew that Tianhang Temple had a very close relationship with the Lu family, but he didn't know the details.

"Don't lie to Mr. Ling. The relationship between Tianhang Temple and the Lu family is like that of Sword God Pavilion and Yuelong Mountain Villa. The difference is that Tianhang Temple is the trump card of Lu family. The presidency of Tianhang Temple is the righteousness of my father-in-law. My son, but this Tianhang Temple has a host re-election contest every thousand years. Unless the host is re-elected for three consecutive terms, otherwise, if he loses the election, the host will be replaced by someone else. It is in danger, so our young lady thought of asking Mr. Ling for help."

Tianhang Temple host re-election once every thousand years, as the host can ask for foreign aid.This is the prerogative of being a host.Therefore, when Tianhang Temple presided over the re-election last time, the old man of the Lu family personally participated.

This allowed Tianhang to be re-elected without any suspense.

But this time, the old man of the Lu family was approaching his lifespan, so he couldn't make another move.And the situation at Tianhang Temple is completely unfavorable to the current host.

Lu Wanrou knew that Ling Yun's strength was unfathomable, at least comparable to Feng Yuyunyan.That's why she thought of asking Ling Yun for help.

"Oh. Hehe, I'm not from Tianhang Temple, how can I help?"

Ling Yun smiled.He didn't know what the rules for the selection of Tianhang Temple hosts were, and he didn't know that Tianhang Temple hosts had the privilege of inviting foreign aid.

"As long as the young master arrives at the Lu family, our eldest lady will naturally explain it in detail. If young master Ling forms an alliance with our Lu family, it will be a shameless mouth. If our Lu family loses power, the game between young master Ling and Gongsun Wuya will definitely be the same. In a passive state. I believe that Mr. Ling will not refuse to help our Lu family!"

Li Shuo said very sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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