extreme dog days

Chapter 1500 Atomization True Immortal, Yunli Knife

Chapter 1500 Atomization True Immortal, Yunli Knife

Li Shuo had seen Ling Yun's strength before, so he naturally hoped that Ling Yun could help him.At the same time, he also knew that Ling Yun cooperated with their Lu family to restrain Gongsun Wuya,

This is also his only breakthrough against Gongsun Wuya.

"When to leave"

Although if the Lu family were completely controlled by Gongsun Wuya, they wouldn't die as Li Shuo said, but it would make him lose the means to deal with Gongsun Wuya.

Gongsun Wuya stood behind Shenmen, and it was obviously inappropriate to confront each other head-on, so he could only use the Wuxian Chamber of Commerce to play the game.

"The sooner the better."

Li Shuo said immediately.

"Okay, we will leave the day after tomorrow."

Ling Yun complied.

"Thank you, Mr. Dayi. Li will leave."

Li Shuo will not stay here.Because his situation is very dangerous.He is not from Ling Yun's side, so Gongsun Wuya doesn't have to worry about him.

If he was within the city of the Chamber of Commerce, then he could represent Ling Yun, and it would be difficult for Gongsun Wuya to attack him.But if you leave the chamber of commerce city.

The situation is different.

Li Shuo came to the Holy Land of Sword Control from the Chamber of Commerce City, but he was very cautious, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world.His whereabouts are still known to Gongsun Wuya.

"not good!"

Li Shuo rode his horse and passed by a forest, and his Qi Soul smelled a dangerous aura.He jumped off the horse for the first time, and the moment he left the horse, the horse he was riding was torn into ten pieces by several silver hooks.

"Silver Hook Iron Guard."

Thirty-six people wearing dark iron armor and holding silver hooks surrounded Li Shuo.These 36 people are called Yingou Tiewei, and they are dead soldiers trained by Gongsun Wuya.

Although their 36 cultivation bases are only at the Great Luo Realm, they can form a very terrifying battle formation.The strength reaches the late stage of the supreme state.At the same time, the black iron armor they wore was not simple.

Ordinary power cannot be destroyed.


The 36 Yingou Tiewei couldn't help but rushed forward and started a fight with Li Shuo.Li Shuo's strength cannot be shaken by these 36 silver hook iron guards.

But the iron guard on the silver hook iron guard also surprised him.

"court death"

When Li Shuo used his soul skill, a burst of mist appeared all over his body, and the mist produced a powerful fluctuation of power. The 36 silver hook iron guards were hit by him and injured nearly 20 people.


One of the iron guards shouted, and the 36 of them immediately took positions and formed a formation to summon a huge silver hook iron guard. The strength of this silver hook iron guard reached the Supreme Realm.

"Hmph. Roar! Melt"




Li Shuo used his unique skills, his hands turned into mist hands, and when he pushed them out at the same time, the Iron Hook Iron Guard turned into a burst of mist. All the 36 Yingou Iron Guards were blown away, at least half of them died.

He stepped forward and kicked a silver hook iron guard who was trying to get up.He had already defeated Yingou Tiewei, but he did not dare to take it lightly.Because the people who really gave him a sense of crisis were not the 36 Silver Hook Iron Guards.

"Thousands of years ago, the atomized real immortal in the Xuanzi area really didn't get its name in vain."

A middle-aged man walked over with his hands behind his back and looked at Li Shuo with a sneer.

"You are a member of Shenmen."

Li Shuo frowned tightly.The breath released by the other party is not weaker than him at all.

"No, my name is Gongsun Yang, have you heard of it?"

The middle-aged man did not come from Shenmen, but from the Gongsun family.Moreover, it is impossible for Li Shuo not to have heard of his name, because he was the previous head of the Gongsun family.

He is also Gongsun Wuya's cheap grandfather.

"What. Aren't you dead?"

Li Shuo was startled and couldn't help but took two steps back.Gongsun Yang was one of the two great generals beside the old man of the Lu family in the past, and his cultivation strength was comparable to that of Feng Yuyunyan.

Belonging to the most top supreme powerhouse.

However, 1000 years ago, the news of his sudden death spread from the Gongsun family, and since then the Gongsun family has been taken over by Gongsun Wuya.

"Hehe! That's just for the purpose of allowing Young Master Wuya to take over the Gongsun family's drama in a legitimate way. Li Shuo, you can do it yourself. The old man promises to keep your whole body."

Gongsun Yang said with a sneer.

"Old man, although you are stronger than me, it is impossible for you to keep me."

Li Shuo knew that he was no match for Gongsun Yang, but with Gongsun Yang alone, it was impossible to kill him.

"Is it"

Gongsun Yang smiled and looked in another direction.

"What if you add me?"

Shoushen Qingfeng appeared thousands of feet away. Although he has a limped leg, his strength cannot be underestimated.

"There is one more, come out!"

Li Shuo's face looked extremely ugly.Besides Shoushen Qingfeng and Gongsun Yang, there was another person in the dark, and he was also an old acquaintance of Li Shuo.The person who was as famous as Li Shuo in the Xuanzi area back then.

At the same time, the two also pursued the eldest lady of the Lu family, that is, Lu Wanrou's aunt.In the end, Li Shuo's character was even better and won her heart.

"True Immortal Fog, Yunli Dao. Li Shuo, you didn't think it was him, did you?"

Gongsun Yang smiled and looked at the last person who appeared.

"Liu Yishou"

Li Shuo's face changed drastically, he did not expect that Liu Yishou, Yunli Dao, would also become Gongsun Wuya's man.

"Hehe Li Shuo, look what this is."

Liu took out a bellyband from his bosom with one hand and threw it at Li Shuo.The owner of this bellyband is Li Shuo's wife.

"Bastard! Liu Yishou, I'm going to kill you."

Seeing the apron, Li Shuo immediately went crazy.Without heeding the consequences, he threw himself at Liu.He fought with Liu Yishou, and Gongsun Yang and Shoushen Qingfeng wouldn't just stand there and watch a show.

(End of this chapter)

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