extreme dog days

Chapter 3611 Two families break

Chapter 3611
"Thousands, it's absolutely true! The Lei family said that they will never be treacherous villains! Since it has been decided that Master Fanchen will marry their Lei family, then he is the son-in-law of the Lei family! No one can change it! The Lin family insists on humiliating them. The Lei family, then the marriage is, just..."

Lin Chen whispered.Although they didn't know why the Lei family insisted on choosing Lin Fanchen as their son-in-law, the Lei family's attitude was firm and they asked them to bring their words back.

The marriage between the Lei family and the Lin family is imperative. Everyone was happy at first, but now it's a good thing.

"Just what?"

"Let it go!"

"The Lei family is crazy! The marriage between the two families is just a formality! For the sake of our Lin family's useless being their son-in-law, they don't hesitate to tear up the alliance!"

"In my opinion, the Lei family didn't want to form an alliance with our Lin family! Otherwise, how could they break the alliance just because of a trash!"

"The Lei family is too bullying, they think our Lin family insists on forming an alliance with them!"


After hearing this, the elders of the Lin family were all indignant.The decision of the two alliances was made after discussions between Lin Xiaofeng and Lei Ao before the marriage.

It's just that later Lin Xiaofeng wanted to find a wife for his good-for-nothing son, lest others say that he didn't care about his son.So he thought of the marriage, so as to strengthen the relationship between the two families.

"Family, Patriarch, elders, tear up, tear up is actually our Lin family!"

Lin Chen said weakly.

"Well, what nonsense are you talking about? How could our Lin family tear up the covenant."

"That's right! How can our Lin family be treacherous villains! Could it be that the Lei family can turn right and wrong!"


Hearing Lin Chen's words, the elders of the Lin family roared angrily, thinking that the Lei family was throwing the blame and trying to ruin their Lin family's reputation.

"What is the situation, tell the truth!"

Lin Xiaofeng asked sharply.He and Lei Ao are considered acquaintances, and they are both Patriarchs, so he doesn't think that Lei Ao will tear up the alliance between the two families casually.

There must be something hidden in this.

Lin Chen repeated everything that Lin Xianglong said at Lei's house.After the elders and Lin Xiaofeng heard this, their complexions suddenly turned ugly, especially Lin Xiaofeng turned blue and purple for a while.

Although he agreed that Lin Xianglong should replace Lin Fanchen as the protagonist of the two marriages, after all, Lin Xianglong is more important to the Lin family than Lin Fanchen, and the ancestor of the Lin family is also Lin Xianglong's grandfather, so he chose to sacrifice Lin Fanchen's dignity.But it didn't say that if the Lei family didn't agree, there would be no alliance!
According to what Lin Xianglong said, it was the Lin family who bullied people too much.

"The ancestor is here!"

Just as Lin Xiaofeng was silent with the elders of the family, Lin Wanzhou rushed over.

"I have seen my ancestor!"

"Meet the ancestors!"

Lin Wanzhou is the oldest member of the Lin family.He has always been not only the patriarch of the Lin family, but also the great elder of the Lei family.

If Lin Xiaofeng hadn't broken through to the Taoist master, Lin Wanzhou would have the final say on the entire Lin family.

"I already know about the Lei family. Since the Lei family doesn't want to form an alliance with our Lin family, our Lin family doesn't even bother to form an alliance with it! In the name of the old man, invite Taoist Dongchi and Fairy Jiupeng, and spread the news , The Lin family broke with the Lei family! The Lin family will never intervene in the grievances between the Lei family and Qixiemen!"

When Lin Wan came on Monday, he gave orders directly without giving anyone a chance to speak.Lin Xiaofeng's expression was not good, but he didn't say anything.

Lin Wanzhou is a long-established Taoist master in the mainland of Xizhou, and was once the number one master in the Dizi area.His prestige is not small.Apart from the support of more than half of the Lin family, he also has a great reputation outside.

For example, the Taoist Dongchi he mentioned, Fairy Jiupeng is also a Taoist master. These two people have received great kindness from Lin Wanzhou in the past. As long as Lin Wanzhou has something to ask them, they will definitely come.

In addition, Lin Wanzhou can also be regarded as Lin Xiaofeng's father-in-law.Although Lin Xiaofeng's main wife is Lin Wanzhou's adoptive daughter, Lin Xiaofeng knows that she is Lin Wanzhou's biological daughter.

It stands to reason that they are both members of the main clan, and it is impossible to intermarry, but Lin Wanzhou let his illegitimate daughter marry Lin Xiaofeng in order to control the entire Lin family.

Seven evil gates

"It's interesting that the Lin family broke with the Lei family!"

Long Xie, the second ranked member of Qixiemen, immediately laughed when he heard the news that the Lin family released Minlei's family to break up.

"How could their C family break up suddenly! Could this be a conspiracy!"

Jiang He said in a deep voice.Because the Lei family cleaned up the people they had arranged in the city from Qixiemen, Qixiemen's side is not very clear about what happened during the wedding ceremony.

All he knew was that the Lei family insisted on letting the Lin family's trash become a son-in-law, which eventually caused the Lin family's patriarch to lose face.But shouldn't the alliance between the two of them be imperative?

It is a bit puzzling to break directly because of this matter.

"Probably not! According to reliable sources, after the Lin family released the news of breaking with the Lei family, they sent people to Penghua Mountain and Qingyimen to invite Fairy Jiupeng and Taoist Dongchi. It seems that they want to give us Qixiemen eye medicine ! And it seems that Lei Ao and Lei Chaoshui from the Lei family have never left their Sky Thunder City!"

Evil Leg Wang Ye said.

"Hehe, put on eye drops. Lin Wanzhou is too self-righteous. If it is an alliance between the two of them, plus his old friend and Taoist Dong Chi, it will make us a little bit afraid. Since they are not in an alliance, then it's okay It will kill itself!"

Long Xie said with a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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