extreme dog days

Chapter 3612 Patching Heaven Pavilion

Chapter 3612 Patching Heaven Pavilion

"Second brother is right, they don't form an alliance, so let's make trouble, destroy the Lei family first, and then deal with the Lin family."

Jiang He said with a smile.

"Hmm! The order to mend the sky!"

Just as they were talking, a token flew into their Tianxie Gate, Long Xie caught it quickly with his eyes, and when he saw the token, his face suddenly turned ugly.

call out!
"Butian Pavilion, Yutian is bothering you, please forgive me!"

Long Xie and the others sensed a Daoist-level aura descending on their main altar of the Qixie Sect, and immediately ran out of the Qixie Palace, only to see a white-haired old man flashing in the air.

call out!
"Butian Pavilion!"

Hearing the words Butian Pavilion, Long Xie and the others all had ugly faces.Butian Pavilion is a mysterious sect, and it is rumored that it is a force that can not be restrained by the Temple of Dou.

Because they have always stood on the same front of the Battle God Temple, but their responsibilities are different.

"It turned out that the boss of Butian Pavilion came to visit, but why did the boss come to my Qixiemen beforehand!"

Moxie's voice came from the depths of Qixie Gate.

"Moxie, isn't it impolite for you not to come out and see him?"

Yu Tian smiled, stretched out his hand to grab it, and a handprint appeared in the sky above where Mo Xie was.Moxie frowned, not to be outdone, and greeted him with a palm.

Yu Tian took a step back, Mo Xie also took a step back, and then appeared.

"Haha! I haven't seen you for many years, Moxie, it seems that you have mastered your Crimson Blood Demon Art."

Yu Tian laughed and said.

"Yu Tian, ​​what on earth are you trying to do? As far as I know, you, Butian Pavilion, have never meddled in the affairs of the world. If we have offended you in any way, just speak up!"

Moxie said fearfully.

Although he has great magic skills, but that palm just now has proved that if life and death were to be fought, he would be the one who died!However, the existence of Butian Pavilion has always been mysterious, and under normal circumstances they will not interfere with world affairs.

As for what they want to do, no one knows.

"It's nothing! It's just that the old man was ordered by the pavilion master to settle the grievances between your Qixiemen and the Lei family! I hope that the Qixiemen and the Lei family can turn their hostility into friendship."

Yu Tian said with a smile.

"Well! Yutian, you are kidding me! When did your Butian Pavilion have a pavilion owner? As far as I know, your Butian Pavilion has not had a pavilion owner for at least ten thousand years, right?"

Moxie and Yutian are old acquaintances, and he knows a little about Butian Pavilion.Butian Pavilion was established after ancient times, but only one pavilion master has been born in tens of thousands of years.

"Moxie, you should know what the rules are for wanting to become the master of our Butian Pavilion?"


Moxie's face changed drastically when he heard that, and he fell silent for a moment.

"The old man just asks you if the matter of Lei's family can be resolved."

Yu Tian asked.

"Since the Lord of Butian Pavilion has come forward, Qixie Sect will give you the face of Butian Pavilion. From now on, Qixiemen will no longer embarrass Lei's family! But I hope that Butian Pavilion can restrain Lei's family."

Moxie thought for a while, and finally compromised.

"You don't need to worry about the Lei family. The old man is just getting acquainted with you, just to remind you! Although the Lei family is not allied with the Lin family, it is allied with the Xuanzi Lu family. Take care of yourself!"

After Yu Tian left a word, his figure disappeared inside the Qixie Gate.

"Xuanzi Lu's family!"

Mo Xie frowned slightly.He had also heard about the Lu family. After all, the Zuodao Lu family was once one of the most powerful hermit families in the Xizhou mainland. The sudden annihilation of such a family naturally caused quite a stir.

"Boss, isn't this Butian Pavilion always ignoring the affairs of the world? Why did it suddenly come forward for the Lei family?"

Long Xie also knew something about Butian Pavilion.Back then, he was almost killed because he offended Huang Lao, one of the four elders of Butian Pavilion. Fortunately, he was rescued by Moxie, so he followed Moxie and founded Qixiemen with him.

Butian Pavilion is so mysterious that only a few veteran Taoists know of its existence.

"You ask me, I don't know!"

Moxie said angrily.

"Boss, are we really going to let Lei's family go?"

In fact, the grievances between the Seven Evil Sects and the Lei family were all due to the evil man, but since this man is dead, the grievances should disappear with it.

However, Qixiemen wants to take advantage of the general trend of the world to unify the Dizi area and win the luck of the Dizi area.If their Seven Evil Sects don't move Lei's family, how can they win the luck of the entire earth region?

"With the current strength of our Seven Evil Sect, there is no need to be afraid of him, Butian Pavilion."

"The fifth brother is right. Boss, we still have ghosts and evils. If the boss joins forces with ghosts and evils, he will definitely not be afraid of Yutian!"

"Our Qixie Sect has always been afraid of the sky and the earth. At worst, we will fight them."


Long Xie and the others said one after another.

"Do you think it's Yutian that I'm afraid of? Although Yutian's strength is still higher than mine, he can't do anything to me at all! What I fear is the Lord of Butian Pavilion. Do you know why Butian Pavilion has never had a master? .”

Mo Xie said in a low voice.


"Because no one has been qualified to take on this important task! According to the rules of Butian Pavilion, if you want to become the master of the pavilion, you must be a Taoist god of three or more, and then you have to pass the 33rd level of the Heavenly Way! This 33rd level of the Heavenly Way is the first generation of Butian What remains of the Tiange, the last level is the way of heaven of the first Butian Pavilion master."


"Now do you know what it means to be the master of Butian Pavilion?"

Moxie and Yutian are old friends, and they also came from Butian Pavilion.He was expelled from Butian Pavilion just because he practiced magic skills.

(End of this chapter)

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