extreme dog days

Chapter 3644 Fighting again

Chapter 3644 Fighting again

"Leaving is easier said than done! Do you know who we are facing. Let me tell you, they are the bear soul clan, one of the ancient soul clans. In this spirit village, apart from those soul saints who are equivalent to saints, There are still two soul masters who are comparable to our human race masters! Do you think you are still sure that you can take us away?"

Chao Lingbei obviously said with some despair.

"Uncle Chao is right. Great Protector, although our cultivation has not been banned. But with our cultivation strength, we can't compete with those people. Most of the spiritual seniors in this dungeon have been taken away. The power of the soul will not recover for a while. Great guardian, leave us alone, let's go!"

Elder Chen said.

The current disciples of the Soul Sect do not have high cultivation bases.Even the three of them, Elder Chen, have never reached the level of venerable.The only ones who can really use the soul technique to deal with the Bear Soul Clan are those hermit spiritualists whose soul power has been taken away.

Most of them are venerable or above, and there are more than [-] people who have reached sainthood, and Chao Lingbei is one of them.It's a pity that [-]% of their soul power was taken away.

This soul power is the most difficult to recover.Even spiritual practice cannot restore the power of the soul in a short period of time.

"This is the Golden Elixir of the Soul, which has the effect of replenishing the soul. Although it cannot fully restore your soul power, it can at least replenish some. More than [-]% of the soul saints and saints in Lingzhuang are not there. I will keep them as soon as possible. Get rid of it. There is not much time left for you! If you don’t leave today, I’m afraid there will be no chance in the future!”

Ling Yun didn't have time to explain too much to them.He beheaded the guard guarding the dungeon and would be found out soon.Once Xiong Taian was alarmed.Ling Yun didn't have time to deal with the guards staying in Lingzhuang.

"What should we do, go, or not go!"

Many soul sect disciples, as well as Lingxiu, hesitated.If they escape from the dungeon, if they fail to escape from Lingzhuang, then the Bear Soul Clan will punish them even more severely.

"He said, rather than staying here and waiting to die, it's better to take a chance! If it's true, it should be able to help us recover [-]% of our soul power!"

Chao Lingbei said.Looking at the elixir in his hand, he hesitated for a moment before swallowing it.

The soul-infused golden elixir is a elixir for nourishing the soul, and it is a treasure for their spiritual cultivation.It's just that their soul power has been forcibly withdrawn, and it is difficult to fully restore it with pills alone.

Because the soul-infused golden elixir can only supplement the power that the soul itself needs, not the soul power cultivated by their spiritual practice.

When the power of the soul itself is restored, people will naturally have energy and spirit.For example, a person who passed out because the power of the soul was almost exhausted woke up after being fed the soul-inducing golden elixir.

"This golden pill is really easy to use. It can help us restore the strength of our souls. Take it quickly and restore your strength as soon as possible!"

After Chao Lingbei tried it, he immediately reminded other people, and he sat down cross-legged and exercised his kung fu to recover his soul power.Seeing this, the other people also took the Soul-entering Golden Elixir one after another.

After Ling Yun walked out of the dungeon, Xiong Taian found him the moment he let go of his spiritual consciousness.However, he also targeted the two soul saints and four saints who stayed in Lingzhuang.

"Who dares to break into my Lingzhuang!"

Xiong Tai'an shouted loudly, attacking Ling Yun with overwhelming momentum.

"It came so fast."

Ling Yun smiled and swung his sword away, the six sword qi burst out and killed the soul saint C and the four saints in an instant.

"Well! Bold! Anyone who dares to kill me, you are looking for death..."

Xiong Tai'an knew immediately when he heard the scream, and he took out his big knife and slashed towards Ling Yun.However, his sword technique was full of loopholes in front of Ling Yun.

After a few offensive moves, he was kicked away by Ling Yun.


Xiong Taian releases Qi and Soul, and at the same time combines Taoism.

As soon as the giant bear came out, the momentum was soaring.The strong bear soul tribe who was far away from the soul sect immediately discovered it.

"Double-faced bear! Xiong Tai'an's soul is fighting again."

"This is endless! Shall we go over..."

Xiong Tai'an's Qi Soul is naturally very clear to soul masters who are also at the same level as soul masters.Xiong Taian's soul thought that Xiong Taian was fighting with Xiong Zhenshan again.

The faces of the four soul masters who had been friends with them before were all ugly.

The two soul masters had already put down their words before, if they dared to fight privately again, they would be punished severely.

"Daiyu, Xiong Taian and the others seem to be fighting again!"

Xiong Hai, the master of the five souls, came to report to Xiong Daiyu. Although they were husband and wife, their status and identities on the side of the soul clan were clear.

This is the rule!Even when there were only the two of them, Xiong Hai seemed very humble.

"Understood, go and have a look and teach me a lesson if necessary! And Le'er hasn't come to my place for several days, you go find him."

Xiong Daiyu glanced at Xiong Hai and said.

She seemed to be accustomed to the matter between Xiong Taian and Xiong Zhenshan.

"Yes! Le'er is too ignorant! This time, he has been away for several days. I will send someone to find him right now."

Xiong Hai said, and then ordered his subordinates to find Xiong Le's whereabouts, while he went to Lingzhuang in person.But when he arrived, Lingzhuang was almost razed to the ground.

None of the bear souls and guards who stayed in Lingzhuang survived, and Xiong Taian was also decapitated!

"How could this be, what the hell happened!"

Xiong Hai was dumbfounded, this was the result he didn't expect.

(End of this chapter)

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