extreme dog days

Chapter 3645 Lobbying spiritual practice

Chapter 3645 Lobbying spiritual practice
"Five masters, this is, what is going on!"

"Master An, this is Mr. An's body, Mr. An..."

"what's up!"

"It's not good, all the spiritual practitioners in the dungeon have run away!"


The soul saints of the bear soul clan who went out brought people back, and they were all dumbfounded seeing this scene.

"I still want to know what's going on! Sending a signal..."

Xiong Hai's voice trembled.Xiong Taian died, this matter is no small matter!Is this what Xiong Zhenshan did?He didn't quite believe it.

Xiong Zhenshan and Xiong Tai are evenly matched, even if they fight to the death, it will be difficult to tell the winner.Moreover, they are both bear soul clansmen, and generally they will not really fight to the death.

Following the signal from the bear soul clan, except for the bear soul king and the three soul masters, the other soul masters rushed over immediately.

"Say, Xiong Zhenshan has gone there."

"Xiong Zhenshan must have killed Brother Tai'an! Second Master, you must seek justice for Brother Tai'an."

When the two soul masters who had a good relationship with Xiong Taian learned that Xiong Taian had died, they immediately pointed their finger at Xiong Zhenshan.

"Nonsense, how could Brother Shan kill Xiong Taian?"

"Yes, I absolutely do not believe that Xiong Taian was killed by Big Brother Zhenshan..."

The eleven soul masters said.

"Since you say it's not him, let him come out and confront him!"

"That's right! Find out Xiong Zhenshan and the truth will be revealed."

The Twelve Soul Masters were not forgiving, and they still believed that it was Xiong Zhenshan who did it.After all, besides the Bear Soul King and the Great Soul Master of their Bear Soul Clan, the twelve Soul Masters, Xiong Taian and Xiong Zhenshan, lived in Lingzhuang.

And there seemed to be no other Daoist-level powerhouses in this area. Xiong Tai'an died, and it was not Xiong Zhenshan who did it. They couldn't think of who it could be.

"Shut up for me!"

Xiong Daiyu shouted coldly.

"Second Lord..."

"Xiong Taian was not killed by Xiong Zhenshan!"

Xiong Daiyu said in a deep voice.


Hearing her denying that Xiong Tai'an was not killed by Xiong Zhenshan, the four soul masters in the quarrel looked at her.

"The second master is right. Xiong Taian was not killed by Xiong Zhenshan. He was killed by a sword master-level powerhouse. Look over there..."

The four soul masters pointed to the sky and said.There are sword marks left by Wushang Sword Dao in mid-air, but the sword marks are so small that ordinary people can't see them at all.

But these four soul masters have excellent eyesight, so they discovered it.

"Such swordsmanship, the opponent's strength is unfathomable!"

Xiong Daiyu said in a deep voice.

"Then Xiong Zhenshan is also in danger!"

"Quick, let's go find Brother Shan!"

"Yes. Brother Shan is the strongest pharmacist of our Bear Soul Clan. If something happens to him, what will we do!"

"That's true..."


Knowing that Xiong Zhenshan was also in danger, all the soul masters became anxious.

"There's no need to look for it. I'm afraid Xiong Zhenshan has already been killed! If Xiong Zhenshan is also in the Lingzhuang, the other party should not dare to make a move easily. Let all the clansmen who are outside come back!"

Soul Daiyu guessed.


When Xiong Taian used Qi Soul to perform Taoism, Ling Yun directly beheaded Xiong Taian with a single sword.And a group of spiritual practitioners also left the dungeon. Although their soul power had not been fully recovered, there were more than a dozen saints spiritual practitioners among them.

In order to escape, at the cost of hurting the soul, as long as they don't meet the soul saint, and the saint level, they can see each other one by one.

This is where spirituality excels!As long as they use the soul technique to attack, a face-to-face can make the other party lose consciousness. Unless the soul is strong enough, it will be impossible to resist.

"Thank you, son, for your righteousness and rescue! Great kindness and great virtue, I will never forget it in this life."

"It's the same with us. In the future, wherever the young master can get us, just say it, and we will definitely go through fire and water."


All the spiritual practitioners have escaped from the predicament, and they all express their gratitude to Ling Yun and express their opinions one after another.

"You're welcome, I saved you because I want you to help get rid of the Bear Soul Clan!"

Ling Yun was also polite, and said straight to the point.


"This is up to us!"

"Young master, don't be joking. How powerful those guys are. It's not like you don't know. You are not afraid, but our strength is low, how can we fight against them."

"That's right, didn't the Chao sect master also say that they are the ancient soul race, how can we fight against it! Isn't this telling us to die?"

Many spiritual practitioners were scared when they heard that they were asked to deal with the Bear Soul Clan together.It was not easy for them to escape from the hands of the Bear Soul Clan.

Are they all planning to leave the Nanzi area, or continue to hide their names forever?

"The soul race and our human race are incompatible, almost impossible to coexist! They want to seize our human race's orthodoxy. Do you think that if you don't provoke them, they will let you go?"

Ling Yun was not angry, but went further to persuade them.


Hearing that it was related to the orthodox tradition of the human race, some spiritual practitioners were immediately shaken.

"The soul technique practiced by Lingxiu restrains the soul race. Therefore, you spiritual cultivators are the natural enemies of their soul race. At the same time, your soul power is different from ordinary people. The soul race can extract your soul power to refine medicine to improve their Soul power. Do you think that once the soul race reappears in the world, the human race's orthodoxy will be subverted, and your spiritual cultivation will not be affected by the soul race, will you be able to take care of yourself by then?"

The soul clan wants to seize the human race's lineage and replace the human race in the world.Once they succeed, there will only be spiritual cultivation left for the human race in the world.

By then, will spiritual practice still have a foothold?
(End of this chapter)

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