extreme dog days

Chapter 3652 Lin Fanchen's Wrath

Chapter 3652 Lin Fanchen's Wrath

"Hmm! What's going on, the barrier of soul power has disappeared."

"problem occurs!"

The ten and eleven soul masters felt bad when they found out that the barrier of soul power had disappeared.But when they rushed to the fifty soul saints who had cast the spirit barrier, those fifty soul saints had been killed by Lin Fanchen, and Lin Fanchen had disappeared.

"It's a master!"

The master of ten souls said in a cold voice, and then let go of his soul consciousness to look for Lin Fanchen's whereabouts.

"What happen to you guys!"

Lin Fanchen appeared on the street and saw that everyone on the street was in a daze at this time, so he stepped forward and asked.It's a pity that the other party couldn't answer.

"He, they, all have a soul curse!"

Zhang Lie limped out of the ruins.He was injured by a soul sage before, and his Qi soul was scattered at that moment and never recovered, so he was not affected by the soul curse.

This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise!
"who are you?"

Lin Fanchen asked.

"You, who are you? You are also a soul clan, right?"

Zhang Lie looked at Lin Fanchen warily.

"If I were a soul clan, you would be dead."

Lin Fanchen could tell at a glance that Zhang Lie was not a soul clan, otherwise he would never have talked nonsense with him.Because he came to eliminate the bear soul clan's,

"In the next chapter, Lie is a hermit monk in the soul city.'

Zhang Lie reacted and said quickly.

"You said they were cursed by the soul, why are you okay?"

Lin Fanchen asked.

"I don't know either. I was seriously injured earlier, and I just woke up."

Zhang Lie was seriously injured at this time, his soul was asleep, and his strength was less than one-tenth of his original strength, which shows how heavy the previous punch was.

If he didn't have a body armor on his body, he would definitely die.

huh, huh

As soon as Zhang Lie's voice fell, the ten and eleven soul masters rushed over.

"Soul Lord?"

Lin Fanchen frowned slightly.It was also his first time facing the Soul Race.It was easy for him to kill fifty soul saints just now, but he can also feel that these soul saints are stronger than the saints of the human race.

Not to mention the soul master level.

"It was you who killed Tai'an and Zhenshan."

The master of ten souls looked at Lin Fanchen and asked.

"Uh! I said no, do you believe me?"

Lin Fanchen spread his hands and said helplessly.He was wronged, but even if he said no, the two soul masters probably wouldn't believe it.

"Hmph, arrogant!"

"Dare to kill my people, you are looking for death!"

The ten soul masters and the eleven soul masters shouted one after another.

"This is ridiculous. You soul race slaughtered our human race. If you don't succeed, aren't you courting death?"

Lin Fanchen said disdainfully.

Are there still few soul clans killing clans?Moreover, the soul race just wants to replace the human race, and the two races are fundamentally incompatible, life and death.

"Haha, human race, it's a joke that your human race can compare with our soul race."

"That's right, the human race is just a physical body raised by our soul race, and it dies when it dies!"

The two soul masters also said dismissively.

"Hehe, we humans have a saying, I wonder if you have heard of it?"

Lin Fanchen smiled instead of anger, stepped forward and asked.


The ten soul masters listened attentively.

"Bad people die from talking too much..."

Before Lin Fanchen could finish his sentence, he struck out, shrunk his ground to an inch, teleported to the side of Eleven Soul Master, and punched him in the head with his fist.


The eleventh soul master was engrossed in hearing this, but didn't even react, and flew sideways with a scream.

"How dare you sneak attack! Wow!"

The master of ten souls was angry and was about to attack, but Lin Fanchen also sneaked up on him in the next second.This is a rhythm that does not follow the rules.

Lin Fanchen's kicks were fast and accurate, and the ten soul masters directly doubted life with a kick that cut off their children and grandchildren, and their bodies flew up involuntarily.

"Ah! Asshole!"

"I'll send you on your way! The way of gold, the way of fighting with a golden body"


Eleven soul masters were hit on the head by Lin Fanchen's punch, and his head was buzzing. He just stood up, and his head was still awake?

Lin Fanchen came to his side again, and the golden system Taoism turned into a punch that directly blasted the heads of the eleven soul masters. This blow even smashed the heads of the eleven soul masters.


"Ah! I'm going to kill you!"


Seeing this, the master of ten souls was taken aback. Regardless of the pain in his body, the spirit and soul Taoism unfolded, and rushed towards Lin Fanchen.

"It's just in time! The way of wood, the wood god is entangled!"

Lin Fanchen did not retreat but advanced, stretched out his palm, and behind him appeared a wood-type god mansion, with countless wooden vines entangled the bear soul of the wood soul master.

"Bastard! Arctic bear, frozen!"

Xiong Hai rushed over and saw that the ten soul masters were in danger, so he immediately launched a Taoist rescue.


Sensing it, Lin Fanchen immediately pulled back, locked his target on Xiong Hai, teleported over, used the Five Elements Dao Body to get close to him, knocked Xiong Hai away after a few moves, and then teleported out again. At this time, the Ten Soul Lord He has already struggled with his wood system Taoism.

Just as he regained his composure, Lin Fanchen appeared behind him, and just as he was about to make a move, a wild bear roared from behind.

As soon as Lin Fanchen reacted, he was trapped by an air bubble, but he quickly burst the air bubble and retreated ten feet away.

This time he didn't dare to make consecutive shots because it was Xiong Daiyu who came.Her strength is far above Xiong Hai.Even if it is not the way of quasi-heaven, it is the kind of strong man who is infinitely close to the way of quasi-heaven.

"Tao God!"

Xiong Daiyu didn't expect Lin Fanchen to be so powerful. She was a step too late and gave Lin Fanchen the opportunity to kill a soul master of their Bear Soul Clan.

(End of this chapter)

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