extreme dog days

Chapter 3653 Bear Soul Force Field

Chapter 3653 Bear Soul Force Field
"The strong bear soul clan is really powerful!"

Lin Fanchen exclaimed.The Bear Soul Clan focuses on strength, but Xiong Daiyu cultivates Qi.

"Tao God, you are not bad, if I come later, one of them may also be folded into your hands."

Xiong Daiyu also admired Lin Fanchen's strength very much.To be able to break open her energy and soul sound cage in an instant, ordinary Taoist masters can't do it.

"You are wrong, it is not possible, but certain. And not one, but two!"

Lin Fanchen said confidently.

"What a big breath!"

Xiong Hai was not happy when he heard this.What his wife said just now was bragging, this guy didn't hear it!Still excited.

Although Lin Fanchen bombarded and killed eleven soul masters, in their view, Lin Fanchen was just a sneak attack.

"Aren't you convinced? You have the ability to single out!"

Lin Fanchen smiled and said provocatively.

With Xiong Daiyu around, if he had a one-on-three match, both sides would be hurt. If Xiong Hai really fought him one-on-one, he was sure that Xiong Hai could kill Xiong Hai before Xiong Daiyu had time to make a move.

"Stand back, you are not his opponent"

When Lin Fanchen was about to strike unexpectedly, Xiong Daiyu stopped Xiong Hai, and Xiong Hai obediently stepped aside without even making a sound.

"Xiong Xiang, is she your wife, you are so obedient! Is she still male?"

Lin Fanchen couldn't help being sarcastic.


Xiong Hai was speechless for a while.He really wants to say that you are really right, this is my wife.

"If you want to fight, I will fight with you."

Xiong Daiyu smiled and said, while making several gestures to Xiong Hai and the others.This gesture was a code word between her and Xiong Hai, and the other Bear Soul Clan couldn't understand it, let alone Lin Fanchen.

When Xiong Hai saw the gesture, he immediately understood it, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

Lin Fanchen frowned, and before he had time to think, Xiong Daiyu made a move.However, although Xiong Daiyu's strength was strong, she was not Lin Fanchen's enemy, and soon fell to the disadvantage.

"Her strength should be more than that, she has been tricked!"

Lin Fanchen felt that winning Xiong Daiyu was too easy, and the plot was a bit wrong.

"Very smart! Unfortunately, it's too late! I hope that the host of the soul clan in your body can be as smart as you, so that it can be worthy of the position of the great guardian of the bear soul clan. Hehe..."

Xiong Daiyu said with a smile.

'what? "

Lin Fanchen was startled, feeling that the situation was not good, he wanted to run away, but Xiong Daiyu used all his strength to stop him.Although Xiong Daiyu is really not his opponent, but he can't get rid of her for a while.

"Open force field"

Taking advantage of Lin Fanchen's fight with Xiong Daiyu, Xiong Hai joined forces with the ten, twelve, and thirteen soul masters to display the bear soul force field. This was to use their bear souls as ancestors to activate Lin Fanchen's spirit.

A huge bear soul appeared in the sky above the city of entering the soul, and a powerful force field was formed in the city. Under the action of this force, the space was distorted.

"Oops! Five elements!"

Lin Fanchen's face changed drastically, and he used the Five Elements Dao Body, intending to forcibly break through the bear soul force field.However, the power of the Five Elements Dao Body alone is obviously not enough.

But it was enough for Xiong Hai and the others to drink a pot.

More than [-]% of the other fifty bear soul clan soul saints who were in charge of using the bear soul force field in the city vomited blood, one fainted to death, and the rest were all internal injuries.

"Okay, Qihun is about to wake up! Damn it! The five elements unite..."

Lin Fanchen failed to break through the force field, and the Qi and Soul in his body showed signs of awakening. Lin Fanchen was sweating coldly behind his back, and immediately decided to unite the five great ways.

Under the integration of the five great ways, [-]% of the fifty soul saints died in an instant, and the life and death of the rest were uncertain.

"Pfft! Damn, how could he be so strong."

Xiong Hai was recoiled by the force field, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.I was lucky in my heart, I was listening to his wife just now, and I didn't foolishly challenge Lin Fanchen, otherwise he would probably be dead.

The ten soul masters also vomited a big mouthful of blood.

"Hiss, there are actually five kinds of Taoism. Bear soul force field, suppress!"

Seeing this, Xiong Daiyu's face also changed drastically, and then she joined the force field, and the original blue bear soul instantly turned red.

The strength is not doubled.

"Ah! No way! The five elements are running..."

How powerful Lin Fanchen's Five Elements Taoism is, it is no worse than the Bear Soul Clan in terms of strength.Even if Xiong Daiyu made a move, he couldn't restrain Lin Fanchen.

As long as it can't be suppressed, the bear soul will not be able to awaken Lin Fanchen's Qi soul.

But at this moment, the Bear Soul King of the Soul Sect suddenly made a move, and a fire stick descended into the Soul City from the air, and the powerful force suppressed Lin Fanchen's five elements.

outside the soul city
"No, something went wrong!"


"Can't get in...what to do, what to do?"

Yu Tian and Di Ling rushed over, but at this time the force field of the bear soul entering the soul city had already become powerful, coupled with the power and Taoist artifacts of the king of the bear soul clan, even Lin Fanchen's integration of the five elements and Taoism could not hold back .

Naturally, the elders of heaven and earth couldn't do it either, just when they were at a loss, a sword light shot up into the sky from the direction of the ancestral land of Soul Sect, and directly slashed at Soul Sect.

Jian Guang slashed at the Dao Artifact of the Bear Soul Clan above the Soul Sect, breaking the power transmission of the Dao Artifact in an instant!
"Everyone shoot together, soul magnetic field..."

Chao Lingbei and the others also rushed from the ancestral land of the Soul Ancestor to the outside of the Soul City, and everyone joined forces to use the soul secret technique to unite to form a soul magnetic field and summon a soul god mansion!
The soul magnetic field of Lingxiu is the nemesis of the force field of the soul race!


The Soul God Mansion attacked the giant bear mansion on the Soul City, thus causing a soul impact on Xiong Hai and the others, causing their Qi and Soul to return to defense.

(End of this chapter)

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