extreme dog days

Chapter 3654 The Soul Sect alone

Chapter 3654 The Soul Sect alone
Lin Fanchen sensed the weakening of the bear soul's force field, and decisively dispersed the force field with the five-element method.

With a muffled sound, the space vibrated and ruptured.


Xiong Daiyu let out a cry, and drew back.

Xiong Hai and the ten soul masters were also injured, the twelve soul masters were seriously injured, and the thirteen soul masters were the ones who were impacted by Lin Fanchen's power, so his spirit was directly killed by the shock.
The stone statue erected in the city to collect faith also exploded at that moment!


Lin Fanchen was suppressed by the bear soul force field just now, and his Qi soul was almost awakened. Fortunately, the force field was destroyed in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Just now he used the Five Elements Dao Technique twice, but at this time his strength could not be slowed down for a while.

"Kill him! Quick..."

Xiong Daiyu couldn't activate Lin Fanchen's spirit and make him a slave of their Bear Soul Clan, so she had to kill him, otherwise when Lin Fanchen recovered, they might be the ones who died.After all, if the Bear Soul King hadn't used a Taoist weapon to help them just now, they probably wouldn't be able to restrain Lin Fanchen.

This guy is amazing!
And she also knew that the reason why Lin Fanchen was able to get out of trouble was because someone helped him.

"Pavilion Master, don't be afraid, we are here..."

"Looking for death, if you dare to touch me, the master of Butian Pavilion, I will let you go! Bear cubs, let me see if I can beat you. The general summons, Podisha!"

Yu Tian and Di Ling shot angrily, directly flying the [-]th and [-]th Soul Masters, and at the same time, they bumped into Xiong Daiyu head-on, knocking her back.

"Damn it, why are these two old guys so strong..."

Xiong Hai was also taken aback.Both Yutiandiling and Yutiandiling's cultivation bases are above the eighth level of Taoism, and their strength is naturally unfathomable.One-to-one is not weaker than Xiong Daiyu.

The combination of the two is even more incredible.

Butian Pavilion is guarded by the four major guardians of heaven, earth, Xuanhuang, and Xuanhuang alone can resist the way of heaven, especially the two elders of heaven and earth.

"Let me do it myself!"

Lin Fanchen slowed down, stood up and said.

"Pavilion Master, are you injured?"

Tianlao and Dilao were a little worried when they saw that he wanted to do it himself.

"It's not a gentleman not to take revenge if you have a grudge, you want me to be a slave! You are so beautiful! The five elements..."

Lin Fanchen was furious!He was almost harmed just now.Once Qihun awakens, then he is not him, but a soul clan.

And his consciousness will also be swallowed by Qi Soul.It was tantamount to killing him.

So this enmity is forged, and it is definitely a mortal enmity.

The next scene was that Lin Fanchen used the Five Elements Dao Body to blow up the four bear soul clan soul masters. That scene was really brutal.

When Lin Fanchen was out of trouble, Ling Yun also appeared at the foot of the Soul Sect Mountain, stepping up to the Soul Sect.

"Who are you, how dare you retreat into the Soul Sect!"


As soon as Ling Yun stepped onto the steps of the Soul Sect, a group of Xionghun tribe pretending to be disciples of the Soul Sect rushed over.

"Human Lingyun, on behalf of the Soul Sect, visit the Bear Soul Clan!"

Ling Yun paused every word, step by step.With sword energy all over his body, the three thousand supreme swordsmanship instantly killed a group of Bear Soul clansmen who were blocking the way.

On top of the Supreme Sword Dao was the power of the Extinguishing Soul Curse, beheading their bear souls together.These bear souls must not be let go, otherwise they will be taken away from other human races, not only will they replace their spirits, but they will also occupy their bodies and be reborn.

"I am Xiong Kun, the Lord of the Three Souls of the Bear Soul Clan!"

"I am Xiong Yan, the four soul master of the Bear Soul Clan."


As Ling Yun walked up to the Soul Sect, the other four soul masters of the Bear Soul Clan also showed up.The leader is Hun Kun, the master of the three souls of the Bear Soul Clan.His cultivation base is a bit worse than that of Xiong Daiyu.

However, his strength is not inferior to Xiong Daiyu at all, but he is a martial idiot, so he never asks about the internal affairs of the Bear Soul Clan, and has always been obsessed with practicing various combat skills.

"Human Sword Cultivator, you are so brave. You know we are Soul Clan, but you dare to come here alone. Are you tired of work?"

The Seven Soul Lord said with a sneer.

"You soul race were originally born with our human race, but you want to replace it and seize the human race's orthodoxy! Then there will be no balance."

The human race and the soul race are originally symbiotic, but they are mainly human, and the soul is only as a companion.But I don't know when, with the awakening of the spirit soul to replace the human race, the soul race began to appear.

As for why the Qi Soul, which was originally the companion of the human race, suddenly awakened and competed with the human race for the orthodoxy, that is different.

If it weren't for the fact that in ancient times, the human race in the Doujie had been defending the line of defense, preventing the master of the soul from seizing the host and successfully occupying the great fortune, I am afraid that the human race's orthodoxy would have been lost.

If the master of the soul way successfully captures the host, then the master of the soul way can appear in the most perfect state, so that under the witness of the heaven and the earth, he can use the powerful spirit to awaken all the spirits in the world.

"Haha, do you want to stop our soul clan from awakening?"

Xiong Kun said with a sneer.

"I want to try it!"

Ling Yun said very calmly.

He is the host of the soul path, as long as he can cut his soul out of his body, then he will be half successful.

"Haha, then pass my level first, and let me see what kind of abilities sword repairers have!"

Xiong Kun has long heard that sword cultivators have leapfrog challenges and are known as invincible at the same level.So he has always wanted to fight with Jianxiu in order to prove that he is stronger than Jianxiu.

"as you wish!"

Ling Yun pointed to the sword, and as he stepped forward quickly, a sword mark was left on the ground, and as he stopped, the sword pointed upward, and three thousand swords gathered into a divine mansion.

Supreme Kendo!

(End of this chapter)

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