extreme dog days

Chapter 3667 Dipin City

Chapter 3667 Dipin City

In fact, the prophet's talent potential is very good, at least ten stars.But because he often peeped at the secrets of the sky and was bitten by the secrets of the heavens, he missed his practice.

"There will be a catastrophe in our temple. If it doesn't happen, not only our temple will not be safe, but the world will also usher in a catastrophe."

said the Prophet excitedly.

"Uh, Amitabha!"

Yun Zang and Xuan Zang were all taken aback, they looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Brother Prophet, what kind of catastrophe can you calculate?"

Dou Buddha subconsciously asked.He knew that with the ability of a prophet, unless he was peeking at extremely important information, he would not be backlashed by heavenly secrets.

In addition, he had never seen the prophet show such a heavy expression.

"The heavenly secrets must not be leaked, nor can they be leaked!"

The Prophet shook his head and said.He knew that the catastrophe of the world was related to the big Buddha statue in Tianzang Temple, but he dared not say it, and he couldn't say it.

Because as long as he leaked this matter, it is estimated that he would have been KO'd by Tianji before he finished speaking.


Dou Fo took a deep breath and didn't dare to ask any more questions.

"Is there a way to cross the catastrophe?"

Xuanzang asked.
"Go all out!"

The Prophet shook his head and whispered.

"Amitabha, the whole temple will be put on alert from today, and all closed-door disciples will be notified to leave immediately. All disciples of my Buddhist sect will return to the temple immediately!"

Yun Zang reacted immediately.


Dou Buddha responded quickly.Although he is the abbot of Tianzang Temple, there are not only Taoist masters like him in Tianzang Temple. Only the two Buddha masters, Yunzang or Xuanzang, can speak to let those Taoist-level Buddhas go out. Row.

Dizi area, Tianque city
Most people don't even know about Tianque City.It's not because Tianque City is hidden in the mountains and forests. On the contrary, Tianque City is placed on the side of the road in a big way. It is also very impressive.At least it is one of the best in the region, and it is also a place where chambers of commerce gather.

There is a city similar to the chamber of commerce built by Lingyun in the Xizi area in the past.

"This is Tianque City, what a surprise!"

When Lu Wanrou heard that the city in front of her was the Tianque City that Ling Yun had mentioned, she suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"Have you been here before?"

Ling Yun asked.

"Yes, and more than once! This is the most prosperous trading city in the Dizi area! More than half of the Dizi area's chambers of commerce will set up branches here. At the same time, all the top chambers of commerce in the Western State mainland have also settled here. We The Lu Family Chamber of Commerce is no exception."

Lu Wanrou explained.

The Lu Family Chamber of Commerce is currently one of the few top chambers of commerce on the Western State Continent. It can be said that all the prosperous cities on the entire Western State Mainland have branches of the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce.

"Oh! The layout of the chamber of commerce in this city, I feel a kind of déjà vu!"

This city has the reputation of the city of chambers of commerce. At the same time, the layout of the chambers of commerce in the city is very clear, not only classifying all resources, but also grading the chambers of commerce.

It can be said that this is a wholesale city of chambers of commerce. People who come here to purchase resources are mainly chambers of commerce, and at worst they are also family business merchants.

"Of course. The structure here was not like this before. Do you still remember the chamber of commerce trading city you built in the Xizi area?"

"Of course I remember, but wasn't it finished at that time?"

Ling Yun said with a wry smile.Back then, when he first arrived in Xizhou mainland, in order to counteract some forces, he set up a bureau to build a trading city for the chamber of commerce.

It's just that the trade city of the chamber of commerce failed to complete the last step under his operation.But what he didn't know was that after Lu Wanrou took control of the Lu family, she helped him operate the trading city of the Chamber of Commerce and expanded it tenfold at the same time.

It has become a representative work in the western region.

And the trading city of the Chamber of Commerce that lacks the city today is modeled on the layout of the trading city of the Chamber of Commerce in Lingyun.

"I see!"

After listening to Lu Wanrou's explanation, Ling Yun suddenly realized.

"Hey, President Lu, it really is you!"

An extremely luxuriously dressed woman came over and said excitedly.It is not difficult to see from her dress that she is the helm of a certain chamber of commerce.In addition, she was surrounded by four guards, all of whom were at the level of a venerable, which showed that her identity was not simple.

Most of the masters above the venerable come from hidden world forces.The person in charge of a chamber of commerce of a faction can make that faction send four venerables to act as guards, which shows that his status is not simple.

Because usually the person in charge of the chamber of commerce is a peripheral member, not only low in cultivation, but also low in status.

"Master Fang, it's you! Long time no see!"

Lu Wanrou stepped forward and hugged them. Although they were not good sisters, they were very good partners before, but because of the previous affairs of the Lu family, the two almost broke off their cooperation.

The owner of this party is named Fang Yi, and she is the concubine daughter of a middle-class family in the Dongzi area. However, because she has a talent for business, she has been serving as the owner of the family chamber of commerce, but her status in the family is not high.

After all, there are some families whose heirs are easily suppressed.What's more, Fang Yi is only the adopted daughter of the head of the Fang family, but no one thought that Fang Yi was actually the daughter of the ancestor of the Fang family.

After Fang's Yinxiu was born, Fang Yi took advantage of the opportunity to become the unique eldest lady of the Fang family. Now she is not the owner of Fang's family, but the owner of the Fang family's chamber of commerce, so she has four venerable guards around her.

(End of this chapter)

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