extreme dog days

Chapter 3668 Where is Tianque City?

Chapter 3668 Where is Tianque City?

"President Lu, when I heard about your Lu family, I really thought I would never see you again! How are you doing now, are you still in charge of the family business?"

Fang Yi asked with concern.

At the beginning, Fang's family and Lu's Chamber of Commerce cut off contact, that was a last resort.After all, the Fang family is only a middle-class family, and there are only a few saints who are the strongest in the family, which cannot be compared with the Lu family.

If it weren't for the fact that the Fang family was not in the Xuanzi area, but in the Dongzi area, not only would they not dare to sever ties with the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce, but they would have to choose to support the former leftist Lu family.

Therefore, it was considered benevolent and righteous for the Fang family to cut off contact with the Lu family chamber of commerce at that time.

"Of course, I don't know if Mr. Fang is still willing to cooperate with our Lu Family Chamber of Commerce, everything will be business as usual!"

Lu Wanrou said with a smile.Although the Fang family is only a middle-class family in the Dongzi area, their family mainly deals in rough ore, and they are well-known in the Dongzi area, and they also have various luxury goods.

And the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce controls all the mines in the Xuanzi area, so naturally it needs a chamber of commerce like the Fang Family to cooperate with them.

"That's no problem! I've always trusted the rough stones from your Lu family! By the way, you came to Dipin City to find a partner, right? It just so happens that there is a reception in Liuyun Restaurant tonight, but this Dipin area The Young Master of the Lu Family, one of the Four Great Artifact Workshops, initiated it. Moreover, many rough stone merchants in our Dongzi area and Tianzi area also participated in this reception, which will definitely make your trip worthwhile."

Regarding the counterattack of the right-handed Lu family, it has not been fully spread at present, and only those top family forces know about it.For example, the Fang family doesn't know yet.

Fang Yi thought that the reason why Lu Wanrou was still in charge of the Lu family's Chamber of Commerce must have made a huge sacrifice.In addition, there must be no status in the Lu family. As for her rumor that she married the young master of the Xiexue Hall, no one would take it seriously.

Because of the virtues of the young master of the Xiexue Hall, almost all hermits know about it.Will he marry a wife?Marrying Lu Wanrou to him, apart from being humiliated, there will never be any other benefits.

"Ah this..."

Lu Wanrou looked at Ling Yun with some embarrassment.They came here not to discuss business, but to go to Butian Pavilion.With the current prestige of the Lu family, others are begging to come to cooperate with them, and there is no need for them to look for it.

The reason why Lu Wanrou invited Fang Yi to cooperate with their Lu family again was just because of old feelings.

"Nothing, no rush!"

Ling Yun said with a smile.

"Okay then, Master Fang, I'll definitely be there later,"

Lu Wanrou didn't care about the four major ware workshops in this area, because among the four major ware workshops, the largest one was the Lei family. They had already cooperated with the Lei family and needed to cooperate with the other three.

The reason why she wanted to participate in the reception that Fang Yi mentioned was firstly to give Fang Yi face, and secondly because after the emergence of the leftist Lu family, she, the owner of the Lu family chamber of commerce, almost lost track of the chamber of commerce.

In addition, I heard that people from the Chamber of Commerce also participated in the Tianzi area.

The Lu Family Chamber of Commerce has never had the opportunity to intervene in the business in the Tianzi area. It used to be because of the existence of Tiandu, but Tiandu had disappeared ten years ago. Lu Wanrou also wanted to find an opportunity to settle in the Tianzi area.

"Then it's settled! I'll go first! I'll wait for you at Liuyun Restaurant tonight."

When Fang Yi heard that Lu Wanrou was willing to go to the reception, she was naturally overjoyed, and after saying yes, she led her people away first.

"I don't understand why you want to attend this reception, as for?"

Ling Yun asked puzzledly.In the Dizi area, the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce has cooperated with the Lei Family, and many things can be directly handed over to the Lei Family.

The Lei family is one of the two major families in the Dizi area. As long as the Lei family does not fail, they can represent everything in the Lu family chamber of commerce.

Absolutely no problem.However, cooperation with some middle-class forces, although there are some advantages in terms of price, is not safe, and sometimes there will be some troubles.

"I'm here for the chamber of commerce in the Tianzi area! In the past, the market in the Tianzi area was controlled by Tiandu, but since Tiandu suddenly disappeared ten years ago, the chamber of commerce there has become a mess, but they seem to have reached an agreement. The consensus is to prevent chambers of commerce outside the Tianzi area from intervening in their market."

Lu Wanrou explained.

"What, the sky has disappeared."

Tiandu has a great relationship with the Ling family, not just Ling Yun's collateral.Their lineage can also be regarded as direct descendants.

Lu Wanrou hadn't had time to tell Ling Yun about the disappearance of Tiandu.

"Yeah, the reason is unknown!"

Lu Wanrou said helplessly.When Tiandu disappeared, she had secretly sent someone to track it down, but nothing was found.


Ling Yun took a deep breath, he never imagined that so many things happened in Xizhou Continent during the time he went to the underworld.

"Don't worry, maybe the Temple of Heaven knows something."

Seeing Ling Yun's worried and sad expression, Lu Wanrou hurriedly said.

"When the matter of Tianzang Temple is over, I will go to the Tianzi area!"

Ling Yun said in a deep voice.

"Okay! By the way, the Tianque City you mentioned is there, but this place doesn't seem to be the Tianque City you mentioned!"

The city here is called Dipin City, not Tianque City.

"This... I don't know too well. But the position given to me by the second elder of heaven and earth is here. Let's find a place to live in first. Don't you have to attend some kind of reception in the evening? I will accompany you."

At that time, Lin Fanchen was able to go, so he just invited him to come to Tianque.

(End of this chapter)

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