extreme dog days

Chapter 3670 Chen 9pin's bad thoughts

Chapter 3670 Chen Jiupin's Bad Thoughts

"The person in charge of the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce has appeared. And it's the right-handed heroine who has been in charge of the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce all along."

Chen Qing said.

Because of what happened to the Lu family before, many chambers of commerce in the region are eyeing the Lu family chamber of commerce, but they are all afraid of the leftist Lu family, but now they all know that the leftist Lu family has been removed. There is nothing to be afraid of.

It's just that this Lu's Chamber of Commerce is one of the top chambers of commerce in the western state. Even if there is no strong person in charge, ordinary chambers of commerce will have to think about it if they want to move the Lu's Chamber of Commerce.

If the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce had the heart to die with them, the consequences would be disastrous.

So the best way to get the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce is to control the person in charge of the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce.

Prior to this, the Chen family wanted to obtain the property of the Lu family chamber of commerce in the area, but they did not dare to act rashly, and had been waiting for an opportunity, that is, the arrival of the person in charge of the Lu family.

"What? The right-hand woman of the Lu family, she is still alive."

Because the news that Lu Wanrou was forced to marry the young master of the Evil Blood Hall had already spread, and due to everyone's bad habits towards the young master of the Evil Blood Hall, they all believed that Lu Wanrou would die if she married her.

"That's right! This matter was completely unexpected. This right-handed heroine of the Lu family, Lu Wanrou, is not only beautiful, but also a business prodigy. It can be said that the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce is today, thanks to her! To get her, It is equivalent to getting the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce."

Although the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce has always been one of the largest chambers of commerce in the Western Province, it is in the hands of Lu Wanrou that the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce has really reached its peak.

The current Lu Family Chamber of Commerce has surpassed the past.

Obtaining the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce is at least equivalent to controlling one-fifth of the economy of the Western State Continent, and the wealth in it is unimaginable.

"That's true! It's a pity, but she was married to the young master of the Xiexue Hall before. Although she survived, she must have been played badly! Otherwise..."

Chen Jiupin had also heard of Lu Wanrou's name, so he couldn't help showing a pity expression on his face.

"Master Ninth! It doesn't matter if it's broken! Anyone who gets her is equivalent to getting the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce. It's a rare opportunity! If our Chen family can master the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce, we will definitely be able to jump up and surpass the current Lin Family and Lei Family."

Chen Qing said hastily.

"That's right! As long as we have enough financial resources, we can recruit troops, and even the Taoist Lord will be willing to work for us! She's there, we'll go find her now. Haha!"

Chen Qing's words awakened the dreamer.The current background of their Chen family can be said to be second only to the Lin family and the Lei family.Although they only have one Taoist-level powerhouse in charge, as long as they have enough financial resources, it is not difficult to hire Taoist-level powerhouses to work for them.

"Master Jiu, wait, wait! She is currently living in our Tianpin Yiju, but her cultivation seems to have reached the level of a saint, which is not easy to deal with."

Chen Qing reminded.

"Holy One! It's no wonder that she was married to the master of the Xiexue Hall before, and the Xiexue Hall is an evil sect. It should be that the young master of the Xiexue Hall used evil skills to help her improve her cultivation! But now the Xiexue Hall, and The Zuo Dao Lu family no longer exists. She is a saint alone, and she can’t keep such a big family business! Is she a saint? I can call six family members to go and let her see our Chen family. Strength. Haha!"

The Chen family is the strongest among the more than [-] middle-class forces in the Dizi area. In addition to the Taoist level, there are four saints and eight priests in the family.

Tianpin Yiju

Because it was still early for the reception with Fang Yi, Ling Yun and Lu Wanrou had dinner at Tianpin Yiju first, mainly because Lu Wanrou said that the signature dish of Tianpin Yiju was the best in the world.

This is why many rich people are willing to spend money to become members.

"How about this deep-sea fish fillet, isn't it good?"

Lu Wanrou looked at Ling Yun with a smile.They get together more often, and their cultivation bases can fasten food, so they don't have many meals together.

"It's really delicious! This kind of deep-sea fish should be a rare fish species. If I'm not wrong, it's a kind of spiritual fish."

Spirit fish meat, Ling Yun did not eat less in the underworld.Moreover, although the deep-sea fish fillets of Tianpin Yiju belong to a kind of spirit fish, they are not pure and cannot be compared with the spirit fish in the underworld.So Ling Yun was obviously not very interested. Even if he deliberately showed joy, he still couldn't hide it from Lu Wanrou.

"Then try this one again. This is not monster meat! I heard that it is the meat of a strange beast raised by Tianpin Yiju. Try it!"

Lu Wanrou was not discouraged, and fed another piece of meat to Ling Yun's mouth.

"This is fine! It seems that the chef here is not easy!"

This beast meat is also the meat of spirit beasts, but although this kind of spirit beast meat is mediocre, it is unique in the world when it is made by Tianpin Yiju.

This is the first of Tianpin Yiju's signature dishes, stir-fried soul and meat!

"It's delicious, so you can eat more, it's rare to find something you like! Another serving, buddy!"

Lu Wanrou is not short of money, although eating here can only be discounted by [-]%, and the dishes here are also very expensive, but with Lu Wanrou's financial resources, she can easily eat up this heavenly residence.

The two of them enjoy a rare romantic dinner, but the good times are quickly broken.Under Chen Qing's leadership, Chen Jiupin walked into the bag where the two of them were.

(End of this chapter)

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