extreme dog days

Chapter 3671

Chapter 3671

"Chen Guanshi, what's the matter with you?"

Lu Wanrou was a little surprised, raised her head to glance at Chen Qing, and asked casually.

"You are the mistress of the Lu family, Lu Wanrou, and you really have the beauty of a country and a city. I like it!"

When Chen Jiupin saw Lu Wanrou, he couldn't move his eyes immediately, and the eyes were obviously greedy.

"who are you?"

Chen Qing and Lu Wanrou knew each other, and knew that he used to be the boss of Tianpin Yiju, but now he is only the manager of Tianpin Yiju.

As for the people around him, their aura was obviously higher than that of Chen Qing, so they knew without asking that they must be from the power behind Chen Qing!
"My name is Chen Jiupin, and I am the head of the Chen family. I believe you have heard of our Chen family! I know that your Lu family is currently weak and wants to seek refuge so you came to the Dizi area. My Chen family is undoubtedly yours." Preferred!"

Chen Jiupin said straight to the point when they met.Although he saw that Lu Wanrou was beautiful, she was definitely the most top-notch existence he had ever seen, but when he thought that Lu Wanrou was forced to marry the former young master of the Xiexue Hall, he felt resentment in his heart.

Rather than talking about those irrelevant love words, it is better to get straight to the point.


Lu Wanrou couldn't react for a moment, she turned to look at Ling Yun.

The first thought in her mind was, this person is stupid!When did the Lu family become weak, and when did she say that the Lu family was seeking asylum?

Even if the Lu family wanted to seek asylum, they wouldn't have to go all the way to the Dizi area!

"How does your Chen family compare to the Lei family?"

Ling Yun asked on behalf of Lu Wanrou.He also found it interesting.As far as he knows the three top powers in the region, there is no Chen family!

"Heh, the top three hidden world powers in the Dizi area, the Qixiemen, the Lei family, and the Lin family. With the Qixiemen as the leader, if the alliance between the Lei family and the Lin family was successful before, then the status of the three hidden world giants in the Dizi area will be unbreakable. But it is very likely that the Lei family and the Lin family failed to form an alliance in the end. And the Lin family suffered from internal fighting not long ago. As a family second only to the three top powers, my Chen family also has Taoist-level powerhouses. As long as you Marry me, and with the help of your Lu family's financial resources, my Chen family can replace it and become one of the three hidden giants in the Dizi area."

Chen Jiupin said grandly.


When Lu Wanrou heard that Chen Jiupin not only wanted her to marry him, but also openly said that he wanted to use their Lu family's financial resources to develop, she almost broke away.

Persecution, which is something she really, really hates.

Ling Yun stretched out his hand and patted her jade hand, signaling to reassure her, and then looked at Chen Jiupin.

"Your Chen family also has a Daoist?"

"Not bad!"

"The Taoist master a hundred miles west of the city is the Taoist master of your Chen family."

There is only one Taoist master here in Dipin City, but he doesn't live in Dipin City, so it's unknown why.

"Uh, that's right. A hundred miles to the west of the city is my Chenjiazhuang?"

The Chen family has always lived near Dipin City, not only the Chen family village is outside Dipin City, but also the Chen family's ancestral land is also nearby.

"That's good……"

Ling Yun smiled, and before Chen Jiupin could react, a middle-aged man appeared in front of them, and because the middle-aged man was taking a medicinal bath just now after practicing, the scene was a bit unbearable to look at directly.


Lu Wanrou suddenly cried out when she saw the hot eyes.Then everyone heard another scream.

"Ah, woo..."

Ling Yun came to his senses, kicked the middle-aged man who hadn't recovered from his senses, and flew out, and fell into the garden of Tianpin Yiju.

"That person, that person seems to be..."

"It's the ancestor..."

Chen Jiupin and the others came to their senses, someone recognized the one who was kicked out by Ling Yun just now, wasn't it their ancestor of the Chen family?Say is slow, that is fast.Chen Jiupin and the others immediately ran to the garden.


Chen Jiupin took a serious look, it really was their ancestor of the Chen family!
"Wow, I've provoked someone, but it's just a medicinal bath. Who kicked me just now!"

Chen Yikai, the patriarch of the Chen family, sat up and complained immediately.He still hasn't fully figured out what's going on, he just remembers that he just soaked in the medicated bath and hummed a little song, but he was kicked away when he heard the woman's cry.

"Who are you old man?"

Ling Yun appeared directly in front of Chen Yikai in a flash, which shocked him.

"Presumptuous, who gave you the courage to talk to our ancestors like this, you are courting death!"

The priest beside Chen Jiupin scolded angrily, but got a resounding slap in return.

"Shut up! Bring the clothes!"

After Chen Yikai slapped the priest, he stretched out his hand and changed the other person's clothes on his body.


The priest screamed, wishing he could find a crack in the ground and get in.His clothes were changed by Chen Yikai, so he is innocent at this moment!

All the guests in Tianpin Yiju gathered around to admire, many of them were women, this old face was lost today.

"Empty, space! You are the God of Space!"

Chen Yikai understood that he was teleported by space just now.Only the Taoist God of Space can possess such an ability, and his strength is far superior to him, and he has almost mastered the laws of space.

"Is it important? He said, you want to protect my wife, is this true?"

Ling Yun asked in a low voice.

"..., bastard. You're looking for death, don't drag me! Young master, there must be some misunderstanding!"

Chen Yikai was taken aback, and immediately scolded Chen Jiupin, if this Chen Jiupin was not his direct descendant, he would probably have slapped him to death.

(End of this chapter)

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