extreme dog days

Chapter 3679 Too many

Chapter 3679 Too many words
"Although the Meng family has a good background, it is as strong as the Xiexuetang. The leftist Lu family was wiped out by the Temple of Heaven. With the little arms and legs of the Meng family, it is simply death!"


When everyone heard that Meng Congwen asked someone to prescribe medicine to Lu Wanrou, they immediately started discussing.Meng Congwen was also dumbfounded, he couldn't react at all!
What kind of operation is this, one billion, this guy told himself the price of one billion, does he not want it?That's a billion!A price that even Taoists can afford.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could Young Master Meng do such a thing! It's clearly what you did, you want to blame Young Master Meng, right, someone, come and arrest him!"

Lu Zhiren came to his senses and quickly opened his mouth to help Meng Congwen excuse him.Today's reception was actually initiated by him and Meng Congwen.

It was also Meng Congwen who introduced him to Zhang Mao.

If Meng Congwen angered Lu Wanrou today, the Meng family would suffer, and I'm afraid his Lu family would not be better off either.Even if Lu Wanrou is not against their Lu family, it is enough for the people here to drink a big pot in order to please the Lu family chamber of commerce.

"Who dares!"

Lu Wanrou let out a loud shout, releasing her aura.

The servants of the Lu family sensed the aura of Saint Lu Wanrou, so they didn't dare to make a move.

"Aura of the Holy One!"

"Hiss, this is the breath of a saint. I didn't expect President Lu to be a saint. Isn't she a non-hermit? How did her cultivation reach this level so quickly?"


Lu Wanrou has always been the head of the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce, and it is well known that she is not a hermit.It's not a hermit. Before the hermit came out, the strongest in Xizhou Continent was only the Venerable.

Even if today's spiritual energy is promoted, it is not a hermit, so it is impossible for him to reach the level of a saint so quickly!

At this time, even Fang Yi looked at Lu Wanrou in surprise.Their Fang family's strongest is nothing more than a saint, but now Lu Wanrou has reached this level.

"President Lu, this is all a misunderstanding. It's him, he's talking nonsense! He's framing me! How could I do such a thing?"

After reacting, Meng Congwen hurriedly defended himself, and Lu Zhiren also followed suit.

"Yes, President Lu, I can testify for Young Master Meng!"

"It seems that you are colluding. If so, then you should drink this!"

Ling Yun smiled, he didn't need to explain anything, the glass of wine in his hand was poured directly into Lu Zhiren's mouth.Lu Zhiren not only didn't react, he didn't even have time to resist.

At that moment, he was restrained by Ling Yun's space, and he couldn't move at all. He watched Ling Yun pour himself the glass of wine with the heart control cup.

After drinking into his belly, Ling Yun also released his spatial restraint.

"Ugh! Ugh..."

Lu Zhiren knew very well that it was a heart control cup!After drinking it, the problem will become bigger.He wanted to vomit, so he desperately put his hand into his throat to force himself to vomit, but even if he vomited out all the food from the previous night, it was useless.

The heart control cup is very special, once it enters the abdomen, it will immediately go towards the heart, and then reside in the heart, absorbing the energy of the heart to grow up and control the heart.

"you you…"

Seeing Lu Zhiren eat the heart control cup, Meng Congwen panicked and pointed at Ling Yun with trembling fingers.He couldn't be more clear about the function of the mind control cup.

Now the heart control cup in his body has become the main cup, Lu Zhiren is now eating the next cup, the end can be imagined.

"What about me? I have already completed your task. You asked me to put something in Chairman Lu's cup, and I did it. That's right!"

Ling Yun said with a smile.

He is innocent.Meng Congwen asked him to put the heart control cup in Lu Wanrou's cup, but he never told Lu Wanrou to drink it.

So if you want to blame, you can only blame Meng Congwen himself for not making it clear.

"I, I killed you! Ah! Hand, my hand..."

Meng Congwen wanted to attack Ling Yun, but with his little ability, he just punched him, but Ling Yun stretched out his hand to hold him back.

"That's your fault. If you want to kill me, do you want to renege on the debt? This is not acceptable. It seems that if you don't teach you a lesson, you don't plan to pay back the money."

"Ah...my hand!"

With Ling Yun's strength, Meng Congwen's hand suddenly broke the sound, looking at his ferocious expression, it was almost painful for him.


Meng Congwen's subordinates rushed over upon hearing the sound.

"Kill him, kill him for me."

Meng Congwen stared at Ling Yun viciously, and roared hysterically.His four subordinates immediately surrounded Ling Yun.

"Boy, how dare you hit my young master, you are dead..."

"Brat, are you going to kneel down and let us beat you to death, or should we just do it..."


Meng Congwen's four subordinates are all at the level of venerables, and their strength is also extraordinary.They haven't sensed the aura above the venerable from Ling Yun, so even if Ling Yun is a venerable, four to one, they still have absolute confidence that they can beat Ling Yun to death.

"Do you know how the bad guys die?"

Ling Yun looked at them with a harmless expression and asked.


"How did you die!"

The four looked at each other, and one of them couldn't help asking.

"Too much talk!"



In the blink of an eye, Meng Congwen's four subordinates all fell down.

"No way! Why did they fall down?"

"Hey, what's going on here, dead? How did they die?"

"Talking too much?"

"Is this death from talking too much?"


Everyone was shocked again, no one could see how and when Ling Yun made a move, and the four Venerables were killed in just the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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