extreme dog days

Chapter 3680 The power of the mind control cup

Chapter 3680 The power of the mind control cup
"This...Uncle, can you see it? How did he do it. "

Zhang Mao was also shocked. He turned his head and asked the old man who had been following him, but the other party didn't respond to him. He turned and looked over.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you."

Fourth brother Zhang trembled all over, he is a saint, but he couldn't see how Ling Yun instantly killed the four venerables of the Meng family.

But he knew that the one who could do this was probably only at the Taoist level.

"A strong man, definitely a strong man! At least reach the peak level of a saint."

Fourth brother Zhang came to his senses and said in a deep voice.

"Saint Dianfeng! Hey, is this Tiandian sent to protect Lu Wanrou? I didn't expect that Saint Dianfeng would be sent directly as a personal guard. I really don't know what the relationship between Tiandian and the Lu family is."

Zhang Mao guessed in his heart.

The peak saints are all people who have the opportunity to enter the Tao. Such people are generally not sent out easily, but will be cultivated with emphasis.

Only those who are more than five thousand years old and judged to have no hope of breaking through to the Tao will be assigned.Under normal circumstances, they would not be sent out as guards, but let them be in charge of one side.

And Ling Yun's age is not difficult to see, it is not beyond a thousand years old.

"What happened, Zhiren, Zhiren, what's wrong with you."

Lu Yushen, the head of the Lu family, walked in with his wife and several guards.He had received news from Lu Zhiren that Lu Wanrou, the head of the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce, had come here, so he rushed over to take this opportunity to curry favor and seek cooperation.

But as soon as he came, he saw the four guards of the Meng family fell to the ground, and his son squatted on the ground and retched, and the intestines were about to be vomited out.

"Young Master Meng! What's going on!"

Lu Yu saw that his son could not respond to him, so he looked at Meng Congwen who was still in shock and asked.

"Patriarch Lu, kill him for me. Kill him for me..."

When Meng Congwen saw Lu Yushen, he said quickly as if seeing a savior.Their Meng family has a good friendship with the Lu family, and they also have many business contacts, so this time when Meng Congwen came to the Dizi area, even Lu Yushen personally accompanied him to Dipin City.

Of course, the reason why Lu Yushen came here in person was also for Zhang Mao.

"Ah, who can tell me what's going on!"

Lu Yu looked deeply at Ling Yun, and then at Meng Congwen's four subordinates who fell on the ground, they were all Venerables.A person who can defeat the four Venerables, the weakest is the peak level of the Venerable!

What's more, there are two or three middle-class young masters and young ladies present here, as well as the head of the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce and Zhang Mao.

As the head of the Lu family, he would not act recklessly.

"Patriarch Lu, it's him. He cheated Young Master Meng and killed four of Young Master Meng's subordinates. I don't even know what he ate for Young Master Lu."

"Yes, it seems to be like this. He provoked it. I just don't know what he gave Young Master Lu to drink. Young Master Lu can't get up until now."

"Could it be urine!"

"Impossible! I just heard him say that Meng Shao asked him to give it to President Lu. It should be that kind of medicine."

"What's there to be afraid of that kind of medicine, Young Master Lu, don't throw up, won't it be solved by going to Xianglou?"

"Ah, that's right. Everyone is right. Young Master Lu, why don't we help you find the girl..."


At this time, everyone also realized that they didn't know what Lu Zhiren ate, but seeing him vomit so hard, they felt distressed and gave him advice one after another.

But soon, the insect control cup in Lu Zhiren's body broke out.The insect control cup has already occupied Lu Zhiren's mind, and at the same time, the control cup has also resonated with the main cup in Meng Cong's heart.

"Young Master Meng, Young Master Meng, what's wrong with you. What's wrong with your hand, let me see it, it hurts me so much! Sin, who beat my young master Meng like this!"

Lu Zhiren's mind changed drastically, he no longer induced vomiting, because his heart was completely controlled by the heart control cup, so why would he want to vomit it out.

At this time, he only loves his sweetheart, Meng Congxin, with all his heart.

"...Go away!"

Meng Congxin felt disgusted when he saw Lu Zhiren's expression and the way he looked at him.He knew what was going on with Lu Zhiren, but he was very normal, how could he accept it.

If he hadn't seen Lu Zhiren's father here, he would have kicked him away.

"Young Master Meng, how can you drive me away. I am yours. Mine is your sweetheart, and you are my sweetheart. We will be together forever. Don't you drive me away, okay? You want me to do anything Can……"

Lu Zhiren was influenced by the control cup, and he was absolutely loyal to Meng Congxin. For a while, he talked a lot, and I don't know how many people present were disgusted by his love words to the point of crying.

If this is a man talking to a woman, you are not allowed to move the other party to the point of crying.But right now, this situation can only be described as disgusting enough to cry.


Even Meng Congxin was not calm after hearing this, he wanted to push Lu Zhiren away, but Lu Zhiren stalked him.

"What the hell is he eating? It's too disgusting!"

Lu Wanrou walked up to Ling Yun and asked.She knew that what Ling Yun gave Lu Zhiren just now was what Meng Congwen wanted her to eat.This thing is too weird, Lu Zhiren looks like a different person after eating it, and seems to regard himself as a woman, which is simply too scary.

(End of this chapter)

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