extreme dog days

Chapter 3702 The plot is wrong

Chapter 3702 The plot is wrong
"you recognize!"

Lin Fanchen asked.

"He is one of the famous Buddhas in Tianzang Temple!"

Lu Wanrou also recognized the earth ring, so she spoke first.

"Master Ling, is there any help for him?"

Lei Zhiruo asked with concern.All the people in Tianzang Temple were named Buddha, but they were all chivalrous and righteous before, and they had a good reputation.In the past, Lei's family also received help from Tianzang Temple, and it was Ji Jie who helped Lei's family.

It's just that Lei Zhiruo had never seen him before, but had heard of his name.

"Although he is seriously injured, he is not fatal, but he will not recover for a while! Uncle, do you know where there is a place to stay near here?"

Earth Ring's injury was very serious, but he was fatal and met Ling Yun.If it was later, it would probably be cooler.

"Well, my lord, if we want to find a place to stay before dark, we probably have to go back. There is a Baishan Villa ten miles away. The owner of the villa is also a Buddhist believer and is extremely hospitable! I heard that he used to Or a lay disciple of Tianzang Temple!"

The middle-aged man in charge of driving said.

"Okay then, let's go there!"

Ling Yun thought for a while, Di Jie's injury was too serious, if he didn't get treated as soon as possible, he probably wouldn't be able to survive.

Soon, they came to Baishan Villa. The real owner of Baishan Villa is He Yishan. He was originally a lay disciple of Tianzang Temple, and he was also a lay disciple of the previous generation. He and Di Jie belonged to the same generation.

It's just that the Baishan Villa at this time is also occupied by the demon.

"No! Why is this villa so deserted!"

"Yeah, why isn't there even a gatekeeper? I remember that when I sent people over, there were guards at the gate of this villa."

After the two people in charge of driving the car entered Baishan Villa, they started discussing immediately.

"Are you there?..."

Ling Yun and Lin Fanchen felt the car stopped and walked out. As soon as they got out of the beast car, they sensed the smell of blood.The smell of blood is just covered up, ordinary people can't detect it, only saints and above can detect it.

"What a bloody smell!"

As soon as Lu Wanrou came out, her brows frowned.

"Daughter-in-law don't come out"

If Lei Zhi's soul is damaged, the smell of blood belly here is so strong, it will definitely become evil spirit. People with damaged soul are easily invaded by evil spirit.

"Who are you and why did you trespass on Baishan Villa!"

Several people dressed as guards appeared, and the leader questioned them.

"Heroes, we passed by here, someone was injured, and we came to stay overnight"

One of the drivers hurried forward and said.

"Excuse me, you think our Baishan Villa is an inn or a restaurant. Excuse me, get out of here..."

The man shouted directly.

Baishan Villa was built together to provide convenience to some pilgrims who went to Tianzang Temple, so Baishan Villa has always been hospitable.

In addition, Baishan Villa is also well-known in the Chinese area because it is backed by Tianzang Temple, and it has been operating for a living.


The two drivers froze.They are dedicated to driving cars for others, and they have sent people to Baishan Villa more than once before. This Baishan Villa is famous for being hospitable and happy to make friends with heroes in the world, but today they want to drive them away.

"Brother Ling, did you find anything?"

Lin Fanchen looked at Ling Yun and asked.

"They don't smell right."

Ling Yun said in a deep voice.

"Could it be the soul race?"

Lin Fanchen naturally also found that there was something wrong with the guards of Baishan Villa, but he couldn't tell.

"No, absolutely not! The breath of the soul race can hardly escape my induction! But I can be sure that there is definitely something wrong with them!"

Ling Yun said.

"You are still not leaving, do you want us to throw you all out?"

Another guard said that the other guards put on a posture at the same time, which frightened the two drivers. Although they have also been in contact with cultivation, they are only the bottom ones. formation.

"Stop pretending! You are not the guards of this villa. Tell me, who are you?"

Lin Fanchen took the initiative to speak.

"Ah, aren't they the guards of Baishan Villa?"

The two drivers were stunned, and looked at Lin Fanchen puzzled.

"Haha, since we have been discovered, then we will stop pretending! You are right, we are not the guards here."

The leading guard didn't talk nonsense and admitted it directly.

"Hey, hey, this plot is wrong, shouldn't you explain it, why did you admit it."

Lin Fanchen didn't expect these guys to admit it directly, this man, Ma is too honest.

"Hehe, I wanted to save you all the way, but you are so ignorant. Jie Jie!"

"Isn't it just that there is a way to heaven, and if you don't go, hell will come in without a way? Haha!"

"Ha ha……"

The guards pretending to be heavenly demons all laughed.

"Too much nonsense, you do it, or I..."

Ling Yun gave them a blank look, he didn't have time to make trouble here, so he said directly to Lin Fanchen.

call out!
"Wow, don't talk about Wude!"

As soon as Ling Yun came back to his senses, Lin Fanchen had already knocked all the fake guards to the ground, and at the same time stepped on the most arrogant one just now.

"Say, who the hell are you guys!"

"Ah! I, we are members of the Fenglin Sect. If you offend our Fenglin Sect, you will die miserably!"

The fake guard knew that he had encountered a master, so he didn't hide it, and moved out of the sect behind them.

"Feng Linzong? Never heard of it! Is it cowhide?"

Lin Fanchen asked with a look of contempt.Before coming here, he had read the information about the Chinese character area.The strongest in the Chinese character area is Tianzang Temple, and any other forces belong to the subsidiary forces of Tianzang Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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