extreme dog days

Chapter 3703 The Law of Slaying the Devil

Chapter 3703 The Law of Slaying the Devil

"Feng Linzong! I remember that it doesn't seem to be from the Xizi area. Among the five hidden world forces in the Xizi area that Tian Lao showed us before, there is a Fenglin sect!"

Lu Wanrou remembered and said.

Butian Pavilion has general information on all hidden forces in the Xizi area.However, Ling Yun and Lin Fanchen were all focused on the matters of the Tianmo Palace before, so they didn't pay attention to the five hidden world forces in the Xizi area.

"Uh, so they are from the Heavenly Demon Palace!"

Lin Fanchen and Ling Yun both reacted and frowned slightly at the same time.

"Knowledgeable! Too bad it's not a good thing to know too much."

A big man with a double ax came out, and then a group of people appeared and surrounded Ling Yun and the others.

"There's too much talking, just hit it!"

"Wait a moment!"

Lin Fanchen wanted to fight first again, Ling Yun hurriedly called him to stop.

"What's the matter? Let's talk about it after I clean up these little people!"

"Don't start too hard, try their bottom!"

Ling Yun reminded.

"oh, I understand now."

Lin Fanchen realized that his target was the big man with the double axes.With his strength, he could have killed him with one move, but in order to test this guy's details, Lin Fanchen had no choice but to act.

Suppressing his own strength in the middle stage of the saint, staged a counterattack.This big man was originally the guardian elder of the Fenglin Sect, a saint at the peak, and ranked third in strength.

But now he is controlled by the demon of the sky, using what he has learned all his life, but his strength is far inferior to before, so he is easily defeated by Lin Fanchen.

Just when he was about to display his demonic ability, the whole villa was shrouded in a strange barrier.

"Haha, you are dead! Don't even try to run away!"

The big man with the double axe knew that this was the enchantment released by their great demon seat. Their great demon majored in enchantment. As long as he was in his enchantment, he would be affected by the demon, ranging from unconsciousness to serious. Go crazy and die.

This ability is originally the housekeeping skill of the heavenly demons, and this big heavenly demon majored in enchantment, so he can bring out the abilities of their heavenly demons to the extreme.

"There are more powerful ones coming, then you don't need to exist."

Lin Fanchen smiled. At this time, he was not affected at all, so he flashed over and directly blasted the big man with two axes.

"Ah! Howl..."

The big man was bombarded and killed, but the demon did not die, but only revealed his true colors.

"What the hell is this? People are not people, ghosts are not ghosts!"

Lin Fanchen didn't know the celestial demon body. The celestial demons are completely different from the human race. Their bodies are all phantom bodies, and they also have weird celestial horns on their heads. In addition, the celestial demons have no feet.

The ranks of the demons are divided by the color of the demon horns on their heads.For demons below the fifth level, the horns of the demons are all white, for the sixth level they are red, for the seventh level they are golden, and for the eighth level they are black.

"Heavenly Demon!"

This is also the first time Ling Yun has seen the body of the Heavenly Demon, but he still remembers the breath of the Heavenly Demon.At this time, the big man no longer had a human body as a cover, and naturally there was nowhere to hide the aura of the demon.

"Heavenly Demon! It seems that the Heavenly Demon Palace is undoubtedly the Heavenly Demon!"

Although Lin Fanchen seldom read the records in Butian Pavilion, he knew a little about the threats that appeared in Doujie.

This is what Tiandi Xuanhuang forced him to read before.

"What, is this the Heavenly Demon?"

Lu Wanrou was taken aback.The Zuo Dao Lu family also has records about the Heavenly Demons. Although she has not read them, she has received the inheritance of their Right Daoist ancestors, and the inheritance contains the existence of the Heavenly Demons.

"Unexpectedly, you actually recognize our demon body! Interesting!"

The voice of the enchantment big sky demon came from the villa.No movement in the barrier could escape his eyes.

"Come out!"

Ling Yun yelled, and used the supreme swordsmanship to destroy the human bodies of all the demons, so that they could show their true colors.Lin Fanchen also followed suit, forcing out all the demons in the villa in an instant.

"Good method! A sword repairer and an earth-type saint are interesting!"

What Ling Yun and Lin Fanchen showed at this time was only the strength of the saint.Even the Great Heavenly Demon is hard to find.The big demon of the enchantment controls a group of demons to make a move.

"These demons are all phantoms, how to kill them..."

With his strength, Lin Fanchen was no match for those heavenly demons, but what surprised him was that he couldn't beat them.

"Pure strength is enough, or Taoism can overcome it."

Ling Yun reminded.Even Ling Yun's supreme swordsmanship couldn't hurt them in the slightest.But Ling Yun's Illusory Sword Realm can do it.

Using the Unreal Sword Realm, Ling Yun can cut a cutie with one sword.

"Understood! Heavenly demons belong to phantom bodies, swords are useless to them, and direct attacks are useless to them! But pure power attacks can directly shock and kill their phantom bodies, but it requires absolute strength That’s fine. So the best way to deal with Heavenly Demons is to exercise restraint!”

Lin Fanchen is not stupid, his understanding is absolutely superb.Without Ling Yun's explanation, he already understood.Facing these little celestial demons, Lin Fanchen directly bombarded them with his strength, without any suspense.

However, if a heavenly demon at the level of a saint wants to use power to bombard him, then he needs to use power above the level of a Taoist master.Only with absolute power can the body of the Heavenly Demon be directly smashed to pieces.

"Smart! This is my sword state, but unfortunately I have never entered the Tao. But my sword state is illusory, so this sword state can restrain demons."

Ling Yun smiled and said, with a wave of his hand, he beheaded the two heavenly demons who rushed over, and they were all saints.

(End of this chapter)

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