extreme dog days

Chapter 3919 Crisis Resolved

Chapter 3919 Crisis Resolved
If it weren't for the various causes and effects he planted in the past, how could he end up like this today.

As a top-ranking Daoist with the qualifications to advance to the Dao of Heaven, suddenly everything was in vain and he became an ordinary person, which was more uncomfortable than death for him.

Xingxiu Banxian turned and left the forbidden area of ​​Tiannv Palace. No one stopped him, and no one kept him. He walked outside the sect gate of Tiannv Palace, knelt on the ground and died!

But even so, Changqin couldn't forgive him!Even if this is the last moment of Xingxiu's half-immortal's confession!

Xingxiu Banxian is gone, Yan Jiugong and the others will be embarrassed, shall we go?They didn't dare to leave if they didn't speak!


Li Tianbao pointed his sword at the ground, and countless sword weapons flew into the air again.

"Forgive me! Young man, we will never dare again!"

"Please spare us!"


Yan Jiugong and the others understood that Li Tianbao used his sword again, this is to destroy them!Fighting, they can't fight at all, just because Li Tianbao can transport all the swords in the sky is enough for them to kill them all here.

"Heaven's evil is forgivable, but self-inflicted evil cannot live. In the next life, don't do evil!"

Li Tianbao will not spoil them, they still wanted to bully his wife before, this matter cannot be forgiven!

"No! Palace Master Feitian, save us and spare us!"

"Master Feitian, we know we are wrong, please let him let us go, woohoo!"


Yan Jiugong and the others all knelt down, and hastily opened their mouths to plead with Palace Master Feitian.


Palace Master Feitian thought for a while, and it is very likely that the Tiannv Palace does not need to enshrine the sect to hide from the world, and this news needs someone to help them spread it, otherwise it will not only be troublesome, but also unconvincing for them to go out and say it by themselves.

In this way, things like today will happen again in the future.

It's only fitting that these people get the word out.

"Sister Chen, I can handle it myself without your help!"


Palace Master Feitian froze for a moment, when did I say I would help.

"Whoever wants to help, don't kill them first."

Palace Master Feitian stomped his feet and said.

"That won't work, they will die if they bully you!"

Li Tianbao said seriously.

"I don't have it! I don't deserve it, I don't even think about it, it's them, young man, it's them who did it, it's none of my business."

"I didn't even think about it, I didn't even take a look at it, young man, you knew everything and let us go! It's all them, they forced us to come."

"Yes, yes, our admiration for the Tiannv Palace is like a torrential river, uninterrupted, and there is absolutely no unreasonable thought. If they hadn't put knives on our necks, we would not have dared to come!"


Those people below the Taoist master rushed to push the responsibility to Yan Jiugong and the three of them.

"You guys, shameless, don't you want your face?"

"When did we put a knife on your neck! It's clear that you are greedy for the beauty of the Tiannv Palace, so you volunteered! Now that we can't fight, do you want to put all the shit on our heads? It's shameless!"


After hearing this, Yan Jiugong and the three immediately cursed!If it is said that those people are not qualified to fight the idea of ​​Palace Master Feitian, they will believe it.But if they say they have no ideas, ghosts don't believe it.

Moreover, most of these monks also volunteered after hearing that they were going to attack the Tiannv Palace.Everyone has their own ideas in their hearts, and everyone tacitly agrees.

"Originally, you are Taoists, we dare not listen to your words. You let us go east, do we dare to go west?"

"No, a man must be brave. You are the ones who summoned us, so just admit it!"

"If you hadn't taken the lead, we would have dared to come!"


A group of monks and Yan Jiugong immediately quarreled.

"Shut up!"

All the girls in Tiannv Palace cast contemptuous glances when they saw her.Palace Master Feitian quickly scolded, but they were arguing so vigorously that they didn't hear it at all.

"Shut up, my daughter-in-law said, didn't you hear me?"

Li Tianbao saw that Palace Master Feitian was angry and fell to the ground with a sword, which made everyone shut up in fright.

"Who is your daughter-in-law? No barking!"

Palace Master Feitian blushed when she heard Li Tianbao calling her daughter-in-law in front of so many people.

"You! Who else is there besides you?"

Li Tianbao smiled and said flatteringly.

"If there is anyone else? Then you don't want it!"

Palace Master Feitian glared at him, and gestured for the scissorhands!

Li Tianbao naturally understood, the black line at one end.

"According to what my uncle said, leave one arm and get out of the Tiannv Palace!"

Palace Master Feitian looked at Yan Jiugong and the others and said coldly.

"Ah! Cut off an arm! It's better than dying here! Ah!"



A group of monks had no choice. They attacked the Tiannv Palace. If the Tiannv Palace was captured by them, one can imagine the fate of the women in the Tiannv Palace.

Let them keep an arm, it's already cheap for them.

But this matter is embarrassing for tensor.He had already had one arm cut off by Li Tianbao before, if he kept another arm, he would not be able to take care of himself, even if he was a Taoist master, he would be completely useless.Fortunately, his embarrassment is not a problem at all!
Just when he was hesitating, Li Tianbao helped him make a choice, and sent him to receive the lunch box with a sword.

"Why, why kill me?"

"Others can go, but you can't!"

Li Tianbao left a sentence, turned around and walked to Palace Master Feitian.Everyone was also frightened by this scene, and the timid ones were scared to pee.

Is this the legendary person who speaks cruelly?

(End of this chapter)

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