extreme dog days

Chapter 3920 Marriage

Chapter 3920 Marriage
After the collapse of Tensor, Yan Jiugong and the others finally came to their senses and understood why Li Tianbao wanted to kill him. They were lucky in their hearts. Fortunately, they were not the ones who hugged Palace Master Feitian at that time, otherwise they would have died at this time .

For a while, Li Tianbao was more terrifying than the wolf girl in their hearts!
Even if they didn't tell them that Li Tianbao, a top Taoist master who defeated the Xingxiu half-immortal, existed in Tiannv Palace, they would spread the news after they left.

After all, they went to the Tiannv Palace and went back with their own broken arms. Even if they didn't say anything, others would ask about it.

"Your name is Li Tianbao, you are here to fly! Right?"

After the group of casual cultivators left, the wolf girl brought Palace Master Feitian and Li Tianbao to the place where she lived.


"You want to marry Fei Tian as your wife!"

"Need to grab it?"


"Ah! What did I say wrong?"

Li Tianbao came to the Tiannv Palace, and according to him, he planned to rob his wife!When Palace Master Feitian heard this, he pinched him severely.

Li Tianbao looked at her with aggrieved expression.

"Hehe, you kid is planning to come to my Tiannv Palace to snatch people. Fei Tian grew up in Tiannv Palace since he was a child. Although he is not my disciple, I watched him grow up. He is my half daughter! If you I really like her, I can betroth her to you, but I have one condition. Cough!"

The wolf girl smiled and said.

"Uh, mother-in-law, please tell me, don't say one condition, ten are fine!"


Chen Feitian on the other side was speechless.

"Sit in the Tiannv Palace!"

The wolf girl's request is very simple!I just want Li Tianbao to protect the Tiannv Palace. If the Tiannv Palace does not enshrine the clan and hide from the world, then there must be a top Taoist master sitting in it.

"Uh! It's not difficult. It's just that there are only women in the Tiannv Palace, so it might not be suitable for me to stay! But I can guarantee that if the Tiannv Palace is in trouble, I will never stand by!"

Li Tianbao promised.

"Okay! As expected of a sword cultivator! After half a month, the conferring ceremony of Tiannv Palace will be changed to your wedding. Do you have any objections!"

The wolf girl was very satisfied with Li Tianbao's answer!If Li Tianbao showed a bright expression just now, it means that he can't stand the temptation of other women at all. Such a person who stays in the Tiannv Palace as the owner of the Tiannv Palace will become the biggest disaster of the Tiannv Palace.

Not only did Li Tianbao's expression remain unchanged, but he also took the initiative to avoid suspicion, which made the wolf girl very gratified!
"Ah! So fast!"

Li Tianbao was stunned when he heard that he and Chen Feitian would be married after half a month.

"you are not willing?"

Chen Feitian asked immediately.

"Of course not! If I get married, at least I have to notify my master and my sister? But my master has gone to Wushan for half a month. I don't know if he can come."

Li Tianbao said in embarrassment for a while.

"Your master went to Wushan. Who is your master?"

The wolf girl couldn't help being shocked when she heard Wu Shan!The recent news from Wu Shan shows that Wu Shan admits to cowardice, and Li Tianbao's master went to Wu Shan, which means that his master participated in the battle against Wu Shan!

What kind of person can stand up to Wushan and make the sect with the ancient heavenly power give up?
"Sword god Lingyun in the north character area of ​​the family master!"

"Ling Yun? Why is it so familiar?"

The wolf girl didn't think of it for a while, but she felt as if she had heard of it there.

"Isn't he the sword cultivator who followed the Lu family's mistress? He is your master, how is this possible!"

When Chen Feitian thought of it, he looked at Li Tianbao in disbelief. ,

"Ugh! Have you met my master?"

Li Tianbao looked at Chen Feitian very unexpectedly, this is fate!
"Well! It's a close relationship. But although he is a Taoist god, his cultivation seems to have never entered the Tao. How could he be your master?"

Chen Feitian was very puzzled.They all saw Li Tianbao's strength just now.As strong as Xingxiu Half Immortal is not his opponent, and Wolf Girl also said it herself, even if XingXiu Half Immortal joins forces with her in her prime, she may not be able to defeat Li Tianbao!

Such a person, under heaven, who can be his master.

"Hehe, that's right! Although my master has not entered the Tao, he has cut through the heavens!"

Li Tianbao said with a smile.

"What, cut through the heavens?"

The wolf girl was startled!There were mixed feelings in her heart, and it was said that she wanted to play Lu Wanrou's idea at the beginning, but fortunately Ling Yun didn't make a move in the end, otherwise would she still be sitting here now?

"Ah, what about the mistress of the Lu family, who is she to you?"

Palace Master Feitian asked weakly.

"My cousin! As for my own sister, it's probably too late!"


When Palace Master Feitian heard this, he immediately became a little messy!
Knowing that Wushan had given up and reappeared under the name of the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce, Li Tianbao naturally understood that the matter of Wushan had been resolved, so he asked Tiannv Palace to send a letter to Wanzhong County!
Originally, Ling Yun had settled Wu Shan's matter and was planning to leave the Western Province Continent, but when he learned that Li Tianbao was going to get married, it was such an important event, as a master, he naturally had to stay and have a drink.

"It's strange that Tianbao wants to get married. Could something happen?"

When Lu Wanrou heard that Li Tianbao was getting married, she couldn't help being stunned.Although Li Tianbao's surname is not Lu, he is also a direct disciple of the Lu family.

Although the Lu family is now stepping towards glory step by step, the disciples of the Lu family are tuned to zero.Therefore, Lu Wanrou is also very concerned about Li Tianbao's life events.

It's just that after Li Tianbao worshiped Ling Yun as his teacher, he was obsessed with swordsmanship and had no interest in matters of men and women, which made Lu's elders worry a lot.

At this moment, Lu Wanrou was not surprised to hear that Li Tianbao was going to get married.

(End of this chapter)

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