extreme dog days

Chapter 3951

Chapter 3951
"It failed, the information was wrong, and there is a Taoist beside Xiweile, and he is a Taoist master who masters space Taoism. If I hadn't run fast, I would have lost my life. Inform the employer, and you must pay more."

The dwarf king said angrily.

In this case, no wonder he failed the mission!Because the difficulty index increases, you have to add money, which is also their rule.

"Ugh! Daoist Master of Space, this is a bit of trouble! I will immediately send someone to ask the employer to increase the money. We must not smash the signboard of the Hundred Nights League! Even if it is Daoist Master of Space, so what, if you dare to meddle in other's business, kill him!" Exactly!"

As the strongest dark night force in the Nanzhou Continent, the Baiye League is naturally domineering!And they never miss, that's their trademark.

It's just that if there is more than one Taoist master, the employer has to pay more.If the employer does not add money at this time, according to their rules, the task will continue, but it will be resolved together with the employer.

"That's fine, you go to inform the employer to increase the money, and I will contact the Yin-Yang judge! Solve this task as soon as possible."

said the dwarf king.


Wang Jin thought that it was absolutely safe to kill Xiweile by inviting Baiyemeng to take action.Therefore, although the Royal Chamber of Commerce has been hit hard recently, he is not panicked at all.

Trying to pass on the family line!
"Patriarch Wang is very elegant, it seems that my time is not right!"

A man in black appeared in Wang Jin's room. The opponent's concealment skills were extremely powerful. Although he was only a saint, no one noticed when he entered Wang's house.

When he came to Wang Jin's room, if he didn't open his mouth, it would be difficult for Wang Jin to find out.Of course, Wang Jin is the master of Taoism, if the other party gets too close, naturally he can't hide it from him.

It's just that the man in black came at a bit of an untimely time.

Wang Jin saw someone breaking into his room and disturbing his performance, so he reached out and grabbed it.Unexpectedly, the other party took out the token of Baiyemeng, so he had no choice but to stop.

"Hundred Nights League! Mission completed?"

Wang Jin asked.

"No. The difficulty of the task has increased! The sub-helmsman asked me to pass the message. Add money!"

The man in black cut to the chase and said directly.

"What, add money! Didn't I already give [-] million?"

Wang Jin frowned and said hastily.The current [-] million is not a small amount, even if it is a big chamber of commerce like theirs, it is impossible to use it at will to smash people.

"[-] million is just the starting price. If the task becomes more difficult, you have to pay more! What's more, the information you gave was wrong. There is another strong person beside the other party. Only [-] million is not enough! Let me tell you, you You can choose to pay in one lump sum, and there will be no business for you in the future. We will spare no effort to complete the task. Of course, you can also choose to add money, but once the difficulty of the task increases, you have to continue to add money. Our Baiyemeng has never The reason for the miss is because once the task is done, there will be no end to death!"

said the man in black.

"Why does the other party still have masters? How much does it cost for a one-time payment?"

Wang Jin's face turned livid.He also knows the rules of Baiyemeng, if he refuses to add money, he can only stop the mission voluntarily.

It's just that the previous [-] million is gone.Baiyemeng will not look for him again.But he is not reconciled!If he couldn't kill Xi for joy and make Su Beiluan lose his support, he wouldn't be able to get the Xuanpin Chamber of Commerce.

With the current momentum of the Xuanpin Chamber of Commerce, I am afraid that it will not take long before the whole city's medicine market will be controlled by it.At that time, his Royal Chamber of Commerce will plummet.

Moreover, his son was abolished by Su Beiluan. If he didn't take revenge, he couldn't swallow it.


The man in black stretched out a finger and said.

"What, a billion! Hiss!"

Wang Jin couldn't help gasping when he heard it.One billion, although he can take it out, it is really not a small amount.

"Of course, Patriarch Wang can also choose to add more money. It only needs [-] million! But if the difficulty increases later, it may exceed the number of one billion! The manager still recommends Patriarch Wang to pay it directly. As long as you don't withdraw at that time The task, no matter how much our Baiyemeng loses, it has nothing to do with Patriarch Wang! Patriarch Wang just needs to wait for the result. Even if the Baiyemeng fights to the end, it will definitely complete the task. But the world can let our Baiyemeng fight to the end , but it doesn’t exist yet, not even the Dilong family.”

The man in black continued.

This is the first time that Baiyemeng has received a big order since it reappeared in the world!At this time, they were worried that the business would not meet the standards, so they thought of asking Wang Jin to pay in one lump sum.

With this order, it will be fine even if they do not take orders for a hundred years.

"One billion is one billion! But you have to give me some time!"

Wang Jin thought for a while and said.

"Three days, after three days, the experts from our Hundred Nights League will come to Xuanhai City again. If Patriarch Wang fails to pay the full amount by that time, you will have to bear the consequences!"

The man in black turned and left after speaking.

"What a weird concealment technique! The Hundred Nights League really lives up to its reputation! It's only one billion! I'm afraid it will have to use the working capital of the chamber of commerce."

Watching the man in black leave, Wang Jin couldn't help admiring.But when he returned to reality, thinking of the billion spirit stones, his face suddenly became troubled.

If you want to make up enough billion, you have to use the working capital of the chamber of commerce.

three days later

The dwarf king successfully contacted the fourth-ranked judge of Yin-Yang in the Hundred Nights League. They were a pair of twin brothers. Even if it was a one-on-one match, the dwarf king might not be their opponent.

If they joined hands, their strength would be comparable to that of a top-notch Taoist master.The difference with the dwarf king is that the dwarf king assassinates, but they are real killers.

(End of this chapter)

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