extreme dog days

Chapter 3952 Capture the dwarf king alive

Chapter 3952 Capture the dwarf king alive

"Brother Yinyang! That Xiweile is in this manor. It is estimated that the Space Taoist is also there!"

The dwarf king led the yin and yang judge to appear in a restaurant, looking at the manor behind the Xuanpin Chamber of Commerce, which is also the home of Su Beiluan.

"Space is one of the top ten Taoisms recognized in the world! This is a big challenge!"

After the judge retracted his gaze during the day, he lowered his voice and said.

"That's right, in front of the Dao Master of Space, it is difficult to use any concealment means. Arrange manpower and do it tonight. The Dao Master of Space is handed over to our two brothers to deal with it!"

The night judge said.

"Okay, then it's settled! Let people go in and invite them to show up, and we'll do it again!"

The dwarf king answered.

After nightfall, the judge made a strong move during the day. He knew that there was a space Taoist in the manor, and there must be a space in the manor, so he entered the manor first and used Taoism to forcibly break through the space.

"Hundred Nights League, Judge Yin Yang visits!"

After the judge landed during the day, he said with a strange smile.

"Hiss, judge of yin and yang!"

Xiweile appeared, and saw that the person who came was not the previous dwarf king, but the judge of yin and yang who was better than the dwarf king, his expression changed instantly.

"You should be happy! Very good, very good!"

During the day, the judge looked at him happily, and then took out his portrait for comparison.

"Unexpectedly, in order to kill this old man, the Baiyemeng even sent your Yin-Yang Judge. It seems that this old man is doomed tonight."

Xi Wei Le has also heard of the name of Yin Yang Judge.It's just that he didn't expect that after the dwarf king failed, he would directly find the judge of yin and yang.

At this time, after the judge in the night broke the space in the manor during the day, he also sneaked into the manor.Ling Yun deliberately used space as a guide to lead him into the alchemy room!
"Dan Fang! Could it be that the space Taoist is still a pill god! Boy, where is the space Taoist!"

Judge Heiye entered the alchemy room, only to see Ling Yun who was making alchemy.He could clearly sense that Ling Yun was just a saint, so he didn't take it seriously, but he didn't find the so-called space master, so he appeared directly behind Ling Yun.

"The master of space in your mouth, isn't it me?"

Ling Yun turned around, looked at Judge Heiye with a smile and said.

"You! It turns out that you are the God of Space! Interesting!"

Judge Hei Ye came to his senses, and without talking too much nonsense, he directly attacked Ling Yun, but no matter how he attacked, he couldn't hurt Ling Yun at all.

After several tricks, Ling Yun seemed to be still standing in place.

"Space Dao God, actually practiced space Dao to the point of no distance. It seems I was careless! Hey... ah!"

Judge Hei Ye made another move, but in the end Ling Yun kicked him out of the alchemy room!
"It's a master!"

During the day, the judge heard the sound and immediately looked over.

"Brother Bai Tian, ​​you go! Just leave him to me!"

The dwarf king also entered the manor, looked at Xiweile with a smile, and then said to the judge during the day.

The judge during the day didn't talk nonsense. He knew that the judge at night was in trouble. If he didn't go, it would be difficult for him to deal with it alone.

"I'm happy, we meet again, isn't it a surprise, isn't it a surprise!"

The dwarf king said proudly.His strength is above Xiweile, and now that Judge Yin-Yang intercepts the Space Daoist in the manor, he can kill Xiweile and complete the task.

"It's quite a surprise. I thought some kind of master came, but it turned out to be a dwarf!"

At some point, Liu Qi leaned against the dwarf king's wall and drank, which seemed a little foolish!
"who are you?"

The dwarf king was taken aback. He didn't even notice when Liu Qi was standing beside him.

"One with a sword."

Liu Qi said with a smile.

"Sword holder! Sword cultivator, where is your sword?"

the dwarf king asked casually.

"I forgot to bring it! My little brother, let me borrow your sword!"

Liu Qi looked at Xi Weile, hooked his sword finger, and before Xi Weile could react, the sword in his hand flew towards Liu Qi.

This is not the sword summoning technique, but the most common sword summoning ability of sword repairers.The stronger the swordsmanship attainment, the stronger the ability to summon the sword.


Xiweile was stunned for a moment. He heard Su Beiluan say that Liu Qi had abolished Wang Junsheng and his six subordinates before, and he didn't pay much attention to it. He just regarded Liu Qi as a master of swordsmanship. With the sword in your hand, it is not as simple as just using the sword.

After Liu Qi got the sword, he swung it and slashed at the dwarf king.The dwarf king wanted to test Liu Qi's strength, so he didn't hide, and the result was a tragedy, he was overthrown directly.

“Three inches of heaven!”

The dwarf king was taken aback and immediately performed Taoism.But Liu Qi's sword came too fast, he was so frightened that he didn't even finish his magic, so he hurriedly retreated.

This is not a level at all!

Soon Liu Qi pointed his sword at his forehead!


"Too weak! Tell me, you failed, what should you do!"

Liu Qi put away the sword and asked with a smile.

"If you want to kill, you can kill. If you want to ask anything, there is no door!"

said the dwarf king.

"Courage is commendable, but I don't know what it would be like to chop off your legs if you are so short."

Liu Qi smiled and raised the sword in his hand.

"Don't! What do you want to ask? If you can say it, I will say it?"

The dwarf king faltered in an instant, the arrogance just now was faked.He is a Taoist master who has lived for thousands of years. Although he was born unsatisfactory, he doesn't want to die!

Even if it's just cutting off his legs, he won't be able to live in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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