extreme dog days

Chapter 3954 Leaves and Heavenly Slaughter

Chapter 3954 Leaves and Heavenly Slaughter
"Of course, I have no reason to kill you!"

"Uh, aren't you afraid that I will trouble you next time!"

During the day, the judge heard that Ling Yun really wanted to let him go, he was very surprised!
"If you come next time, you will die! I will protect the people in this manor!"

Ling Yun said solemnly.This time he asked Judge Tian for information, and he could let him go, but it will be different next time.

"If you want to keep Xiweile, you are against our Baiyemeng! Unless you can pass the seven levels of our Baiyemeng and let us release the mission of Xiweile, otherwise we will spare no effort to kill you!"

During the day, the judge said solemnly.

"Seven levels of the Hundred Nights League, if you have the chance, try it! Now tell me about the demons!"

Ling Yun had already heard about the Seven Levels of the Hundred Nights League.Right now, if he wants to keep his happiness, there are only two ways, one is to stay with Baiyemeng forever, and the other is to break through the seven levels of Baiyemeng. According to the rules of Baiyemeng, as long as he breaks through the seven levels they set , then they will take the initiative to cancel the task.

"Okay! It's not a secret about the demons! In ancient times, the Nanzhou mainland was ruled by the demons! Even after the ancient times, except for some weird areas, most of the Nanzhou mainland was It is the territory of the demons. But the internal fighting among the demons is also very fierce! According to records, the demons had seven territories when they were at their peak. Later, some territories gradually declined, or were annexed by other demons, or by our human race What was destroyed, replaced it! But currently there are only four major territories."

In ancient times, the demons began to go downhill!But the Nanzhou Continent has always been dominated by demons.It's just that after ancient times, the decline of the demon race has become more serious!
From the initial seven territories, there were almost no human forces on the Nanzhou continent that could develop, and now, the world is almost equally divided with the human race.

The original seven major territories have also become four major territories.

"The four major realms, with the Daming King's territory as the most respected, followed by Tianyu Mountain, Jueming Sea Territory, and the mysterious Moon Devouring Valley. As for the other scattered demon forces, I don't know much about it. But this Cloud Water Territory, Although it is the territory of the human race, there are also demons."

The judge said during the day.

"You go!"

Ling Yun stretched out his hand a little, retracting the space constraint.

"You really let me go?"

During the day, the judge was stunned.He didn't expect Ling Yun to let him go so easily!

"I said, I have no reason to kill you!"

Ling Yun walked back to the alchemy room with his hands behind his back. As for the damage in the courtyard, people from the Xuanpin Chamber of Commerce will naturally come to repair it tomorrow.Don't worry about him at all.

During the day, Judge Ling Yun walked into the alchemy room, turned around and left.

As for the dwarf king, he can't leave for the time being!
However, he also explained some things, that is, about the dark night forces in the Nanzhou mainland.

In the Nanzhou Continent, there are currently two largest dark night forces, one is the Hundred Nights League, and the other is Nanyinmen.As for the other dark night forces, basically they can't make it to the stage.

Xiweile couldn't be more clear about the situation at Nanyinmen.Back then, his enemies paid a lot of money to ask Nanyinmen to hunt him down, but in the end they were delighted to kill a Taoist master and dozens of saints.In the end, Nanyinmen was forced to stop the mission.

This incident also made Nanyinmen a laughingstock!Of course, Xiweile also agreed to Nanyinmen's anonymity from now on.So the only ones who know about this matter are those dark night forces.

This time, the Baiyemeng failed again, and the dwarf king was captured.This incident naturally shocked the leader of Baiye.

The leader of the Baiye League is one of the most mysterious powerhouses in the Nanzhou Continent. Except for the number one Tiansha in the Baiye League, no one else has seen him, and they don't know what he looks like, whether he is male or female!
"God damn it, it's you!"

"God kills, it seems that the leader knows about this!"

After Judge Yin Yang returned to the sub-duo and explained the matter, the receptionist in the sub-duo immediately reported the matter to the head of Baiyemeng.

A few days later, a man in white appeared in the sub-helm.He is the No.1 Heavenly Killer on the Killer List of the Hundred Nights League, and the recognized No.1 among the dark night forces.

When Judge Yin Yang saw him, he was startled.

"You didn't do it yourself, but called me over! Don't tell me you really don't take the mission anymore."

Tian Slayer ignored the Yin-Yang judge, but walked up to the old man Luo Ye who was assigned to take over the task and said.

"I'm old, it's not suitable for me to fight and kill! Besides, if I miss it, it's a small thing for my old bones to be tossed, but it's a big thing if my reputation is not guaranteed! Hehe!"

The task of the sub-helm into Haicheng is not simple, he is also the top five people in the Hundred Dark League, but he is the assassin.

Known as the Assassin of the Patriarch!It can be said that most of the assassins in the Hundred Nights League were trained by him.But no one has ever seen his true face.

His nickname is the dark coach!After all, the dwarf king was one of his disciples.It's just that the dwarf king doesn't know his identity.

"Do you really care about your reputation so much? The world probably won't remember you all these years after you disappeared!"

God Kill said lightly.In his eyes, no emotion can be seen.

Among the Baiye League, apart from the leader of Baiye League, the only one who could make him open his mouth was Luo Ye, the dark teacher.

"It doesn't matter! The old man is just a legend! Haha. God damn it! This time the task is not small! The two brothers Yin and Yang said that although the cultivation base of finding a space Taoist is only a saint, his strength is unfathomable .Beyond the average Taoist master! And after he won the daytime, he asked some things about the earth dragon family and the demons, and then let the daytime leave, which shows that even though the two brothers Yin and Yang have joined forces, he still hasn't done his best! In addition, if the dwarf is captured, it may not be possible to rely on his joy, so the old man guesses that besides the space Taoist, another master is not easy! You have to be careful!"

Fallen Leaf reminded.

"The ally leader said, you also take action!"

Although Tiansha is conceited, he is not crazy.He also guessed that the other party intends to compete with their Baiyemeng.If he went alone, he might suffer a disadvantage.

The leader of Baiye also thought of this matter, so he asked Luo Ye to bring a message and let him take action together.

(End of this chapter)

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