extreme dog days

Chapter 3955 Assassination of the leaves

Chapter 3955 Assassination of the leaves
"No, no, the old man has retired to the second line for many years. Go find Hua Wuhen!"

Hua Wuhen ranked third, and she was the only woman among the top five in the Baiye League.She is also a mysterious person, and she has her own industry.Mainly responsible for collecting information.

"You took this task! If you don't take action, who will?"

God killed him with a glance and said.


Fallen Leaves was speechless for a while.He said nothing, which meant he agreed.

"Old man, you, you can't be the dark coach!"

Hearing their conversation during the day, he couldn't help asking.

"Brother! Don't be rude. Meet the teacher in the dark night!"

Hei Ye also practiced with the fallen leaves for a period of time.I have a lot of respect for him.It can be said that half of his abilities are taught by the secret coach.

"My old bone has not been touched for more than three thousand years! I don't know if it will work or not! Then let's go with you!"

Luo Ye packed up her things and said helplessly.

Luoye's concealment method is extremely powerful, he can completely hide his aura, even if he stands in front of the Heavenly Dao level, as long as he doesn't do anything, the other party can't find it.

His name as the Patriarch of Assassins is below the Heavenly Dao, and no one can escape!
He was the one who propped up the Baiyemeng's signboard in the past.

Xuanpin Chamber of Commerce, Manor

"My lord, I'll bring you some tea!"

Xi Weile entered the alchemy room with the tea in person.Originally, Su Beiluan or Xiao Huan usually brought tea and food to Lingyun, but in recent days, for the safety of the joy, Su Beiluan arranged for him to bring it over.

"You still have something to do!"

Ling Yun sensed that Xi Weile hadn't left after putting down the tea, so he asked.

"My lord, I've been feeling restless recently!"

Said happily.

"Is it for the Baiyemeng?"

Ling Yun asked.

"Exactly, the Baiye League is the strongest dark night force in the Nanzhou Continent. They are as skilled as clouds. Not only do they have the existence of top-ranking Taoist masters, but they are also proficient in various assassination techniques. They are hard to guard against! And with their rules, if I If you don’t die, I’m afraid Madam will also be implicated by me!”

Xi Weile said helplessly.In the past, he was able to fight against Nanyinmen, it was because he had nothing to worry about, and he was not afraid of death, which was the reason why Nanyinmen finally lifted the mission.

But it is different now, the Xuanpin Chamber of Commerce is his home, and Su Beiluan, whom he has always regarded as his daughter, is his concern.

"You don't have to worry about this! I let go of one person and detained the other person! They also owed two lives, so they won't attack other people in the manor! This is the way of robbers!"

Ling Yun released Judge Tian once, this was his kindness, and it was also a deal with Baiyemeng!

Although the Baiyemeng was unscrupulous, if someone expressed goodwill to them, they would naturally not touch Su Beiluan and the others.

"Then I'm at ease. I'm not afraid of death, I'm just afraid that after I die, my wife will be tricked by others! Young master, I have a heartless request, please agree to it."

Xi Weile knelt on the ground and said.

"Uh, you are..."

Ling Yun was stunned for a moment, and asked in a deep voice.

"Young master is a dragon and phoenix among men! My wife is also the most beautiful woman in this city. You two are a match made in heaven. I beg you to accept my wife. If you have a young master to protect your wife, then this old man will die without regret. "

Xi Weile said solemnly.

This is to entrust Su Beiluan to Ling Yun!
"Ah, you get up before you talk!"

Ling Yun stepped forward to support Xi Weile, but at this moment, Xi Weile suddenly pierced Ling Yun's heart with a short blade.Although Ling Yun reacted in time, the short blade also pierced his body, so he could only grab the opponent's hand to prevent the short blade from piercing through his body.

"You are not happy! Who are you?"

Ling Yun's face changed in shock, and he asked questions.The person in front of him is not really happy.How could Xiweile assassinate Lingyun.

"Old man Baiyemeng Fallen Leaves! Please ascend to heaven!"

This joy was faked by Luo Ye, even if Ling Yun didn't use his extreme pupils, he couldn't see the clue of his disguise.

"Your disguise technique is good, can you teach me?"

Ling Yun suddenly smiled strangely and said.

"You're not hurt!"

Luo Ye was surprised for a while, just when he was surprised, Ling Yun counterattacked and knocked him back, and at the same time drew out the short blade!
“Injured, but recovered!”

Ling Yun smiled and said.Ling Yun was really unprepared just now, fortunately he was uninjured, otherwise he would have suffered a big loss.Fallen Ye's disguise technique is unique in the world, even the strongest of the Heavenly Dao can hardly see the clue, and Ling Yun is not very familiar with Xiweile, so he can't tell the difference at all.

"How is it possible, the old man strikes with all his strength, with the blessing of Taoism on the blade, how can you recover instantly, is this still human?"

Fallen leaves were startled.However, as the top assassin in the world, his mood instantly calmed down.The figure disappeared before Ling Yun's eyes.

This is another housekeeping skill of Luoye, the invisibility technique!
"Good guy, invisibility supernatural power! Hiss!"

Ling Yun was also taken aback.The invisibility technique of fallen leaves has become a supernatural power.Even the extreme pupils are difficult to capture.This ability of invisibility is not far behind Jin Yutian's use of the invisibility cup!
Within a hundred breaths, Ling Yun narrowly avoided the crucial attack several times, completely in a passive state.But soon Ling Yun got used to fighting.

Luo Ye is invisible and does not move, and it is difficult for him to capture his position with his extreme pupils, but as long as he makes a move, Ling Yun can find it at that moment.

This kind of passive fighting is easy to suffer, but as long as you get used to it, you will have a chance to turn defeat into victory!
(End of this chapter)

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