extreme dog days

Chapter 3956 Night 7

Chapter 3956
For a while, none of them could do anything to each other.

In the manor, Heavenly Kill also came near Liu Qi.

"Sword Master, no wonder the dwarf fell into your hands!"

As soon as Tiansha came, he sensed the looming sword energy on Liu Qi's body.

"Are you also a sword cultivator?"

Liu Qi looked at Tiansha curiously and asked.He is now infinitely close to the point of returning to his true self, his sword energy is restrained, and it is difficult to see the truth below the heavenly dao.

Only sword repair!

"No, I have a sword. If you can take it, you are qualified to let me fight with all my strength!"

God said.

"Oh, luckily!"

Although Tiansha was very proud, Liu Qi didn't dare to be negligent. He raised his sword finger and forged a sword out of thin air to prepare for the battle.

"Hmm! Forging a sword out of thin air!"

God frowned.There are also three, six, and nine grades of sword masters. A sword master who can forge swords out of thin air is by no means easy.

"It's just a sword in your heart!"

Liu Qi said lightly.

"it is good!"

Tian Shou put on the gesture of drawing his sword, and the aura on his body rose instantly.

"It's sword drawing!"

Liu Qi said in a deep voice.

"That's right, this is the technique of cutting the sky and drawing the sword. I have practiced hard for thousands of years, just to slay the enemy with one sword!"

Heavenly Kill said solemnly.

He practiced painstakingly for thousands of years with the art of drawing the sword, and finally realized the art of drawing the sword to cut the sky, and the sword can cut the sky.This is one of his killer moves.

For many years, he only used one move to kill the enemy, so no one knew his specific strength.

Whoosh, boom!
The sword came out of Tiansha, and the sword came out of Huagang, roaring like a giant dragon coming out of the sea.The sword in Liu Qiwu's hand turned into a wall of air to block the front, and as the giant dragon transformed by Jian Gang hit the wall of air, it shattered the wall of air with one breath, but the wall of air turned into waves of air again and shattered the giant dragon. Dragon wrapped up.

As the giant dragon broke free from the air wave and rushed towards Liu Qi, Liu Qi hit the sword gang with a sword, directly breaking the sword gang.The broken sword gang cut the tall building behind him in half, and a crack was cut on the ground in front of him.


Tian Shou was surprised, he didn't expect that Liu Qi could concentrate a little bit and break his sword gang.

"Fight outside the city!"

Liu Qi was also shocked for a while!Just now he seemed to have smashed through the sword gang of Tiansha with his sword at random, but he gathered all his strength.

Tiansha's sword is enough to prove that he can enter the ranks of the world's top Taoist masters.If the two of them fought with all their strength here, not only would the entire manor be destroyed, but more than half of the mysterious city on the sea would also be destroyed by them.

"it is good!"

Heavenly Kill agreed, turned around and jumped out of the city.

"Mr. Liu!"

Su Beiluan looked at Liu Qi with some worry.

Liu Qi nodded, and his figure disappeared into the manor.In the next second, he and Tiansha appeared on the surface of the sea. With their level of cultivation, crossing the sea was like level ground.

When the two came to the surface of the sea, they fought immediately. The sea was overturned by their sword energy and air waves. The figures of the two of them could hardly be seen. They could only see two waves colliding with each other, and no one would let the other.

The two fought for a long time and it was difficult to tell the winner.

In comparison, the battle between Ling Yun and Luo Ye was not so majestic, but it was more dangerous than it was.

Luo Ye used the invisibility supernatural power, and every time she appeared was a killer move.Even if Ling Yun has adapted to fighting from the defensive to the offensive, it is still difficult to win.

In the end, Lingyun's layout, taking advantage of Luoye's sneak attack and retreating, used the space method to break open the void!

Luo Ye's invisibility ability can only be hidden in the space of heaven and earth, he does not enter the heavenly way, and cannot hide in the void, so there is a void around him, and his invisibility ability has a flaw.

"Void Mahamudra, town!"

Ling Yun uses the Taoism of the Void to subdue the Void, making it impossible for the space of heaven and earth to recover for a while.

Luo Ye wanted to avoid the pull of the void, the moment he appeared, Ling Yun had already killed him, wounding him with a palm.

"You lost! If the fight continues, then you will have to stay!"

Ling Yun said lightly.

"Unexpectedly, you still master the Void Taoism! This old man's defeat is not unjust! This time, our Baiyemeng has met an opponent. I hope you can stay here forever!"

Fallen Leaf lost, he represented the terminal combat power of the Hundred Nights League.They couldn't do anything to get Ling Yun today, so they would naturally not attack Ling Yun again.

However, it does not mean that they give up the task.

"I heard that your Hundred Nights League has seven levels! I want to try it!"

Ling Yun said with a smile.

"You want to break through the seven stages of my Hundred Nights League?"

Luo Ye looked at Ling Yun with some surprise.

"Exactly! It's just that I don't know if there will be any trouble after breaking through?"

Ling Yun asked.

"If you can pass our Hundred Nights Seven Stages, you will be able to see our leader, and naturally there will be no more troubles, and you will also be the most honored guest of our Hundred Nights League in the future!"

Fallen Leaf said solemnly.

"Where are the Baiye Qiguan!"

"Jiuye Town! Waiting for you!"

Luo Ye said something, turned around and disappeared.

"Jiuye Town! Shuiyun City, I really have to go there!"

Ling Yun opened the map of Yunshuiyu and checked it. Jiuye Town happened to be in Shuiyun City, and the auctioneer of the former Nanben Club told him that the person who knew the whereabouts of the longevity bacteria lived in Shuiyun City.

It's just that I live there, so I don't know.

"Ah, Mr. Ling, are you okay!"

When Su Beiluan came to the alchemy room, seeing the mess in the alchemy room, he immediately understood what was going on.It turned out that Ling Yun didn't show up, so she thought Ling Yun had deserted.

Just about to come over and tell him that Liu Qi and a strong man left the mysterious city on the sea, and they haven't come back yet.

(End of this chapter)

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