extreme dog days

Chapter 3963

Chapter 3963
There are only two prices on the price list.One starts with less than [-] million yuan, and the other starts with more than [-] million yuan!
Originally, there was only one price for Baiyemeng, and that was a starting price of [-] million!But not everyone can afford [-] million, this is the price of assassination.

And please move into the Tao, according to the current market, it just happens to start at ten million!Therefore, the sub-rudders in various parts of the Hundred Nights League have set up tens of millions of starting points.

The Hundred Nights League does not have a fixed place, so this Yefen is only a branch!
"The price is fair! But I choose the last page!"

Ling Yun glanced at it, then threw the price book back.

"There is no last page!"

This price book is like an invitation, it only has two pages, so there is no such thing as the last page.

“Someone told me, here it is!”

Ling Yun said.



"Ugh! You've seen Lao Lao!"

Although the hunchbacked old man is also an old man of the Baiyemeng, he is still far behind the fallen leaves. Regardless of his appearance, he is only five or six thousand years old!

But the fallen leaves have already reached eight thousand years!

"Of course!"

Ling Yun replied.

"Good fellow! Seeing that you are young, I would like to advise you, don't make mistakes, just leave!"

The hunchbacked old man said in a deep voice.

"I want to try it!"

Ling Yun said lightly.


The hunchbacked old man let out a long sigh, then blew out the lantern in his hand, and disappeared in front of Ling Yun in the blink of an eye!At this time, countless silver threads appeared in the Yizhuang.

"Mythril spider silk!"

Ling Yun recognized the origin of these silver threads at a glance.This is made of Mithril, possesses the ability of remote methods, and is extremely hard at the same time!

This is the first level of Baiye, Yinsi kills her!

At this time, Ling Yun was completely trapped in the silver threads, and the strength could not shake these silver threads, because the mithril can be sequestered, so there is no force at all.

In the past, there were also people who wanted to break through the Seven Hundred Nights Levels, but most of them couldn't even make it past the first level, and ended up being cut apart.

Ling Yun was surrounded by mithril spider silk, unable to move at all.I can't even lift my legs to take off.Even if he is a space Taoist, in such a narrow space, he can't use it at all.

But for a sword cultivator, this is not a problem at all!


Ling Yun shouted softly!A dao sword appeared out of nowhere, and cut off the mithril spider thread around Ling Yun, breaking the first level.

"It's interesting! You actually know such advanced sword skills, no wonder you dare to pass through the seven stages of Baiye! But this is only the first stage"

The first level was broken, and the hunchbacked old man reappeared!

"What about the second level?"

Ling Yun didn't talk nonsense and asked directly.

"The second level is easy! Come to the coffin!"

There are quite a few coffins in the Yizhuang, and these coffins are not empty, and there is an assassin from the Hundred Nights League inside.But they are not the focus of the second level.

This second level is the hunchbacked old man!He is good at assassination with arrays, and there is an array in Yizhuang itself.

"You are the Space God!"

Ling Yun, the Taoist of space, is not a hypocrite. He played space transposition with one hand, cleverly avoided all the attacks of the coffin, and forced out all the assassins hidden in the coffin!

"Decided leaves, didn't I tell you?"

Ling Yun said with a smile.

"Hiss, have you fought Luo Lao?"

asked the hunchbacked old man.

"Not bad! Compared with him, you are far behind."

Ling Yun said with a slight smile.

"Lao Lao's ability is naturally incomparable to me. But what I'm good at is formation!"

The hunchbacked old man said confidently.He thinks that he is not as good as Luo Ye, but he is good at assassination with formations, which is his excellence.

"I said, your formation is useless, do you believe it?"

Ling Yun laughed.Formation, he will too!Just when he used the space method just now, he had already suppressed the formation of the hunchbacked old man in Yizhuang.

"You, you actually know formations!"

The formation was useless, and the hunchbacked old man suddenly panicked.He is best at formations, but if he can't use this formation now, then he has no advantage at all.

What shocked him was that Ling Yun broke his formation without a sound, which can only be done by a sixth-level magician like him.

"Would you like to meet?"

"You passed! Come with me..."

The hunchbacked old man frowned, then lit up the lantern, and led Ling Yun out of Yizhuang. He threw the lantern in his hand, and the lantern flew up in mid-air.

"Follow the lantern! The third level is ahead! If you can pass the third level, you will see old age!"

The hunchbacked old man said.

"Thank you!"

After Ling Yun cupped his hands, he walked towards the direction where the lantern was flying step by step.

"Hiss! I don't know how many levels he can pass!"

Looking at Ling Yun's back, the hunchbacked old man said lightly.

There are two passes in his Yizhuang, but since the emergence of Baiye Qiguan, there is only one person who has successfully passed his two passes here, and that person is also the only one who has passed Baiye Qiguan.

The third hurdle is the tombstones all over the ground outside the Yizhuang. When Ling Yun walked to the center, a strong suppressive force appeared!
Every time Ling Yun took a step, all the tombstones were lifted an inch from the ground!Every inch the tombstone is off the ground, the pressure of suppression increases by one point!
"What a suppression! It's not a formation! It's for people!"

Ling Yun stomped his foot on the ground, and the Dao of Space in turn suppressed all the tombstones. As long as the tombstones were suppressed, the power of suppression would naturally cease to exist.

But Ling Yun underestimated these tombstones!This is the device!All the tombstones are like weapons, and when the space method forcibly suppresses the tombstones, it arouses the resistance of the tombstone weapon spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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