extreme dog days

Chapter 3964 Earth King

Chapter 3964 Earth King
"Space Dao God, hehe, Luo Ye, do you think he can pass this test?"

On a high mountain in the distance, a middle-aged man stood side by side with the fallen leaves.The strength of this middle-aged man definitely belongs to the ranks of the top Taoist masters, but he is not good at assassination, so he has not been included in the killer list of the Hundred Nights League.

But it doesn't mean that his strength is not good!At least neither the dwarf king nor the judge of yin and yang are his opponents.

"I fought against me before, and I lost! And I feel that he hasn't done his best yet!"

Fallen Leaf said solemnly.

With Luoye's cultivation strength, he can break through this spirit suppression.And Ling Yun's strength is still above him, even he can pass, how could Ling Yun not pass.

"You have such a high opinion of him! This makes me very interested! Hehe!"

The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Di Wang, since you want to fight, why don't we change it, you keep the fourth level!"

Fallen Leaf said directly.

"Okay! Haha!"

The King of Earth laughed and readily agreed, but his laughter didn't stop, outside the night grave, Ling Yun forced Qi Ling out.

All the tombstones rose from the ground, all shining brightly.A huge figure appeared immediately.

"Spirit of Artifact! I never imagined that Baiyemeng would create such a spirit of Artifact to guard the level. What are they doing!"

Ling Yun secretly pondered in his heart.

"Hey! Humble human race! How dare you wake me up!"

Qi Ling roared.

"Humble? You, a spirit created by our human race, dare to talk about the word humble! What about your face! Believe it or not, I will cut you off!"

Ling Yun shouted.

"court death!"

Qi Ling was furious, and threw a punch at Ling Yun.The tombstones in the night grave also fell towards Ling Yun.


Ling Yun's figure moved and disappeared under Qi Ling's suppression.This scene shocked Luo Ye and the King of Earth.

"Space, can you avoid repressive lockdown?"

The Earth King looked at the fallen leaves and asked.

"You ask me, who do I ask! The suppressing power of Qi Ling is at the eighth level of Taoism, and its suppression is difficult even for me!"

Fallen Leaf said in a deep voice.

Fallen Leaf has entered the ninth floor of Dao, and his power is still higher than Qi Ling, so with his cultivation strength, it is still possible to break free from Qi Ling's suppression.

However, he knew that Ling Yun's cultivation base had never entered Taoism, and although his comprehension of space Taoism was high, it was ultimately limited by his own cultivation base.The power that can be exerted is at most the level of the middle stage.

Although the level of combat power is comparable to that of a top-ranking Daoist, isn't strength just flawed?

Ling Yun didn't use space to avoid Qi Ling's suppression, but walked around in the void, he calculated through the void, and then used the space to cover.

Ling Yun appeared behind Qi Ling, pointed at Qi Ling's back, and as Qi Ling turned around, he disappeared again.When Qi Ling came back to his senses, Ling Yun appeared from another direction and pointed at it again.

Qi Ling was furious, feeling that Ling Yun's attack was not very harmful, but it was extremely insulting to it.Immediately, all the power broke out, controlling Man to dance wildly towards the tombstone, preventing Ling Yun from approaching.

"The reaction is too slow, I said, I will kill you, then I will kill you!"

space method
Ling Yun did not use the Supreme Sword, nor did he use the Celestial Immortal Sword, but directly used the space method to break the spirit of the weapon!Because he didn't want to destroy the Qi Ling!
If he had used the Celestial Immortal Sword in the first place, with the power of the Celestial Sword and Immortal Sword, to directly destroy all the monuments, then the artifact spirit would naturally cease to exist.

Using the supreme kendo, you can also directly cut off the spirit of the weapon, making all the monuments lose their power.

But if you do this, this place will be useless!

Just now Ling Yun set up a space point on Qi Ling, and at this time, he used the space Tao method to transform into form. After fighting hard, although the space Tao method was defeated by Qi Ling, the space transformation also triggered the space point on Qi Ling's body , Let it be disarmed directly!

Ling Yun used the space method again, and when the spirit of the weapon was dismantled and scattered back to all the monuments, he used space to bind the monument so that the spirit of the weapon could not appear again!

"Get it done! Leaves, come out!"

Ling Yun looked at the mountain peak where Luo Ye and the King of Earth were, and said, the next second he also appeared on the mountain peak!

"Space Dao God, he really lives up to his reputation!"

The land king praised.

"The Hundred Nights League is also well-deserved!"

Ling Yun sized up Di Wang and said with a smile.He could feel that the king here was also not simple.I'm afraid that even if it's not as good as fallen leaves, it's not that bad.

"As expected, you are here! And you have passed three levels in a row, but this fourth level is not easy!"

Fallen Leaf said with a smile.

"The fourth level, is it you or him?"

Ling Yun asked directly.

"He's called the Earth King, and he was originally the guardian of the fifth level, but we suddenly changed our mind! If you can pass the level of the Earth King, in the fifth level, the Hundred Nights League will go all out! Haha!"

Luo Ye laughed loudly, and her figure gradually disappeared into the night.

"Assassination of the old master Luo, he is not professional in combat!"

The king said.

"how about you?"

Ling Yun asked back.

"Ha ha!"

The Earth King laughed wildly, and pressed down with both hands at the same time, causing the entire mountain to collapse.Ling Yun didn't react for a moment, and his body sank instantly.

The Earth King was also unceremonious, and threw his fist down from top to bottom.His fist seems to drive the mountain, forming a fist and pressing down like a mountain. In terms of strength, he is not inferior to the fallen leaves!
"Space escape?"

The Earth King punched down, and as he expected, he didn't hit Ling Yun at all.

(End of this chapter)

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