extreme dog days

Chapter 4315 Ingratitude

Chapter 4315 Ingratitude
On the other side of Wujuedi Temple, Wangxin saw countless casualties among the disciples in the temple, but he is not the enemy of Tantai Dragon Elephant, if he loses!Wujuedi Temple is bound to be lost forever, so he sacrificed his life to summon the seal of Buddhism and Daoism, and severely injured Tantai Longxiang in one fell swoop, almost sending him away!

Tantai Longxiang was severely injured, Tantai Xuanmen had no choice but to order to withdraw in order to protect him.

On the Xianni Temple, after avoiding Zhuang Buxian's pursuit, Nanyun Xiangu returned to Xianni Temple without hesitation, repelled Old Ghost Xin and the others with her own strength, and was seriously injured as a result.

Although Xianni'an's vitality was seriously injured, it was considered to be saved.

Of the three major sects of the Ancient League, it can be said that the Futian Dao Sect is the luckiest!Although there was Yuqi's betrayal and many disciples turned against each other, because of Lingyun's presence, two thousand dead dragon soldiers were eliminated in one fell swoop, and the rebellion of Futian Daomen was quickly suppressed.

"Master, please forgive me. This disciple is only delusional, and that's why he did such a wrong thing. I beg Master to spare this disciple's life for the sake of my dedication to the sect over the years!"

Yuqi pleaded with snot and tears!At this moment, what is the demeanor of the leader, the demeanor of the leader!No one else would have thought that he, the majestic master of the ancient alliance and the master of the Futian Daomen, would betray the ancient alliance and the Futian Daomen.And he didn't expect that the Dilong family, which was originally very stable, would fail in the end!

All this is not due to Ling Yun's troubles, but the reason for the failure of the Dilong family in the end is Lu Dengxian, the founder of the Futian Daomen.

"Chuan'er! He is your grandson! How to deal with him is up to you!"

Bai Chen patted Chen Chuan on the shoulder and said.

As the master of Futian Daomen, Yuqi betrayed the sect and did things like deceiving the master and exterminating the ancestors. This is an unforgivable sin.

But Yuqi is Chen Chuan's pro-disciple and grandson, which is equivalent to his pro-grandson.Chen Chuannai is one of the three Heavenly Dao Patriarchs of Futian Daomen. His disciple and grandson made a big mistake, so he will naturally punish him personally.

"Hey! Yuqi, you were adopted by your master back to the sect when you were young, and he devoted himself to teaching you how to cultivate. When his lifespan was at the end of his life, I wanted to help him seal the Tao to save his life, but the realm of heaven can only be used for one lifetime. He was able to help one person seal the Dao and save his life. He worried that you would be like him in the future and would not be able to break through the realm of the Heavenly Dao before the seal of heaven and earth was opened, so he begged me to give you the chance to seal the Dao! After kneeling for seven days and seven nights, I finally reluctantly agreed! If he knows that the disciple he has tried his best to protect, actually commits such a thing as deceiving the master and destroying the ancestor and betraying the sect, do you think he can sleep his eyes?"

Chen Chuan looked at Yuqi and said sadly.

The realm of heaven has a chance to seal the way.In fact, if it wasn't for the opportunity of the Ancient League to return to the Nanzhou Continent this time, Chen Chuan was going to help him seal the Tao after Yuqi was accepted as the leader of the alliance, and let him save his life until the seal of heaven and earth was opened in the future , the ten thousand year limit is no longer the end.

But Yuqi did such a thing. When he stabbed Chen Chuan with the sword, Chen Chuan was completely dumbfounded. ,

"Master, I was wrong, please forgive me, woo, please forgive me..."

Yuqi chose to betray Futian Daomen precisely because he didn't want to die.But the result turned out to be counterproductive. If he didn't have the cheek to beg for mercy, he would definitely die.

Looking at the group of senior brothers and those sect disciples, they all want to peel his skin!
"Uncle, these years, he has occupied most of the sect's resources for his own selfishness. We thought he was attacking the way of heaven and cultivating the dead men of the sect. We have no complaints, but we have betrayed the sect, bullied The matter of master destroying the ancestors almost overturned the sect, such a big evil, if not punished, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince the public."

"Isn't it? If you don't punish severely, there will inevitably be disciples to follow suit in the future! Please also invite the ancestors."

"I ask the ancestor to deal with it impartially! Severely punish the traitor!"


Yuqi has been elected as the leader of the ancient alliance for five consecutive times. At the beginning, he did his best and deserved the position of the leader of the alliance!But later, as it was difficult for him to break through the way of heaven in his cultivation, he began to collect resources for his own use in order to cultivate, and finally got out of hand!
At the same time, in order to consolidate its own power, it has cultivated many dead soldiers.Those who betrayed with him before were the dead soldiers he trained.

Originally, he occupied most of the sect's resources for cultivation and cultivating dead men of the sect. Even though everyone complained, they tolerated it.

But in the end, he got the most benefits from the sect, but betrayed the sect, and everyone was not happy.

All the elders of Futian Daomen were worried that Chen Chuan would not bear to attack his disciples and grandchildren after all, so they opened their mouths one after another.

"Hey, the teaching is not strict, the teacher is lazy! This ancestor is also responsible for this matter, abolish the cultivation base, expel him from the sect and let him fend for himself!"

Chen Chuan turned his back and said.

"What, don't, master, don't abolish me...you don't come here..."

Although jade chess has lived for 8000 years, but if it is cultivated, at least it can live for another thousand years.But if the cultivation base is useless, I am afraid that it will not be long before the five declines of heaven and man will die!

He didn't want to die, so he forcibly broke through the seal that Lu Jiantong and the others set on him, and kidnapped Lu Qianqian who was standing aside!
"Ah! Dad! Help me..."

Lu Qianqian was so shocked that she was completely dumbfounded!
"What, let go of Qianqian!"

"Yuqi, you are so courageous! You can catch him without letting go!"


Everyone was shocked when they saw this!None of them thought that jade chess could break the seal.This was also the negligence of Chen Chuan and the others!
(End of this chapter)

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