extreme dog days

Chapter 4316

Chapter 4316
For a top-ranking Taoist master like Yuqi, if he wanted to seal him, at least three top-ranking Taoist masters would need to act at the same time to ensure that nothing would go wrong, or the Heavenly Dao Level would do it himself.

But with only Lu Jiantong alone, how could he be able to seal it up!

"Don't come here! If you come here, I will kill her!"

Yuqi said viciously.

"Sinister, don't let go of the hostages, and capture them without a fight! Do you want me to kill you with my own hands?"

Seeing this, Chen Chuan immediately reprimanded him!

He really couldn't bear to kill Yuqi with his own hands, but if he persisted in his obsession, then he could only kill him painfully.

"Haha, if you want to abolish my cultivation, you will die anyway. Why don't you fight to the death? Didn't you teach me? Chen Chuan, you do it! At most, let her be buried with me! She is Lu Clan members of the clan, do you dare?"

Yuqi is also broken at this time.He held Lu Qianqian hostage precisely because Lu Qianqian was a member of the Lu clan of the Futian Daomen.Although it is not the direct bloodline of the founding patriarch Lu Dengxian, it is a descendant of the clan!
There are very few members of the Lu clan of the Futian Daomen who have been passed down from ancient times to the present, and Lu Qianqian is also the most outstanding disciple of this generation.If she dies.It will be difficult for Lu's lineage to produce another Taoist within a thousand years!
"Old Ancestor, don't do anything! My disciple is just such a daughter! Yuqi, you let Qianqian go, I'll let you go, I'll let you go..."

Lu Jiantong is in a hurry, he is just such a precious daughter!If there is something good or bad, how can he live!

"Okay, as long as I leave Futian Daomen safely, I will let it go... ah!"

As soon as Yuqi took Lu Qianqian with one foot and stepped out of the palace door, his eyes instantly collapsed, his energy was cut off in an instant, and he didn't move!

Lu Qianqian felt that the jade chess was not moving, and the hand that was holding her had lost all strength, so she turned around instantly, pushed the jade chess lightly, and the jade chess fell down.


"Qianqian...greetings to Patriarch!"

"Meet the ancestors!"

The person who beat the jade chess in seconds is Lu Dengxian!When he came back, he happened to see Yuqi holding Lu Qianqian hostage, and shot him immediately.

"A bunch of useless guys!"

Lu Deng strode into the hall without sacrificing his immortal energy.

"Patriarch, the disciples are incompetent. Please punish the patriarch!"

Bai Chen, Chen Chuan bowed his head in shame.

"Disciple Lu Xunfeng! Meet the patriarch!"

When Lu Xunfeng received Baichen's voice transmission, he rushed over in a hurry.

"Get up! The Futian Daomen has fallen to this point, and I can't blame you completely! The ancient human soul war caused the shortage of heaven and earth, and the loss of luck. Therefore, the undaily god king used his last strength to unite with the heroes of the world to seal the world, waiting for the general situation to reappear. Now that the general trend of the world is approaching, and luck is gradually recovering, it is time for you to gain luck and revive the glory of the Taoist sect!"

Lu Dengxian also participated in the sealing of the world in the past!So he knows the reason for sealing the world!
In addition to preventing outside demons from entering the fighting world, it is also because of the flaws in the world to prevent luck from leaking out!It is also because of the reduction of heaven and earth luck that it becomes difficult to break through the realm of heaven and earth.

Sometimes, no matter how high your talent potential is, if you don't have a chance, it will be difficult to break through in your whole life!
For example, the kind of jade chess, in fact, his talent potential is not low, but his luck is too bad, and opportunities are rare, so he has been unable to break through the realm of heaven!
In addition, Futian Daomen is the head of the Daomen in the Nanzhou Continent, because they withdrew from the Nanzhou Continent in the past, which also indirectly led to the decline of the Daomen's luck!
Therefore, in the nearly 5 years of the Futian Daomen, only one person successfully broke through the Heavenly Dao, which is already very rare.

"I implore the patriarch to lead the disciples to reproduce the glory of the Taoist sect!"

"Please Patriarch, reproduce the glory of Daomen!"


Lu Xunfeng and the others all understood what Lu Dengxian meant. He wanted them to return to the Nanzhou Continent and fight for the luck of the world!

However, they also know that with their current abilities of the Futian Daomen, if they reappear in the Nanzhou Continent, they will probably kill themselves.

So I can only be cheeky and ask for the protection of the Founding Patriarch!

"The responsibility to reproduce the glory of the Dao Sect lies on you, not the ancestor! The ancestor has already withdrawn from the Dao Sect since ancient times!"

Lu Dengxian has excellent luck because of his meritorious service in protecting the orthodoxy of the human race in the past, and the blessings of heaven and earth!In order not to take advantage of the Dao Sect's luck, he chose to quit the Dao Sect!
So now he wants to reproduce the glory of the Taoist sect, it's nothing to do with him!

"Ah, Patriarch, what shall we do then?"

Lu Xunfeng asked.

"Yes, I also ask the patriarch to give me some advice!"

Bai Chen and the others also hurriedly asked.If Lu Dengxian didn't lead them, how could they have the ability to compete for the luck of heaven and earth under such a situation!
I'm afraid that once they go back to the Nanzhou mainland, they will be wiped out by the Dilong family!

"Don't you know how to use your brains? If the Taoist sect is down, then take advantage of it?"

Lu Dengxian rolled his eyes straight, should he teach me about this?
"Using the momentum, who's the momentum?"

"The king of the gods! The new master of the battle god hall!"

"Uh, that's right! The Temple of the God of Fighting has always guarded the human race's orthodoxy, and the masters of the Temple of the Fighting God of all generations have been guarded by the orthodox of the human race, and they are responsible for the fate of the world!"

"That's right, if we can form an alliance with the Temple of Fighting God, we will naturally not be afraid of the Dilong family!"

"But the problem is, where is the new Battle God Hall Master!"

"According to reliable sources, the Temple of the God of Fighting is currently torn apart! The Hall of Nanzhou is not considered the Temple of the God of Fighting! If we want to take advantage of the situation, we must form an alliance with the owner of the Temple of the God of Fighting!"

"Yes, I heard that this generation of Dou Shen Temple is very mysterious, so far, no one knows his whereabouts!"

(End of this chapter)

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