Chapter 864

What the scourge looks like, it's just a legend.After all, there is no one in the world who doesn't want to try this flavor.

"Hey...this is divine condemnation!"

Ling Yun was also considered a pharmacist. Seeing that the pharmacist in front of him was punished for refining the ten taboo pills, he shuddered.


Fu Gu said respectfully.

"You ask him to help you refine the corpse soul pill."

After taking a deep breath, Ling Yun asked.

"Exactly, anyway, the people of this Xuanmen are dead, and they can be used by me. This shouldn't be against the Lord's intention, right?"

Fu Gu asked in a low voice.

"Hmm. How are you feeling now."

On this matter, Burial Gu did nothing wrong, and Ling Yun naturally had no reason to blame him.Moreover, the things he made of the Corpse Soul Pill can be said to be ready-made.

Three hundred and 65 corpses, don't waste them in vain.As for forcing the Patriarch of Xuanmen Alchemy to forcibly refine Corpse Soul Pill, this guy is not a good person anyway.

There is also a record of this person on the side of the hidden door, and it is famous for lust.

"Subordinates no longer need to rely on absorbing corpse spirits for cultivation. They can absorb the energy of heaven and earth and swallow medicine pills like normal human races. And my current strength is enough to compete with ordinary supreme masters."

Fu Gu said very proudly.

The corpse soul is revived, then he is no different from people.

"Uh, it seems that this guy has been punished by God, and he has done a good deed. Then spare him."

Burial of the ancients can be practiced without relying on absorbing fresh corpse spirits, which is a great good thing.It means to cultivate after the burial, not to kill deliberately.Therefore, this Xuanmen Dan Dao ancestor has done a good deed.

"I see him like this, killing him is the greatest kindness to him!"

Looking at the tragic state of the ancestor of the Xuanmen Dan Dao, whether it is Huayunlong or Qinglong Supreme, it is a burst of sigh.Words cannot describe his current situation.

Death was the real liberation for him.

"Kill me! It hurts to die. It hurts! Ah!"

Xuanmen's Pill Dao Patriarch pleaded, and his hands kept grabbing on his body, and his flesh was torn off by himself, even people like Hua Yunlong who had seen the wind and waves couldn't stand it.

It's really appalling.

"You know how uncomfortable it is? As far as I know, the people you killed are also uncomfortable. I heard that you used them to test medicines, even your unborn child. Have you ever thought about it? , When you let those women who were pregnant for you stillborn and you cut open their stomachs, how uncomfortable are those women? You are not human at all!"

The so-called tiger poison does not eat its children, but this guy has played a role that is more poisonous than a tiger.In order to refine new medicine pills, in order to understand the unknown spirit herbs, the medicinal properties of spirit medicines, he can do anything, which is simply outrageous.

Ling Yun said just now that he had spared him, but he actually wanted to punish him.

"Ah! I was wrong, I was wrong, kill me! Kill me! I can tell you something."

"what news."

"Our hall master has already given away the control pill."

"What, to whom"

God Control Pill is a very terrifying existence. For Dou World, it should be included in taboo pills.It's a pity that in the current fighting world, except for Tianxia Peak in the mainland of Zhongzhou, no one has the ability to impose this ban.

This time, Ling Yun and the others killed Xuanmen at all costs, although it was to eliminate Xuanmen, but in the final analysis, because Xuanmen broke the balance of the world, it had to be eliminated.

The initiator is this control pill.

Ling Yun asked, and the Xuanmen Dan Dao ancestor fell silent. What he wanted was a promise to free him.

"As long as you say it, I'll give you a treat."

"Tianluo Empire"

"Ancient Burial"

Fu Gu nodded, but he didn't even see how he did it. The ancestor of the Xuanmen Pill Dao died of blood from the seven holes, but he had a satisfied smile on his face.

Facing the scourge, he chose to die.

"Hey, it is estimated that there is no one in the world who is willing to survive after being punished."

Ling Yun sighed.

"No, there is one."


"Forget it, I'll tell you later when I have a chance."

Yu Zifeng said.He knew that there was a person in the Three Realms who was willing to survive after being punished by God, and after that person survived, he became very terrifying.

No one wanted to mess with him at all.

Of course, that person wasn't in the fighting world, so telling Ling Yun now was meaningless.

The battle of Xuanmen lasted for three days and three nights. There were hundreds of mountain ranges in the three mountain ranges, and as many as thirty were destroyed by force. As for the dead, half of the bodies were gone.

Because the half of the dead were killed by the ancient corpse soldiers, and they were all taken away directly after they were killed.

The Xuanmen was officially declared destroyed, and more than [-]% of the disciples of the Xuanmen were killed. This is a kind of anger.Those who survived and escaped from Xuanmen will never dare to tell others that they were once from Xuanmen.

It is not too much to say that the various evil deeds that Xuanmen had done in the northern realm were shared by human beings and gods, but because Xuanmen was strong, others dared to be angry but did not dare to speak out.

Now that the Xuanmen has been destroyed, it can be said that it is very pleasing.

Most of the things in the Xuanmen were also divided by the monks in the north and removed.

"Under Luming, thank you, Pavilion Master Hua, for the grace of Qinglong Supreme's salvation. Please accept Luming's worship."

(End of this chapter)

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