Chapter 865

"In the next afterglow, I would like to thank Pavilion Master Hua, Qinglong Supreme for rescuing, otherwise we are afraid that we will all be slaves to the Xuanmen in this life, for its use, endangering the world and unable to extricate ourselves, please accept my worship."

"Under Ouyang Qianqiu, thank you two for your kindness of saving each other. If you are of any use in the future, you only need to say one word."

"In the future, I would like to thank you two for your great kindness. If you need it in the future, it will be your duty."

The four Supreme Realm powerhouses previously controlled by Xuanmen stepped forward to thank them.They are all people born in the North, three of them are the kings or ancestors of the three major forces in the North, and the other is a famous ranger in the North.

In fact, in addition to them, there is also a supreme being from this northern region, but she is a daughter, and she left Xuanmen as soon as she woke up.

Although she woke up and didn't remember what happened during the time she was under control, she knew very well that she had been defiled.

And the person who defiled her was Ge Yunlong.Because after she was granted control, she became one of Ge Yunlong's wives and let him pick.

"You don't need to be too polite. In fact, it's not us who saved you, but someone else."

Hua Yunlong said with a smile.He didn't intend to take the credit, because the biggest credit this time was Ling Yun, if there was no Ling Yun who invited the Demon Dragon Clan, if there was no Ling Yun's antidote.

With his Yunlong transformation, he couldn't do this at all.


"Could it be the head of the curtain alliance?"


Lu Ming and the others glanced at Hua Yunlong, and then looked around.In their hearts, apart from Hua Yunlong, the only one who can have this ability to compete with the Taoist sect and save them is the No. 1 Mu Qianshan in Dongzhou Continent.

"His name is Lingyun, and our Demon Dragon Clan was also invited by him..."

Qinglong Supreme said.

"Uh, Lingyun, why haven't we heard of this person."

"Yes! Who is Lingyun!"

Lu Ming and the others were stunned for a moment. In their memory, they could never have imagined that there was a person named Lingyun in Dongzhou Continent.


Heavenly Empire

Taking advantage of Lingyun's attack on Xuanmen, the Tianluo Empire launched a large-scale attack on Fengjiemeng. As a result, they fell into the ambush of Fengjiemeng, causing heavy casualties.

One of the five princes also died, and the one who killed one of the five princes was Xia Xueyi, the ancestor of Xia Xingmen, and the other four princes were also injured.Even Tai Yuwei and Guan Zhongyue were injured by Mu Qianshan and Wang Gen.

Therefore, it is said that the Tianluo Empire's success is close to success, but it is not regarded as losing the wife and losing the army, because they successfully rescued Yu Tianxiao.

Of course, the secret guard was ambushed by a dark building, but it also suffered heavy casualties.

"Damn, Fengjiemeng did not send troops to attack Xuanmen."

Emperor Tianluo was furious and made a mistake.The strength of Fengjiemeng has always been not much worse than their Tianluo Empire. They originally thought that Fengjiemeng sent troops to attack Xuanmen, and they could take advantage of it.

Unexpectedly, they dug a big hole for them to jump in.

"Dijun, this time we lost three armies, and several other armies were also damaged, with a total of more than 11 people. The most important thing is the Supreme Battalion, [-] people died. And Nanwang also died in battle."

Tan Li said with a frown.The attack on Fengjiemeng this time was too great a loss for them.Fengjiemeng is not easy to mess with, and Mu Qianshan is not easy to mess with.

With the power of one person, he beheaded the five supreme battalions of their Tianluo Empire, and it took less than a stick of incense before and after.Of course, the Supreme Realm of the Tianluo Empire belongs to the Supreme Being forcibly promoted. Except for the Supreme Palace Master, the rest of the people are only the first level of the Supreme.

In order to attack the Fengjie League, they sent out [-] people, but [-] people died.

"Subordinate incompetence"

Guan Zhongyue stepped forward and said sullenly.At that time, he saw that Mu Qianshan did not go to Xuanmen, so he immediately stopped Mu Qianshan. Who would have thought that he was not Mu Qianshan's opponent at all.

In this scene, when Qianshan fought against him, he was completely wandering around the courtyard and killed five Supremes of the Supreme Battalion.

"Mr. Guan doesn't dare to blame himself. I don't blame you for this. I didn't expect Mu Qianshan to be so cunning, and he didn't go to attack Xuanmen."

Emperor Tianluo took a deep breath and said.Mu Qianshan, No. 1 in the Dongzhou Continent, is not for nothing. It is not uncommon for Guan Zhongyue to lose in his hands.

If Mu Qianshan did not have such strength, Fengjiemeng would not be able to stand against their Tianluo Empire and Xuanmen for many years.

"No, Emperor. Reported by spies. Those who did attack Xuanmen."

Yin Guang said.

"Besides Mu Qianshan, who else has the ability to dare to provoke Xuanmen, Hua Yunlong?"

Mu Qianshan did not go to Xuanmen, and Emperor Tianluo thought that the rumor that someone was going to attack Xuanmen was false.Because he knew that the profound background of Xuanmen was very strong.

The realm behind Xuanmen, Xuanmen, is not as good as Tianluo Empire's Tianxia Peak in the realm, but in the Dongzhou continent of Doujie, Xuanmen's operation has been unfathomable for many years.

Even if their Tianluo Empire would go all out to deal with Xuanmen, it would also hurt their vitality.

The Fengjie League side has always been headed by Mu Qianshan, and without Mu Qianshan, how can other forces fight against Xuanmen?

"According to reliable information, the person to be dealt with is named Ling Yun. It seems that they are brothers and sisters with Hua Yunlong, and they are called 'third master' by the people of Fengjiemeng. Moreover, he is also the father-in-law of Jin Duobao, the owner of Tianji. This time it is him Together with the Tianji Building, Tianya Wanghai Pavilion and the Demon Dragon Clan attack the Xuanmen. This minister suspects that he is the one who is behind the scenes."

Yin Guang said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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