extreme dog days

Chapter 911 True Surrender

Chapter 911 True Surrender

As long as the King of the Mountain is scared away, then he will have a chance to escape, who knows!


"My grass and mud horse, stop fighting! Help!"

The King of Storm Mountain also became violent, and the King of Dogs immediately confessed.If both sides go berserk, you're dead.

"How can I not fight? I'm still waiting to eat dog meat hot pot?"

Ling Yun said with a smile.

"Ah! You, you, you are too cruel."

The Dog Emperor pointed at Ling Yun and said tremblingly.He is a Demon Venerable, and it is too cruel to stew him.

"The Dog Emperor, submit to me, or I can only stew you. Take your magic core and let my Rouer break through."

"Ah! I, I surrender."

"No, you don't agree, Baoshan, beat him again."


"I do, I am very satisfied."

"Don't take it. As a dog, you must have a backbone."

"Your uncle, why do you have no backbone."

The dog emperor cursed loudly.Bone ass!

"Who said that, I'm very strong. At that time, I held it for a long time, and I broke a dozen bones."


What level of defense did the King of the Mountains have, and how miserable it was that his bones were broken more than a dozen times.At this moment, the look of the Emperor Dog looking at Ling Yun was full of fear.

"Master, I'm done. You can let me do anything."

The dog emperor knelt down.At least seven or eight of his bones were broken, and he knew the pain among them. If he continued to beat him, he might really be stewed.

"Boss, you can't promise him so quickly. Hit me for a while, isn't my anger gone?"

The King of Storm Mountain said hurriedly.

Yesterday, he lost his temper in the hallucination formation, and he almost killed him with the gossip Xuanguang formation. He was not reconciled even before he beat the dog emperor to the ground.

But the King of Storm Mountain imagined that he would beat the dog emperor as hard as Ling Yun beat him before?

"Okay, he will be disobedient in the future, so you have a chance. When the time comes to stew him, if you want to eat that place, let you choose first."

"Boss, that's what you said. I want the whip on his side."

"Bangshan, you bastard, you actually care about me, shameless and indecent."

When the Emperor Dog heard the sound of the storm, he felt a chill.

"You are shameless, you are nasty, and your whole family is nasty."

The King of Storm Mountain cursed.The two stopped fighting now and started scolding directly.

"Wang, who is our next target?"

Hu Rou looked very happy when she saw that the dog emperor had succeeded, so she looked at Ling Yun and asked.The King of the Mountain and the King of Dogs also looked at him. They knew that Ling Yun was now the Great Demon God of their Earth Clan.

It's just that the only way to get the approval of all the Earth Race Demon Venerables is to defeat them and defeat them all, just like dealing with the Dog Emperor and the Storm King.

"Earth Clan takes office as the Great Demon God, the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf"

The reason why the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf has great prestige among the Earth Clan is precisely because he was the Great Demon God of the Earth Clan who was named by the Lord of the Demon Temple. At that time, almost all the Earth Clan Demon Venerables surrendered to him. .

"Three-eyed Demon Venerable, isn't his old man already dead?"

The King of Storm Mountain said.Six thousand years ago, the King of Storm Mountain was not a Demon Venerable yet, but among the Earth Clan, the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf was one of the few people he admired and admired.It's just that as far as he knows, after the sovereignty of the Demon Temple was taken by the Heavenly Clan, the Great Demon God of the Earth Clan in the Demon Temple and the two guardians on the left and right were all killed in battle.

In that battle, a total of five Earth Clan Demon Lords died, and the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf, as the Great Demon God of the Earth Clan at that time, was naturally counted among them.

"No, it's possible he's still alive. Just don't know where he's being held."

Hurou said.

"Beauty, how do you know?"

"I'm going, you even dare to molest your sister-in-law and court death."

"Your mother, you are clearly looking for an opportunity to hit me, and I will fight with you."

The King of Dogs and the King of Storm Mountain fought again.These two guys are now enemies. What if one male and one female would meet each other?


Yin Yang Soul Slash

Ling Yun opened his soul eyes and directly performed Yin Yang Soul Slash. If these two guys hadn't taught them a lesson, they would not have settled down.


"Wow! Soul Attack, boss spare your life!"

The King of Storm Mountain is really full now.If Ling Yun had used this trick before, he would have slapped him.His defense is his greatest pride, but no matter how he defends, he can't prevent Soul Attack.

Heaven and Earth want to fight against soul attack, unless there is a special technique, or a powerful soul.Otherwise, if you encounter a soul attack, you can only admit it.

"The boss is mighty. I'll give you **."

The dog emperor is also a shivering existence.When encountering a Demon Venerable of the same rank, and the opponent also has Soul Attack, the only way is to run as far as he can.

Although the soul attack technique is powerful, its attack range is smaller than that of ordinary soul skills.

"Enough, Dog King, I'll give you a mission to help me find the place where the three-eyed demon wolf is held. Can you do it?"

Ling Yun asked.

"Boss, are you trying to get along with the Celestial Clan?"

the dog king asked.Even if the three-eyed demon wolf didn't die, it must have been imprisoned by the demon master.Looking for him, isn't that just trying to get him out?Rescue the three-eyed devil wolf, doesn't it mean to be the enemy of the devil temple.

"What do you think? Are the Earth Clan willing to rule for the Heaven Clan?"

Ling Yun asked back.


The Dog Emperor and the Storm King all looked at Ling Yun unexpectedly.They never thought that Ling Yun would become an enemy of the Demon Temple. After all, Ling Yun, the Great Demon God of the Earth Clan, was enshrined by the Demon Lord.

(End of this chapter)

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