extreme dog days

Chapter 912 The Demon Rat Attacks

Chapter 912 The Demon Rat Attacks

"Actually, the Demon Temple, whether it is a Celestial Clan or an Earth Clan, belongs to the Demon Clan. But if the Celestial Empire of the Human Race colludes with each other, or even submits to the Heavenly Luo Empire, this violates the purpose of the Demon Temple. . Let the demons be used by the Tianluo Empire, so our land people must regain their sovereignty."

Previously, it was the suppression of strength. Even if the King of the Mountain and the King of Dogs were really convinced, their hearts would be twisted.When it comes to life and death, they will abandon it at any time.But knowing it with reason and moving with emotion is different.

This can make them willing to sacrifice their lives.

"But the Celestial Clan is already strong now, and with the Celestial Luo Empire, even if we unite the Earth Clan, I'm afraid we won't be able to defeat it."

Although the King of Storm Mountain was not the Demon Temple of Zhili, he also obeyed the Demon Temple, so he was very clear about the collusion between the Demon Temple and the Tianluo Empire.At the same time, I also know how strong the Celestial Clan is at the moment.

With the current strength of their Earth Clan, it is really difficult to overthrow the Celestial Clan. If the Tianluo Empire is added, I am afraid that the tragedy of the year will be repeated.

"I agree with what Baoshan said. The Tianluo Empire is very powerful. I'm afraid that even if we join forces with the Earth Clan and the Celestial Clan, we may not be able to compete with it."

The dog emperor also followed.

"I'm afraid! Are you willing to be oppressed by the Celestial Clan and used by the Celestial Luo Empire?"

Ling Yun said with a sneer.Earth Race Demon Venerable is not so cowardly, right?

"Fight, boss. I'm messing with you."

"Me too"

The King of Dogs made a statement, and the King of Storm Mountain followed suit.It is much easier to find the whereabouts of the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf when there is a canine emperor.

However, at this time, the Demon Clan entered the Linghu area wantonly, and they were digging three feet to find the location of the Qingqiu Mountains. Therefore, at present, the Demon Fox Clan often has demon foxes entering and leaving the Qingqiu Mountains, so the Demon Clan successfully discovered the Qingqiu Mountains. The location of the hills.

The Demon Rat King Oil Rat ordered the Demon Rat tribe to attack the Qingqiu Mountains. Although the Qingqiu Mountains were guarded by a natural magic formation, there were too many Demon Rat tribes.Although the Demon Clan is not the strongest among the Demon Clan, it is the most numerous.

The Demon Rat King, the Oil Rat, has a lot of ambition. He learned that the Demon Fox Clan King was canonized as the Great Demon God of the Earth Clan, so he wanted to kill him to replace him.As long as he can kill Ling Yun, then he can take his place.

This is also one of the laws of survival of the demons.

"Not good, venerable lord, the Demon Rat has entered the Qingqiu Mountains and is destroying the terrain of the Qingqiu Mountains."

A Demon Fox Venerable came to report to Hu Mei'er that Ling Yun and Hu Rou were not here now.Naturally, Hu Meier, the lord of the Demon Fox Clan, had to preside over the overall situation.

"The Demon Rat Race is too abominable. If the terrain of the Qingqiu Mountains is destroyed, the natural illusion formation will cease to exist, and our Demon Fox will lose the natural hiding place of Qingqiu. Your lord, what should we do? manage."

Another Venerable Demon Fox looked at Hu Mei'er anxiously.

"Kill, send all the magic foxes above the seventh rank into the magic formation, and do everything to prevent the magic mouse from destroying the mountain terrain."

Hu Meier made a decisive decision.The terrain of the Qingqiu Mountains must not be missed.

At present, the Demon Mouse Clan has just entered the Qingqiu Mountains, and it will take at least three or five days for them to completely destroy the terrain of the Qingqiu Mountains. Natural illusion.



The three Demon Fox Venerables responded at the same time, let out a fox cry, and led the Demon Fox above the seventh rank into the Qingqiu Mountains Illusory Formation to defend against the enemy.Now that the magic formation is still there, the Demon Fox Clan can use the magic formation for cover.

Sneak attack, attack and kill the Demon Rat.

"Lord Oil King, the Demon Fox Clan is dispatched. They want to stop us from destroying the mountains."

Venerable Demon Rat came to the oil rat and said respectfully.

"Haha, naive. Just the number of Demon Fox Clan can stop our Demon Mouse Clan from moving the mountain? Send the order down... and then transfer the three major branches of Demon Mouse into the Qingqiu Mountains."

The oil rat said with a sneer.The number of their demon rats is very terrifying. The number of demon rats in one branch can move a mountain ten miles in half a day.

And their Demon Rat Clan has a total of twelve branches. At present, only three branches have been dispatched, and then the three branches have been adjusted, and the number has doubled directly.Outside the Qingqiu Mountains, it can be seen that they are all demon rats.

A large number of demon rats entered the Qingqiu Mountains. If this number were evenly distributed, it would be possible to fill the Qingqiu Mountains. The number of demon foxes was very limited. Although their bloodlines were high, the increase of the race had not been fast.

At present, there are less than [-] demon foxes above the seventh rank and below the tenth rank, and the number of any branch of the demon rat clan is more than them.Even through the natural illusion, it won't work.


The little purple python turned into a huge purple electric mysterious dragon. Now that he has reached the twelfth order, he can directly release the purple electric energy.

Opening his mouth directly swallowed the devil mouse.With a flick of the dragon's tail, he saw demon mice flying all over the Qingqiu Mountains, and those who landed were not fatally injured because they were all hit by purple electricity.

Even if the ninth-order devil mouse has a trace of lightning attributes, it is impossible to survive being hit by the dragon's tail on the front, and even shattered to pieces.

"what's the situation"

The oil rat was startled when he saw the flying squirrels all over the sky.

"Lord Oil King is not good. There is a big incident in the Qingqiu Mountains. I don't know what is constantly knocking my clan out, and it has the power of purple lightning. The ninth-order devil mouse has never survived."

Several devil mice ran over and said.

(End of this chapter)

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